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Anonymous No. 16175944

this cannot be real, right? it has to be a scam, like dinosaurs

Anonymous No. 16175949

its not a valid scientific theory because you'd need a time machine to confirm or disprove it.
"i know what happened 50 million years ago" is just a grandiose conjecture, not real science. and whats sad about the whole situation is that the so-called scientists who keep on publishing this charlatanry know that what they're doing isn't science.
plus who cares anyway, whales exist, why does it matter how they got there? trying to figure that out is completely useless, a total waste of resources.

Anonymous No. 16175959

Do you have a better explanation as to how fish with lungs came to exist?

Anonymous No. 16175969

I simply cannot understand how a dog can become a whale in 50 million years but a horseshoe crab can look identical for 400 million years.
>B-but one is perfectly adapted to its environment so it doesn't need to change!
Every species is "perfectly" adapted to its environment at any given point in time, that is a cope answer.

Anonymous No. 16175971

I was going to respond seriously but halfway through I realized it would be a waste of time. Ignorance and mediocrity is plaguing our century, and if I've learned something from my job is that you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped

Anonymous No. 16176004

>flies don't exsit.

Anonymous No. 16176091

>Every species is "perfectly" adapted to its environment at any given point in time
'Species' don't actually exist. It's a manmade concept. You should start thinking in populations. This is the actual thing that exists in nature.
The population of horseshoe crabs already fills out all niches where horseshoe-crab-like animals could exist Ergo, there is no more especial selective pressure for them to be "more adapted". Everywhere the horseshoe could be, a horseshoe already is.

On the other hand:
One small slice of the population of that pre-whale dog (Indohyus) discovered and exploited a completely new niche for his kind. This pioneer Indohyus population opened up a new niche where before no dog-like-animal had ever stepped foot in. The new niche was filled up with these new dog-like inhabitants. As they went further into the niche, accordingly, they became more adapted to the newly opened up/created (among dog-like pre-whales) niche.

Imagine it quite like a gold rush. If there is a population of code monkeys and other white collar workers, then they know absolutely nothing about mining in the mountains. But if suddenly a gold mine is discovered in their city and they become gold miners, a chunk of this white collar worker population will become adapted to working as gold miners with pickaxes.

Anonymous No. 16176101

>but a horseshoe crab can look identical for 400 million years.
it looks identical, but physiologically, it's not anymore. It means that the body shape works for that function, in that niche.
When a new lineage diverge from a type of animal, the original animal does't necessary go extinct, as you can see all around, there are many different types of complex and simpler animals.

Anonymous No. 16176103

>this cannot be real, right? it has to be a scam, like dinosaurs
One thing at a time
Do you want to talk about whale evolution specifically?
Do you want to talk about how the evolution mechanisms, independently of the whale case specifically?
Or, do you want to talk about dinosaurs as well?

Anonymous No. 16176106

>adapted to its environment at any given point in time
but the thing is, environments change over time, and so the fauna changes as well (or shifts to a location where the habitat has remained similar, and remains the same), to adapt, as you said.

Anonymous No. 16176109

>trying to figure that out is completely useless, a total waste of resources.
Yeah, because, fuck curiosity about nature, right?
come the fuck on anon

Anonymous No. 16176185

>Every species is "perfectly" adapted to its environment at any given point in time
Obviously not, otherwise the collective ecosystem of Earth would be static.

Anonymous No. 16176219

You're right, and the goientists are lying.

The same idiots coping to you about populations and environments thinks the magical whale-dog has magical genes that mutate at magnitudes faster rates than the horseshoe crab. And the magical whale dog also lucks out on every draw of the card when it mutates with little to no failures. On top of all that, the magic whale-dog went from dozen litters of whale-pups every year to 1 or 2 offspring every 3 years. While growing to dinosaur+ size, while also magically surviving rapid changes in the environment (going back to that ridiculous luck). Maybe whales should try gambling.

