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Anonymous No. 16175710

Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?

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Cult of Passion No. 16175718

Emergent projections of fundemental reality?

Seems rather rudimentary if I do say do myself.

Cult of Passion No. 16175723

>Wolfgang Smith
Not too often I the positive version of this face : C

Anonymous No. 16175724

I hate everything about that pajeet channel, that and the German dike are the worst.

Anonymous No. 16175731

OP faggot that's clearly a discussion about metaphysics not science.

Anonymous No. 16175744

This is not science, it's pseudointellectual YudTube midwitism.

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Cult of Passion No. 16175746

Nuh uh, General Relativity, Standard Model and "Dark Physics".

Guess which symbol represents my crotch most? Exactly, a mystery

Anonymous No. 16175758

Hey OP. ”Sch1z0” is a keyword a certain chatbot scans for on this board. Sorry your thread to get derailed.

bodhi No. 16175760

your problem is you are stupid so when anyone talks about things that arent in your undergrad textbook you are incapable of processing it

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Anonymous No. 16176169

I've read enough here.

Anonymous No. 16176507

because, just like schizos, science is increasingly separated from reality.

Anonymous No. 16177577

TMST, most people in the the soiences are mentally ill and their notoriously poor performances in all other aspects of life proves it

MerLynn No. 16177587

>Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?

Because its all lies.

for real science truth go here...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16178085

also they have to go along with the globohomo narrative of their careers end.
and since they have no legitimately useful skills or abilities they can't secure a real job outside of scyence

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Anonymous No. 16178996


Anonymous No. 16179027


Anonymous No. 16179031

That channel is maybe 1/3 science, the rest is pseudo-philosophic rambles.
Curt makes a big virtue of being "open-minded" and not asking critical questions, so it's become the perfect gathering place for all kinds of crackpots and esoteric bullshitters.

Anonymous No. 16179053

we're reaching the end of science, and lack the language to describe the new perception

Anonymous No. 16179057

Because you're a communist (aka materialist)

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Anonymous No. 16179063

Why are you watching retarded talkshow slop that is specifically designed to elicit a reaction and get clicks from braindead morons?
Like, pick up a book, nigga.

Anonymous No. 16179171

What this guy said , don't trust everything on the internet , ain't that rule no.1?

Anonymous No. 16180247

why are >muh books supposedly so much more trustworthy?
is it impossible to publish lies in book form but not on the internet or something?

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Anonymous No. 16181071

>Stop calling my soiyence dogma into question, goy!!!
>Thats heresy!!!

Anonymous No. 16181080

scientists are not omniscient; you should always ask them to show which experiments validated their hypothesis and what their error margin was in their data. you wouldn't take a medical doctor's views on politics more seriously because they are a doctor. you wouldn't trust a postman to know much about welding. likewise a "scientist" is just a nothing word, scientist in what, publish what results, working with grant money for what particular investigation etc.

historically speaking scientists do not make particularly good mathematicians or philosophers, because all of those subfields became highly specialized during the industrial revolution. scientists are pretty good at inventing drugs, weapons, genetic modification, doing big statistical models. setting public policy or discussing religion? ehhh, stay in your lane maybe.

Anonymous No. 16181083

indians feel culturally inferior because they have made no significant contribution to the corpus, so they need to rope in their idiotic religious theories into the standard model and theoretical implications of quantum models scaling up to macro effects, which has not been observed. it's a conscious effort to poison the well with nonsense, eg. see the joe rogan experience podcast's latest guest - usual hucksters that stay around silicon valley hoovering up idiot money.

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Anonymous No. 16181334

I saw sabine's recent vlog about that micotubule study earlier. She's got no idea what she's talking about, but at least she partially admits to it kek

Anonymous No. 16181336

Ffs it's still early

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Anonymous No. 16181358

God pajeets are an embarrassment

Anonymous No. 16181394

Real science is really hard.
And people have to eat.
So after decades of failures frustrated scientists start peddling pseudophilosophical bullshit to the masses to earn a living.
Some of them may even believe their own bs - contrary to the popular belief, old people are dumb - you may have more experience and knowledge collected through your life, but regardless - your brain and mental capacity degrades over time.

Anonymous No. 16181400

Metaphysics is just theoretical physics.

Anonymous No. 16181410

Which your picrel is not.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16182187

science strongly appeals to the mentally ill, particularly to narcissistic know-it-all types

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Anonymous No. 16182221

They must in order to survive. It was bad enough when it was just publish or perish, but schizos are calling long shots. The sciences only defense mechanism is to say a little bit of everything so they have their own schizo army and correct predictions.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16183406

good pic

Anonymous No. 16183724

If you can't beat em join em.

Anonymous No. 16183779

If you never figured out the trisection of the universe/reality into 1. actual matter 2. math 3. consciousness, qualia, you seriously are just not that bright.
This separation follows evidently. Like, from everything. Are you gonna say math isn't really a thing? Or your experience reading this post?

captcha: r8VAXk
The Captcha is egging me to take the science juice.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16185032


Anonymous No. 16185886

if they're so dumb, why can't you outwit them?

Anonymous No. 16187104

Schizos love soience, the soience meme is what powers the schizos' grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority as as well as many of their other out of touch with reality ideas

Anonymous No. 16187410


Anonymous No. 16187427

>Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
Because people are starting to realize the scope of what science tells us is very limited and that we actually know nothing. And they are trying to make sense of the world.

