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Αnonymous No. 16175555

How do you use the percentage button on literally any calculator? It never does anything in person or on my computer. AI advice:

What does the % button do on a calculator? How do you use it? Example?

The % button on a calculator is typically used to calculate a percentage of a given number. Here's how it works:

Enter the number you want to calculate the percentage for.
Press the % button.
Enter the percentage you want to calculate (e.g., 25%).
Press the equals button (=) to calculate the result.

For example, let's say you want to calculate 25% of $100.

Enter 100 on your calculator.
Press the % button.
Enter 25.
Press the equals button (=).

The result will be:

100 × 0.25 = 25

So, 25% of $100 is $25.

You can also use the % button to find a percentage of a given number by using the following formula:

(number) × (percentage/100) = result

For example, if you want to find 15% of $200, you can use the following formula:

200 × (15/100) = 30

This would give you the same result as calculating 15% of $200 using the % button on your calculator.


The example given doesn't work. It behaves inconsistently. In one window, the % sign invariably turns any input into a zero. In another window,
Hitting 12 and "%" gets me 9.6, so in trying to find out what 12% of 100 is, I type "12" "%" "100" and the output is "100-20=80"

What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 16175647

What's the point of this other than to rant about a problem 10 year olds face?

Αnonymous No. 16175688

Well the problem is resolved by ignoring the percentage button, but this still begs the obvious question.

bodhi No. 16175739

100 x 50% = 50


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Αnonymous No. 16175747

>100 x 50% = 50
Try reading the thread before you post, name friend.

At no point in the OP post do I mention wanting to know 50% of anything, and in any case, the issue here isn't that I'm too stupid to do the basic multiplying by 0.XX to find what XX % of something is.

The issue is that I have no idea what the percentage BUTTON does. I know how to calculate percentages, since that's easy enough for most second graders. I'm wondering about the BUTTON.

I'm putting that word in capitals, so its easier for you to read. Let me know if that helps. :)

The word is "BUTTON" in the context of the "percentage BUTTON."

That's the thing I don't understand, and have enclosed two videos demonstrating inconsistent behavior.

If it's too much trouble to scroll up, I'll copy-paste it here for you.

I type alot of the same stuff in both of those short videos (less than a minute each) and yet I get wildly different results, which you're not supposed to get in math.

Anonymous No. 16175941

I also never understood how to use the % button. I'd rather type:
× 0.25 to take the 25%
× 1.25 to add 25%
× 0.75 to remove 25%
÷ 0.25 to un-take the 25%
÷ 1.25 to un-add 25%
÷ 0.75 to un-remove 25%
and so on. In fact, I challenge anybody to do all of the above with the % button, especially the ÷ variants.

Anonymous No. 16175973

Isn't that the Modulus function?

e.g. 3 mod 2 is 1.

Anonymous No. 16175979

just tested it, nope it's just retarded.

Anonymous No. 16176022

So 4%is just 0.04

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Anonymous No. 16176038

KEK. OP is in a field where your calculators have meme percentage buttons.

Anonymous No. 16176071

Do you have any concept about how the world works? Like how things emerged.
Like, why do programming languages use % for modulus? Because % is the modulus sign? No, because % is on a keyboard, you retard.

Now consider calculators. Why do they use certain symbols? Just because the symbols happen to lie around on the keyboards? No, you retard.

Anonynous No. 16176513

Geez louise settle down.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16176614

The percentage button does exactly what you think it does. It dividen by one hundred.

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Anonymous No. 16176617

The percentage button does exactly what you think it does. It divides by one hundred.

Anonymous No. 16176715

How the FUCK do the MEM buttons work?

Anonymous No. 16176748

Zoomers can't use Google to search information. BIG LOL, RETARDS

Αnonymous No. 16177228

Which episode was this?

Anonymous No. 16177472

What about the STAT button