Anonymous No. 16176239

maybe your shitty field hasn't lied so many times before people would be inclined to take you guys seriously.
the only evidences you will ever get your hand on are a reduced state of what it was in the past and every hypothesis are extrapolation. it's a many to one mapping. when dealing with this kind of infinite uncertainty society want to trust people that do not lie. credibility matters.
it's the same situtation the bullshit with extra terrestial life research, I was fascinated when I was young. when I grew up and found out how many time these cunts lied and made shit up so they looks much more than the evidences actually are, I just laugh and scoff whenever I hear the term astrobiology or xenobiology.

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Anonymous No. 16176250

>hasn't lied
>telling people about theories and models is lying

Anonymous No. 16176259

Mutation and selection can do all of that. There's one point mutation every hundred thousand nucleotides so that's tens of thousands of mutations for each offspring for mammals. Add selection onto beneficial mutations and its very easy to see how whales evolved from an ancestral land mammal.
But let's be real, the reason you actually dislike evolution is because it falsifies creationism and it has nothing to do with pseudo probabilities.

Anonymous No. 16176271

>Mutation and selection can do all of that.
No it can't you delusional retard. You cannot selectively breed a dog to be a whale. There are upper and lower limits to what the genetic code and its mutations can express. You don't have infinite rolls of the dice, you don't have infinite time, and you don't have infinite population. You are a retard that eats up the theories of fart-sniffing failures of the lowest pleb field of science that has contributed nothing to society.

Anonymous No. 16176284

>No it can't you delusional retard.
Yes it can
>You cannot selectively breed a dog to be a whale.
Yes you can
>There are upper and lower limits to what the genetic code and its mutations can express.
Yes in some sense but not how you're thinking it. There's nothing stopping the transition from land mammal to semi aquatic land mammal that lives by water to hippo like thing to better swimming hippo thing to Deepwater hippo to giant Deepwater hippo (i.e. whale). That transition in a population is completely possible via mutation and selection.
>fart-sniffing failures of the lowest pleb field of science that has contributed nothing to society.
The theory of evolution is the most well substantiated theory in any field of science and multiple other fields of science are built directly on evolutionary thinking. All of medicine, biology, genetics, paleontology, zoology, etc are built on it. I know you're a conspiritard so you think these fields are lies, but they're not and the people working in these fields produce immense knowledge as well as products medicines and inventions and such.
Your claim is equal to saying that all of genetics, medicine, biology, zoology, paleontology, anthropology etc. Are wrong. And just because... you don't like that humans are apes or something. I don't get it.
The consequences of you claim require an ontology and existence that is so radically different from what evidence actually shows. I don't understand why you can't give it up. You weren't created by god in his image dude.

Anonymous No. 16176360

>'Species' don't actually exist.
This is your brain on evolution. They tell us that race and sex don't exist either. Next it will be age, and before long their in diddling your kids.

Anonymous No. 16176364

And you dislike Creationism because implies that your homosexual lifestyle is a sin in the eyes of God.

Anonymous No. 16176369

>religious nutjob
>insufferable idiot with 65iq

which one are you?

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Anonymous No. 16176430

Sheesh, you'd think a guy asking simple dinosaur penis questions would get more respect around here.

Anonymous No. 16176431

That’s not a dog
>but a horseshoe crab can look identical for 400 million years.
They both look approximately horseshoe crab shaped, but they are not the same internally
>Every species is "perfectly" adapted to its environment at any given point in time, that is a cope answer
Environments change Einstein, they stay “perfectly” adapted because they change with the environment
>There are upper and lower limits to what the genetic code and its mutations can express
Says who? What is the mechanism that makes this so and what evidence is there of this?

Anonymous No. 16177453

everyone else is here to discuss science, but you can't seem to participate, instead you just spew insults

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obvious bait.png

Anonymous No. 16177460

I get it. Who the fuck could believe this shit would evolve into a whale. Have they ever seen a whale?

Anonymous No. 16177985

>That’s not a dog
it's a dog

Anonymous No. 16178363

It has hooves anon

Anonymous No. 16179266

so how come whales don't have hoofs

Anonymous No. 16179311

Because they evolved to have flippers instead. Also archaeocetes had hooves and a whale’s closest relative is a hippo

Anonymous No. 16179565

or mudskippers, lol

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Anonymous No. 16179572

you posted the skull of a whale.
Livyatan melvillei, look it up