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Anonymous No. 16175759

Does 8.445 round to 8 or to 9?

If 8, shouldn't the 5 in the thousandth decimal place round the 8.44 into an 8.45? And isn't 8.45 rounding up to 8.5? And doesn't 8.5 round up to 9?

If 9, isn't the distance to the 9 greater by 0.005? Why did it go to 9? Shouldn't it go to 8 if rounding means the number goes closer to the number it is near and not closer to the number it is furthest?

Anonymous No. 16175763

That's not how rounding works

Anonymous No. 16175766

Two different principles of rounding were addressed and asked about. Elaborate. That is how rounding works.

Anonymous No. 16175770

Then I assume you do know how rounding works? How do you round the number 8.445?

Anonymous No. 16175784

>Does 8.445 round to 8 or to 9?

>If 8, shouldn't the 5 in the thousandth decimal place round the 8.44 into an 8.45? And isn't 8.45 rounding up to 8.5? And doesn't 8.5 round up to 9?
No, it should not, for the exact reasons you mentioned. Rounding is to the closest whole number (which is ambiguous for 8.5 exactly but unambiguous for 8.445), and the procedure you describe does not accomplish that, therefore it's the wrong procedure.

Anonymous No. 16175790

Rounding is done based on the # of sig. figures.

If 1, then you round the 2nd figure up/down. In this case, it would be 8.

If 2, then 8.4.
If 3, then 8.45

In any case, the first digit is 8.

Anonymous No. 16175801

You don't round each decimal iteratively, retard

Anonymous No. 16175805

Rounding is not associative.

Anonymous No. 16175821

It rounds to 10 actually since the 9 rounds to 10

Anonymous No. 16175834

0.555 > 0.445, ergo x is closer to 8 than to 9 and rounds to 8. End of story.

Anonymous No. 16176054

so then why was I taught that 8.5 rounds up to 9?

Anonymous No. 16176069

it's a convention, likely adopted for symmetry so that the the half open interval [n, n+1) is split into two half open intervals rather than one open and one closed.

Anonymous No. 16176272


Anonymous No. 16176276

>As far as Iโ€™m concerned