Anonymous No. 16188116

>German guy says platonism and the vedas disprove relativity
Uh oh

Anonymous No. 16188260

Because the truth is stranger than fiction. One of the only true aphorisms.

Anonymous No. 16188309

Because otherwise zoomers wouldn't even listen to them. They are in competition with things like tiktok for attention. Everything must be exciting and groundbreaking.

Anonymous No. 16188323

Cosmology has always attracted quacks. Cosmology had promising beginnings, but it has descended into this crackpot theorycrafting and competing for mainstream media attention.

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Anonymous No. 16189006

Ever since the false meme that scientists were smart was popularized, science started attracting more and more mentally ill narcissists with grandiose delusions of superior intelligence. These people invariably cannot do anything of legitimate merit in the sciences and they're too full of themselves to admit their inability so they resort to longwinded bullshitting and pilpul to explain themselves and they end up inventing ridiculous ideas like dark matter and other schizo coping mechanisms in the process of their pomposity.
Science was way, way better off when the meme was that scientists are retarded nerd losers, not only because that was true, but also because it repulsed the overly image conscious schizos that are such a massive drag on the scientific process today

Anonymous No. 16189020

Because most (scientific) books aren't written like shitty clickbait articles for 60iq tards

Anonymous No. 16189024

Scientific books are checked by an editor and usually peer-reviewed. And they systematically provide citations to the original studies.

Anonymous No. 16189787

>muh infallible sacred texts

Anonymous No. 16190688

No they aren't.

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Anonymous No. 16190773

science is inherently schizo, they want science to become nu-christianity a monolithic faith structure with your science popes and science bishops, fuckouttahere

Anonymous No. 16190971

Did anyone here even watch the video? The guy isn't a scientist he's some weird platonic idealist guy talking about the vedas. It has nothing to do with science

Anonymous No. 16190973

Show how OP and all the others are faggots who can not tell apart science and mysticism.

Anonymous No. 16192115

this. nerds need to shown in no uncertain terms what losers they are, coddling them leads to undesirable outcomes

Anonymous No. 16193336

>scientists are pretty good at inventing drugs
no they aren't
most of what they invent is garbage
something like penicillin is an incredible rarity

Anonymous No. 16193754

Everyone remembers penicillin because they bend over backwards to try and sweep things like thalidomide under the rug

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Anonymous No. 16193941

Anonymous No. 16194323

No, because you can't talk about Rule 1.

Anonymous No. 16195455

How come children with delusions of intellectual superiority can never answer this one simple question?

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Anonymous No. 16195770

> Wolfgang Smith (born February 18, 1930, in Vienna, Austria) is a mathematician, physicist, philosopher of science, metaphysician, Roman Catholic and member of the Traditionalist School. He has written extensively in the field of differential geometry, as a critic of scientism and as a proponent of a new interpretation of quantum mechanics that draws heavily from premodern ontology and realism.
Holy B A S E D. This guy is much more patrician than you retards are giving him credit for based purely on his Wikipedia article.

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Anonymous No. 16196603


Anonymous No. 16197022

how many cars have been on that cobblestone?

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Anonymous No. 16197064

I don't get it. Is this supposed to be a diss on libertarianism?

Anonymous No. 16197069

It always has been. Materialists and determinists are even more schizophrenic than Platonists and pan-psychists.

Determinists are so hooked on industrial they have to reinvent "spooky action at a distance" for even macrophysical phenomena to handle that their model is completely incoherent.

Anonymous No. 16197088

rare braindead boomer post on sci

Anonymous No. 16198295

scientists used to be able to communicate their ideas in plain english until about 1900 or so. they were able to do that because they were honest back then, they intentionally obfuscate their language these days because they're trying to hide what liars they are behind a wall of pompous word salad

Anonymous No. 16198362

Science is basically this:
>Try to create a narrative and story that can be used to subverting human thought.
>But pretend it is all just a mathematical model when people question it because math takes time to parse.

The thing is these things contradict each other. Stories are not rules by math they are ruled by archetypes and human experience. Those things are not subservient to math if anything it is the other way around.

Anonymous No. 16198364

It does show the limits of science tho. Tech has not improved much since the 60s besides computers. Science can't maintain supremacy without producing tangible results. It will become just a nerd thing again. It's a losing path.

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Anonymous No. 16198440

Show more pages of your grimoir.
It looks interesting.

Anonymous No. 16198470

the cobblestone is good. it's just a different design philosophy.
pavement roads are like drywall: it's quick, it's disposable, you can tear those fuckers up and down and rebuilding them is even faster. they won't last two thousand years like a castle but society thinks in terms of quarterly profit now

Anonymous No. 16198494

Correction: schizo talk sounds like schizo talk

Anonymous No. 16198503

Schizo babble on.

