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Anonymous No. 16175783

Were his results right or wrong?

Anonymous No. 16176352

It was apparent to Leuchter based on his expertise that there was something wrong with the original claims of gas chambers being used to exterminate people at concentration camps. His investigation proved that they weren't fit for purpose. Criticism against his work arose and those were also proven to be bullshit. There are so many reasons to second guess the holohoax narrative from photograph and demographic evidence, false testimonies, faked evidence, historical inconsistencies, the fact that Jews were the ones who were genociding people in Ukraine and in Russia and on and on, psychological profiles of the Germans and the Jewish diasporas, the fact that is wartime propaganda and the word 'holocaust' didn't even appear until the 1970s, lampshades, soap, and the number 6 million being used connected to claims of genocide decades before WW2 by Jewish media and on and on that no one with a basic education and an IQ above room temperature would ever believe it.

Anonynous No. 16176524

Why did you post a screenshot of a whoville citizen from the live action grinch movie?