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Anonymous No. 16175940


Anonymous No. 16175943

mods mode this to /g/ pls

Anonymous No. 16175950

BSD Chads keep winning. Our OS isn't even known to the normies.

Anonymous No. 16175970

>Implying meta won't base their OS on BSD by harvesting the entire source code, then make it closed source like apple did with macOS
Cuck license, cuck mentality

Anonymous No. 16175986

So BSD wins?

Anonymous No. 16175989

Is a BeOS variant still active?

Anonymous No. 16175991

Is macOS a win for freeBSD?

Anonymous No. 16175996


Anonymous No. 16176031

Sticking to Qubes, fag

Anonymous No. 16176150

The ethos of the BSD license was free use to get their software wherever it would fit.
If they yse BSD then inevitabloy they have to maintain the structures around it.

Anonymous No. 16176155

How do I use programming to make graphs?