Anonymous No. 16198555

Because you're essentially labeled as "anti-science" if you try to call out the schizo babble. It's just the academic version of "racist". It's a slur created to keep you quiet without addressing your argument. Science and academia at large have always had big egos, but it did produce clear and practical benefits. Now the new-aged "theoretical physicist" stands on the shoulders of giants, and when he claims that 37.5 dimensions are folding into themselves to create strings by way of simulation-created dark matter it "looks" like legitimate science because it has spawned out of formerly reputable institutions. The useful idiots conflate the IDEA of beneficial science with "what scientists are actually doing". It has basically become dogmatic. It goes something like:

>Scientist with academic prestige creates schizo theory
>He invents a bunch of shit to make it work (new fundamental forces, completely fictional mathematics, etc.)
>Proceeds to share theory that basically invokes shit that is nothing short of magic
>Magical properties make it unfalsifiable
>You: "Actually, this sounds like horse shit"
>Midwit: "Uhhh actually you don't have the credentials to say that. Don't you know that SCIENCE has brought you the very computer that you are writing your comment on??"
>The midwit then proceeds to confuse ego for humility as he concedes he doesn't really understand the experts, but he can use the appeal to authority as a bludgeon to keep you quiet to inflate his own sense of intelligence

It's the exact same path that religious institutions took. It started off with practical benefits and structure, and then devolved into pure retard drivel as central authorities took power, and the low IQ NPC's couldn't determine the difference between the purpose of religion, and the actual practices of the people within the religious institutions. The irony of course is that many of the Science™ lovers are atheists who rejected religion for exactly the same reason.

Anonymous No. 16199485

They use their schizo baby talk because they don't have anything worth communicating. If they had something they were proud of then they would be suddenly be able to communicate normal, but since they're ashamed of what they do for a living they hide behind a wall of schizo baby talk

Anonymous No. 16200113

This, if you look at scientific publications from the era when science was actually doing something useful they're written in a way that anyone can read them. The modern era where they've turned into a wall of pomposity only came about because they're trying to hide the fact that there is nothing substantive thats being produced.
Its like the old Catholic Church where they used Latin to make sure that the lay people wouldn't be able to understand what was really going on

Anonymous No. 16200120

Science's current trajectory towards increasingly complex and abstract terminologies can be attributed to the inherent intricacies of modern theoretical frameworks. As we delve deeper into the subatomic realms and quantum complexities, the language naturally evolves to accommodate the multidimensional paradigms that challenge our traditional epistemological boundaries. This linguistic evolution, while perplexing, is a testament to the ever-expanding frontier of human knowledge and understanding.

Anonymous No. 16200137

BTW the source for "Roman roads" is a text on building a villa or house and laying the foundation for the house. The top left image is fallacious.

Anonymous No. 16200272

Thanks to the Jew, science is simply sold to the highest bidder or the best clickbait.

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Anonymous No. 16201358

No it isn't, thats how they built their roads. Information on the topic comes from excavating the Roman roads that are still in use to this day.

Anonymous No. 16202074

If modern roads were built to those standards then politicians couldn't grift massively off the annual repair jobs.

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Anonymous No. 16203043


Anonymous No. 16203810

Nairaland can be an absolute goldmine for content.

Anonymous No. 16205279

Academics are unproductive useless morons and they try to hide that fact behind a wall of jargon and catchphrases. Its the classic "speaking in tongues" routine from religious revivals.

Anonymous No. 16206764

they use unintelligible language to try and disguise that they have nothing useful to communicate

Anonymous No. 16206775

Why can't intelligent people discuss ideas without materialists breaking down in tears? Fragile framework?

Anonymous No. 16206867

I don't watch indian targetted science slop

Anonymous No. 16207687

because you're interacting with youtube clickbait instead of actual science

Anonymous No. 16208028

>it wasn't real science

Anonymous No. 16208407

> beginning

Anonymous No. 16209186

That was in the 1990s and science was already just incoherent useless schizo ramblings back then, just think about how much worse its gotten these days.

Anonymous No. 16209518

>Why is philosophy increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?

Anonymous No. 16209524

They did not last an eternity, lol. Erosion is a bitch.
Also, it is estimated that there were some 120 000 km of roads defined by the Romans. Notice that I said defined, this is because the vast majority of the lengths of roman roads out in the middle of nowhere were only dirt roads. Only around high-traffic areas were they upgraded to paved roads like that.

Anonymous No. 16209531

No anon, I live in continental europe and there are plenty of roman road remains around. Some were demolished, rebuilt over the centuries, and nowadays are paved over and are modern roads, we have the historical accounts and the maps to prove it. Some leftovers are residual and eroded stretches of cobblestone roads nearby population centers, mostly scavenged by locals for stone blocks over the centuries.
If you go to Mérida, Spain, the National Museum of Roman Art there is built on top of a roman road portion, and you walk over it, for example (pic relevant), like I have done so myself, not to mention all the street road pavement around the amphitheater also there for you to visit.

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Anonymous No. 16209534

forgot pic, this is the bit of road you walk over between buldings

Anonymous No. 16210378

nice looking piece of road, would travel on

Anonymous No. 16211079

>pavement roads are like drywall it's quick, it's disposable, you can tear those fuckers up and down and rebuilding them is even faster. they won't last…
thats by design, making crap roads means that an oil industry waste product becomes a paving material they can sell for a massive profit

Anonymous No. 16211422

The limits of science are always insane.

Are people unaware of how batshit crazy all the past scientific greats were?

Anonymous No. 16211434

>Are people unaware of how batshit crazy all the past scientific greats were
They don't want to be aware of it. They don't want the mad science. They don't want the magic.

Anonymous No. 16213256

Houston of all places built concrete roads and they never have to repaid them. Saves the city a fortune in road repair costs, but they spend all the money they save on welfare gibes which is a self perpetuating problem that only gets worse the more you spend on it, so maybe they'd have been better off with asphalt anyway

Anonymous No. 16218551

The do semantics because they can't do real science

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16220385

they have to repair the rubber expansion joints or the roads eventually get undermined by rainwater seepage.

