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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175703

>first there was nothing, absolutely nothing whatsoever
>and then this nothing just exploded and formed the entire universe
Do you really believe this?

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Anonymous No. 16175713

Something and nothing. Before and after. They go together. It sounds terribly simple. Black and white. You see, you can't have one without the other. Afterall, niggers always find a way.

Anonymous No. 16175716

No one claims there was nothing before the big bang.

bodhi No. 16175727


Anonymous No. 16175740

>New age mumbo jumbo schizobabble thread
Into the trash it goes

bodhi No. 16175743

oh no the double digit IQ NPD psycho doesnt want to participate in the thread! anyway, fuck off now retard

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Anonymous No. 16175745

>the question of how the universe came to be is shizobabble

Anonymous No. 16175749

Shouldn’t you be working on your paper on the consciousness field?

Anonymous No. 16175756

So there was always something?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16175762

"Trying to define consciousness is like trying to touch the tip of your peepee with the same tip of that peepee."

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Anonymous No. 16175768

"Trying to define consciousness is like trying to touch the tip of your peepee with the same tip of that peepee."

Anonymous No. 16175796

no and neither do cosmologists, we just don't know what there was

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Anonymous No. 16175800

if we assume causality was always present in the cosmos, yes, some other events must have preceded the big bang, but, again, that's where all our math and evidence comes a sudden halt. From there backwards, it's all hypotheses.

Anonymous No. 16175815

I certainly wouldn't believe anything a stoner has to say. The question is too profound to have any clear answer that is 100% correct.

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Anonymous No. 16175836

What's more profound than being high?

Anonymous No. 16175843

no I believe an god created the entirety of the universe and spoke to the ear of a man around two thousand years ago and told him he must never under any circumstance eat pork or else be doomed for an eternity of torture

Anonymous No. 16175869