Anonymous No. 16221324

theres no reason we couldn't build roads that way now, we could even have software that would fit the stones together better or cut them to fit

Anonymous No. 16222790

Why can't science be used to do something good like make improved roads instead of being used to make up tall tales about impending doomsday events in order to justify massive theft via taxation?

Anonymous No. 16222810

Pseudo science has always been here, it's just more relevant today because of the internet.

Anonymous No. 16224066

>Pseudo science has always been here
It lives in universities. People who have legitimate knowledge and ability don't spend their lives publishing >muh papers that nobody reads, they do something useful instead. Its only the university posers that devote their lives to larping as professionals by publishing their ridiculous word salad essays and citation circlejerks

Anonymous No. 16225754

Thats just basic macadamization, roads in America were built like that in the 1800s, theres a lot of macadamized roadways these days that have asphalt on top of the stone or brick layer

Anonymous No. 16227277

yeah i see that in the old part of town for a while before they repave the roads or when theres a construction project

Anonymous No. 16228564

I wonder

Anonymous No. 16228565

>why are all these schizo videos sounding more and more like schizo bullshit instead of science
Because you’re starting to wake up.

Anonymous No. 16229732

>Cosmology has always attracted quacks
Cosmology has always exclusively attracted quacks

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Anonymous No. 16229962

Behold the all time king of schizos: claude shannon

He gave voices in the head to rocks

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Anonymous No. 16229965

Cargo Cults are necessary cultural phenomenon to fund real science

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Anonymous No. 16229968

>weird veda plato guy
Yes thats called a poet and a musician and a lover who is using essays instead of appealing things like poetry and music and sex. To poets musicians and shaggers that makes a Mr Meta Mojo

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Anonymous No. 16229975

Every science has a dash of art

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Anonymous No. 16229981

We need quacking in order to simulate ANY belief let alone dissimulate false beliefs. A rigid suspension of disbelief does nobody any good. Pure cynicism is just as blind as pure gullible blind faith.
LARP gets a bad rap here on this website. So does COPE-ING (a gentle and respectable cognitive function to process and asses experience).

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Anonymous No. 16229983

Most learning I ever did was in fantasy

You can err your way to knowledge after all as a silly child

Anonymous No. 16229988

I roleplay as a medieval alchemist all the time pretending I dont know chemistry

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Anonymous No. 16229997

>is on the superhighway of information endlessly
>never has pondered a question for more than a day, not a week, not a month, not a year, not any historical frame
>never consulted a line of questioning that required more than a few words typed into an impersonal page of ranked results

You're going to miss the silly willy schizos when you have the spoiled cynics as company

Anonymous No. 16230002

How many gigabytes are in this rock, pinhead?
Eleventy billion Gods, sar
Peace be upon him

Anonymous No. 16230007


Makes dough though

All the geniuses I know are poor

All the midwits I know are rich bureacrat therapy faggots

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Anonymous No. 16230009

>speaks in parables
Did this schizo really just speak to me in Gr*ek?

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Anonymous No. 16230023

Anonymous No. 16230041

>science started attracting more and more mentally ill narcissists with grandiose delusions
What about you over here, blathering and asserting with confidence? sure you're not projecting your delusions onto a group who's business is none of yours?

Anonymous No. 16230513

Dumb people pretend to be smart.
Smart people pretend to be dumb.

Anonymous No. 16231731

>being triggered by that post

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Anonymous No. 16232968

necessary consequence of it becoming a religion

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Anonymous No. 16234009

The next logical step is to then...
Study religion itself scientifically...
Mitchel Heisman's book is perfect

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Anonymous No. 16234011

The next next step is to become the Science Pope

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Anonymous No. 16234017

Fake it till you make it

Anonymous No. 16234117

Im mexican and I have a cousin who looks exactly like this but he's white

Anonymous No. 16234943

the romans invented universities
universitas is a latin word, and is where we get the word university
so this image is objectively wrong

Anonymous No. 16235232

>proponent of a new interpretation of quantum mechanics that draws heavily from (...) realism.

Anonymous No. 16235349

The emanation is conceived, according to esoteric teachings, to have originated, at the dawn of the universe's manifestation, in The Supreme Being who sent out—from the unmanifested Absolute beyond comprehension—the dynamic force of creative energy, as sound-vibration ("the Word"), into the abyss of space. Alternatively, it states that this dynamic force is being sent forth, through the ages, framing all things that constitute and inhabit the universe.

The primary classical exponent of emanationism was the neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus, who in his Enneads described all things phenomenal and otherwise as an emanation (Greek: ἀπορροή aporrhoe (Ennead ΙΙ.3.2) or ἀπόρροια aporrhoia (II.3.11)) from the One (ἕν, hen). In 5.1.6, emanationism is compared to a diffusion from the One, of which there are three primary hypostases, the One, the Intellect (νοῦς, nous), and the Soul (ψυχή, psyche).

Anonymous No. 16236624

>three planes
That's the three worlds from the kabbalah

Anonymous No. 16237051

>but society thinks in terms of quarterly profit now
Asphalt gives a very smooth and very even surface for cars to go very fast on. Can you imagine doing 90 on a 100 year old cobblestone highway?

Anonymous No. 16237123

I once drove 120 on a 2000 year old roman road just fine. Like most other roman roads in my country that weren't deliberately built over or destroyed, they stood up to time just fine in appearance and functionality

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Cult of Passion No. 16238099

I didnt draw that.

I draw hyperbolic/hyper-dimensional Geometry and then try to reverse engineer its "hyper-shape" in my mind.

I post what you can "understand", not what is knowable.

Wgat I derive the secrets of the universe from would be Simplex, like the Platonic solids, so simple as to be meaningless to you.

The complex, in that used for that, BAIT.

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Cult of Passion No. 16238107

>Its just a number (5) Phi-ve.

It is a Hyper-Spacial arch equally emergemt from all of reality.



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Cult of Passion No. 16238108

Just as e has "Expansion/Divergence" directionality.


Cult of Passion No. 16238110

>That's the three worlds
Three perspectives of the hemispheres of the brain.

They can be "inverted" and produce Satanic people.

Revelation is one of them activating or reorientating, it becomes you seeing a whole new world (VALUES FROM COGNITITIVE PERSPECTIVE).

Developmental Cognition.

Crafting the Man from Marble.

Cult of Passion No. 16238112

>They can be "inverted"
I believe this is largely where "Jewish Physics vs Nazi Physics" comes from.

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Cult of Passion No. 16238115

>Hyper-Spacial arch
Three Dimensions or 3-D Measuring?

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Cult of Passion No. 16238119

Besides...who the fuck are you to be giving differential diagnosis for fields youre going against....

I sure hope you have some ground breaking research...otherwise you {{{Forgot}}} you werent an actual scientist like Kathy Newman did.

Rememeber...when she {{{FORGOT}}} she wasnt a NeuroChemist.

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Cult of Passion No. 16238121

>schizo talk
>dis dont taste like my flavor of scoience

{{{KATHY}}}, STOP.

Anonymous No. 16238154

Quit larping ad a scientist faggot

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Cult of Passion No. 16238157



Cult of Passion No. 16238170

>Emergent projections of fundemental reality?
>That's the three worlds from the kabbalah
Related to Cognition and Psychology via Meta-Physics.



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Cult of Passion No. 16238181

The inmates have taken over your institutions.


Anonymous No. 16238810

bad then they wanted to communicate what they were doing because they were doing honest work and were proud of it. they days all they publish is lies so they're ashamed of what they do, thats why they try to hide what they do by only writing in schizo jargon which can only be deciphered by their fellow criminals and liars

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Cult of Passion No. 16238820

>schizo jargon
He is a Messianic Jew working on Graphene in Israel.

I hope you accept yourself someday.

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Cult of Passion No. 16238822

>schizo jargon


Anonymous No. 16240137

>you can't debunk what i'm saying if you can't understand what i'm saying

Anonymous No. 16242231

The wouldn't intentionally obfuscate what they're saying if they weren't trying to hide something nasty they were ashamed of

Anonymous No. 16243546


Anonymous No. 16243552

How retarded do you have to be to be Jewish and Christian at the same time?

Anonymous No. 16243688

based post

Anonymous No. 16243694

It's been schizotalk for decades, buddy.

You guys just don't want to get rid of the schizotalk you like, for example: the big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution. So it'll just never get better, it'll just wax worse and worse, as it's been doing.

How retarded do you have to be to think the Talmud is the Word of God?

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Anonymous No. 16243698

You're describing the evolutionists to a T, but you probably won't admit evolution is a religion that requires faith to believe in. Very few (practically none) of them are as honest as pic related.

Anonymous No. 16245134

A scientific theory that can't be questioned isn't a scientific theory.

Anonymous No. 16245161

yes? sometimes the it gets figured out what the dark number actually is. see: the cosmological constant

Anonymous No. 16245165

Dude the anti-scientific schizos itt......................... are they really bots?

Anonymous No. 16245170

Or maybe, just maybe, science was smaller and
simpler back then
>I mixed this chemical with extract from this plant and it exploded

>We derived the hamiltonian for a quantum chromodynamical system

Wow I wonder which i can explain in plain english to random chuds!

Anonymous No. 16245177

>>Magical properties make it unfalsifiable
Much of GR and QM has been experimentally verified you're a retard seething you were born too stupid to get it

That's a theoretical physicist trying to explain QM with his own theory which is considered out there by the mainstream

>>>/x/ this has nothing to do with science

Fucking giga schizo. Multiplying a complex num by i is just a 90 deg rotation around the complex plain, there's nothing magical about its rotation. you can do a similar movement with plain 2d vectors in a number of ways

They teach the scientific method in middle, explaining how its a tool for seeking truth. and still, there are retards as stupid as this poster.

In conclusion, there used to be a meme image floating on here that /sci/ was the highest iq board. all i see is /x/ shit and /pol/ shit right now.

Anonymous No. 16245289

capitalists are also materialists
factually corredt term would be "believer of jewish ideology scam"

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Anonymous No. 16245341

Man cannot divorce physics from metaphysics, its been tried numerous times, but it becomes technology without a why, and we become what we behold, a trans-humanism takes hold, and trans means across, it fails to even describe what they are crossing into or even the reason for doing so

How many times have you pulled a smartphone out in your dreams

0? Exactly

Anonymous No. 16245353

>How many times have you pulled a smartphone out in your dreams
How many times have you watched a game of soccer in a stadium in your dreams

0? Exactly

Oldfag No. 16245356

How many times have you watched yourself dream in your dream?

0? Exactly

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Anonymous No. 16245504

And that game was easily a 6 sigma event.

Just saying,
The technologist can master the what
But only the magi/priest can answer both the what and why

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Anonymous No. 16245536

It should be fashionable to simply amuse oneself in the arbitrary experiment, if these post enlightenment ideals held water, the end of science preceding hegels end of art.

Though alas! The miasmic melancholic melaise of modernity, its map without a compass, dante's restless winds of wanton lust. That the atheist philosophers rest a ring above is fitting. A torment within the soul instead of outside

Anonymous No. 16247008

Now thats what I call Pulpil. You can loosely believe in weak evolutionary theories but you cannot dismiss its signifance.

Anonymous No. 16247012

>0? Exactly
More than 0, I've done it a few times. Usually for nothing important, but just to check the dream time which never makes any sense.

Anonymous No. 16247013

Kent? Is that you?

Anonymous No. 16247020

But the physicist can also make shit up.

Anonymous No. 16247080

Francis Bacon, who codified the scientific method, very specifically pointed out that atheism and science were necessarily at odds and that an devotee of on could not also be devoted to the other.

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Anonymous No. 16247687

Because you dont speak Hindi

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Anonymous No. 16247873


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Anonymous No. 16247889

Look, here is a profound trvth few comprehend, but once you do and embody it you get super powers

Man is predisposed to worship

Plain and simple, if its not what the atheist perjoritavely remarkes as sky daddy they virtually all fall into either fertility, money or power worship.

When you see a physicist making it up, 99 percent you see a grift for money, prestige or power

Rarely one finds, save perhaps cosmology, any attempts to conceptualize a super-ego, a prime mover, a raison de etre, a motive for being from outside the realm

That is the domain of the philosopher

Anonymous No. 16247927

Hindi is inadequate as it is tainted by Arab and Persian influence. You need Sanskrit

Anonymous No. 16248952

He wrote a lot about atheism, he was vociferously opposed to it because he knew it leads to the breakdown of morality.

Anonymous No. 16250392

Also because he knew that god is real

Anonymous No. 16251720

They hide their ignorance behind a wall of schizobabble because they don't have any legitimate intelligence to show off, its a symptom of mental illness called glossolalia

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16251808

Glossy Loli AI?! Oh boy! Sign me up!

Anonymous No. 16252234

it sounds more like illiteracy

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Anonymous No. 16252599

wondiefull its at least 1 permutation back

Anonymous No. 16252605

so pitty i didnt met hai this live this young

Anonymous No. 16253097

>A well-credentialed mathematician promotes Neo-Platonism, a pretty popular viewpoint within the philosophy of mathematics
>/sci/ thinks it's schizo talk
Whitehead was right, the conquest of the natural sciences by positivist materialism has left a lot of you spergs unable to comprehend any sort of speculative thought that can't be reduced to a formula in R.

Anonymous No. 16253109

>elevating math to the status of metaphysics is not a schizo move to hide christianity behind atheist' language
Is the invisible logos in the room with you now schizo?

Anonymous No. 16253121

>elevating math to the status of metaphysics is not a schizo move to hide christianity behind atheist' language
It literally isn't, you're a schizophrenic retard. This guy in the OP was outright denying Christianity and talking about the Vedas

Anonymous No. 16254323

I don't trust you

Anonymous No. 16255940

Back in the 1800s scientific papers were written in plain English anyone could understand, then at the start of the 20th century jews got involved in science and now scientists speak in code in order to disguise what they're doing from the public.

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Anonymous No. 16255960

Well to be fair there is more information available to people than it used to be. Thanks to the internet.

And to be fair you can’t let people know everything that’s a security threat anon.

Anonymous No. 16255978

I have a couple of times at least, I wake up in mt dream but turn out I was still dreaming

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Anonymous No. 16256997

>How retarded do you have to be to think the Talmud is the Word of God?
roughly 94 IQ

Anonymous No. 16257807

>scientists speak in code in order to disguise what they're doing from the public.
They wouldn't go to great lengths to hide what they really do if they weren't deeply ashamed of themselves

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Anonymous No. 16259032


Anonymous No. 16260149

Yeah, they catholics intentionally conduct their religious business in a language nobody else speaks anymore because doing so allows them to hide all their dirty little secrets better

Anonymous No. 16260157

We love Sabine here, Queen of /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16261383


I'm okay with Evolution being a religion. Science and religion should exist in harmony, and Evolution (praise be upon it) provides the justifications necessary to advance society.

Anonymous No. 16262303

choose one

Anonymous No. 16262332

I raise you the concept of the scots-irish man in Appalachia.

If he's sober, he literally works 16 hours a day without pause. It drove me crazy. I couldn't live there. All day every day as soon as the sun comes up sometimes before these fuckers are up doing random fucking chores for themselves or their neighbors simply out of boredom and insanity. Drugs and alcohol are the only thing that quells this. It's like they were born to be peasants but I'll be damned a libertarian society would absolutely work with those kinds of folks.

Anonymous No. 16262640

>t. didn't read Plato

Anonymous No. 16262771

I find it interesting how so many refuse to see the parallels between science and magic/religion. Even scientists cannot remove philosophical positions from their assumptions and discussions, despite decrying them constantly. The same way you cannot separate art from science.

Anonymous No. 16262777

Being the best and brightest and most informed in the world is indistinguishable from declaring war on it

Remember Galileo, the man who thought he could read fate in the stars

Anonymous No. 16263013

Galileo was a true wizard. So dangerous was he, that he had to be placed inside an old folks home for the rest of his life.

Anonymous No. 16263333


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Anonymous No. 16264532


Anonymous No. 16265512

he was too busy trying to read the stars and not paying attention to what happens to you if you cross the jesuits

Anonymous No. 16266155


Anonymous No. 16266465

Watch this

Anonymous No. 16267284

>Science and religion should exist in harmony
It did until around 1900 or so when jews involved themselves in science

Anonymous No. 16267371

No, even though fields have grown (thus learning becomes harder), the majority of shit consists of overly complicated trash. What I've learned over years of soientific study, is that I could've done most things in highschool instead of wasting time. And that papers are written like shit + almost purposefuly made to be complex so that people can justify publishing trash.

>>We derived the hamiltonian for a quantum chromodynamical system
Look up the definition of Hamiltonian. Look up the definition of QCD system. There you go, a few minutes of reading and you understand. Repeat for all concepts you don't understand. I guarantee, a few months of doing this, and a highschooler (given they've mastered basic math up to highschool calc) can into most fields.

Anonymous No. 16267427

Way too expensive. Asphalt is cheap and extremely recyclable.

Anonymous No. 16267796

>Its like the old Catholic Church where they used Latin to make sure that the lay people wouldn't be able to understand what was really going on
mate, the og scientists wrote their shit in latin, what the fuck are you doing?

Anonymous No. 16268555

everyone read latin back then

Anonymous No. 16269367

schizo woo woo science of the past is now the standard science of today lool

Anonymous No. 16270664

Galilean Trips of Truth

Anonymous No. 16270773

it always sounds like schizo to people
i can't even begin to take seriously people who unironically believe in evolution or globe earth

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Anonymous No. 16271402

Good hill to die on,
Cant just brainwash a generation into thinking they have a free, open, democratic society and not expect them to uphold their ideals

Bankers make the worst rules because debt shows the worst in human nature

Anonymous No. 16272952

When Jefferson said "the people" what he meant was the voting class, which in his time was limited to white landowners. He never thought that groups of mentally immature idiots such as schoolchildren should be voting. How can someone who is ignorant enough to still be in school also be considered an informed citizen?

Anonymous No. 16273021

Only adults can vote
Besides the 12 year old is better informed abput the state of the world today than in the 1800s. Its only by a gargantuan effort in eroding the morality of the populace to allow them to be addicted to tick tok than reading creature of jekyll island that they arnt

Anonymous No. 16273515

>was the goyslop the Jews keep feeding me always this bad?

Anonymous No. 16273691

>Only adults can vote
anyone over 18 can, and that includes all the overaged, developmentally delayed children that are still in school regardless being physically adults.

Anonymous No. 16275510

This. College kids are not adults. They made the law about 18=adult because they wanted to draft 18 year olds for the Vietnam war, not because 18 year olds are mature.
People who are legitimately adults are productive members of society, they have careers, own homes and raise families, college kids do none of that, thats why they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Anonymous No. 16276784

>being physically adults
whats the definition of that? ability to procreate? how come the voting age isn't 14 if thats the only definition of adulthood?

Anonymous No. 16276962

Because it is

Anonymous No. 16276968

>zion polyhedra
Makes me like being jewish

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haaretz says jews....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16278294


Anonymous No. 16279878

do you like having a nonfunctioning penis, cripplecock?

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Anonymous No. 16280254

"Consciousness" is the biggest midwit shibboleth ever. The guys who won the 2022 Nobel Prize in physics proved that an observer in the quantum mechanical sense doesn't need to be a person, or at all alive for that matter. If humans were to poof out of existence tomorrow, the universe would go on existing as it always has, but some people hold the irrational belief that humans have a special place in the universe because they're too solipsistic to imagine a world where they don't exist (aphantasia and the inability to understand conditional hypotheticals are a symptom of low intelligence btw).

Anonymous No. 16280277

>European scientists build a Shiva statue in front of machine that lets us tear apart the building blocks of the universe to see how things *really* work
It's so crazy how they got away with it. It's like, "Hey, remember when our ancestors conquered India 3,500 years ago? Yeah, they believed in this Shiva guy. Let's put a statue of him in front of the most advanced machine in the world just to flex on the guys who still haven't figured out Roman-era public sanitation."

Anonymous No. 16280354

Information theft and control is indistinguishable from the likes of sorcery and witchcraft. Ignorance. It starts religions.

Ever wonder why wizards are bad in most fictions, or villains? Because they are repugnant, selfish hoarders of arcane information.

It's fucked. I just watched a video of a Mexican lady claiming coca cola cures diabetes, and she got paid for her services by the diabetics.

That fat Mexican bitch also sacrifices chickens to mother Mary and has a full box of coca cola bottles to sell to her diabetic clients.

What. The. Fuck.

You DON'T need mind control powers to mind control people, and this terrifies me. Sorcerers are just charlatans with more presence.

Here's the video, jump to 11:20

Anonymous No. 16280371

>sugar drinks are more abundant than fresh water
Mexico is fucked

Anonymous No. 16280390


Anonymous No. 16280684

>engineers = scientists
dumb fallacies all over the place. modern roads are shit because engineers are told to optimize for $$

Anonymous No. 16280690

amazing bait

Anonymous No. 16280785

>Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
Because that what normies like to watch.

Go and look up a lecture of qauntum chromodynamics and see how many views it has.

People don't want the red pill, they want the blue pill.

Anonymous No. 16281989

its a third world country with an average iq of 80, how could anyone in their right mind not expect it to be a hellhole?

Anonymous No. 16282714

Why are Mexican funerals so fucking funny with the sombreros and music

Anonymous No. 16282924

Science is being used to make good roads you dumb idiot.

Anonymous No. 16283492

Mexicans in general are a silly people.

Anonymous No. 16283600

Bodhi. Famous for being a cock slurping charlatan. Your mom must be proud. No really. She must be. Son following in her footsteps.

Anonymous No. 16283849


Anonymous No. 16283860

>tech has not improved since computers
How insulated from reality are you?

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Anonymous No. 16283922

>ive been told the local shamans use coca cola
Okay here we go
>it has healing powers, you need to drink it
Yup, lol

Ineed though the philosopher must increase tgeir moral fiber with increased knowledge

Anonymous No. 16285618

name some significant improvements

Anonymous No. 16287171

lol scientists are nuts

Anonymous No. 16287236

>I once drove 120 on a 2000 year old roman road
Proof? I can find unlimited footage of thousands of very heavy cars going very fast on asphalt roads. I can't seem to find any footage of fast cars on roman roads.
Also were is your evidence that the people who created these roads were uneducated?

Anonymous No. 16287345

Nice necrobump

Anonymous No. 16287933

Meta physics is still physics, retard.

Anonymous No. 16287991

People fear death nothing else to it.

Anonymous No. 16288000

>This separation follows evidently. Like, from everything. Are you gonna say math isn't really a thing?

Retard alert.

Anonymous No. 16288738

That looks borderline schizophrenic

Anonymous No. 16288793

People don’t fear death they fear not living a satisfactory life. By that point, they no longer care. Imagine getting a terminal illness in your 90s, after banging your wife dozens of times and producing several kids and dozens of grandkids in turn. You won. It’s a blessing to die living accomplished. People fear not having lived. Immortality isn’t even possible with this logic—eventually you WILL be happy and content with what you lived. Sadly most will not ever reach such a zenith.

Anonymous No. 16289346

nice butthurt, faggot

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Cult of Passion No. 16289373

I see no borders at all...

Anonymous No. 16290588

no it isn't. if it was physics it would be called physics.

Anonymous No. 16290596

Shitty clickbait videos designed for shizo boomers aren't science.

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Cult of Passion No. 16290600

Meta-analysis of all possible, not all known, Physics rules. General Relativity doesnt concern itself with Quantum nonsense, thus its Part-Physics, and vice verse.
>The set of possible rules is infinite?
Operating with known knowns, not unknown unknowns in any way, thus it is PART(icle) Physics. Viewing from rhe perspective of "All" and not "Segmented for ease of comprehension and replicability."

Do you want to play a game?

Anonymous No. 16291579


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16292540

>I'm attacking the source because I am incapable of refuting the central point of the argument being made
You can't refute the central point of the argument being made because the central point of the argument being made is correct, thats why you can only resort to attacking the source.
You are as much as admitting that you are wrong

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Anonymous No. 16292632


Anonymous No. 16293489


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dark whites stole....jpg

Anonymous No. 16294423


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Anonymous No. 16295638

thats just the jewish problem rearing it's ugly head yet again, jews have a scientifically proven propensity for being schizo, more so that any other race, so any area of economic activity which includes jews is necessarily going to become more schizo

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Anonymous No. 16295650

book related. if you mess with scientific results you prevent scientific progress

Anonymous No. 16295939

Safe science is stifling science. Not true science.

Why do you think all the past geniuses, the certified 'wizards', were mad as sin?

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Cult of Passion No. 16295966

>Why do you think all the past geniuses, the certified 'wizards', were mad as sin?
Penis envy.

Anonymous No. 16296247


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Anonymous No. 16296924

>muh goyslop
mass media goyslop is designed to appeal to people with IQs of 100 or less because thats the largest share of the population and hence thats where the most book sales are likely to be made.

Anonymous No. 16298449

Sure, but low IQ people are too dumb to realize that they're low IQ. Everyone thinks they're smart, its the most common grandiose delusion.

Anonymous No. 16299894

Why does everyone want to be seen as white? Do other races presume that the white race is superior to their own or something?

Anonymous No. 16299946

In ancient times we still had incredibly smart individuals, with high IQ and all. Despite that, the lack of scientific rigour led to shit like 4 humours, alchemy and a bunch of ocultist shit. That's how theoretical physics is today. We do not have ways to actually test most of the stuff, so anything goes as long as there's some mathematical varnish and looks cool.

Anonymous No. 16299973

>Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
because you get what you think of as "science" from youtube channels whose creators spell "emanates" as "eminates".

Anonymous No. 16300380

>>16175710 Because true scientists are not dumb fucks like yourself. They know science doesn't end when you believe it does. You live in the past.

Anonymous No. 16300489

>Everyone thinks they're smart, its the most common grandiose delusion.
People lack humility. It’s crazy. You can’t tell someone anything. Atlantean tier hubris. This is the consequence of living in the 21st century, where everyone has access to endless information, and they think they can parse it better than anyone. They cannot entertain that some person knows more than them. It’s why you can’t even tell people “men can’t get pregnant” without starting an argument. It’s gotten that bad. Common sense is now not believed. They think they know better in the face of BASIC FUCKING LOGIC THAT EVEN FUCKING CAVE MEN KNEW (“unga no BUMga” and all).

Anonymous No. 16301382

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress from your use of profanity, clearly science is an emotional issue for you and you're not able to discuss or comprehend the topic on a rational, objective basis.