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Anonymous No. 16176111

>brother does 'Data Management'
>"i'm not really into the hardware side of things"
then how do you manage the data? what is it you tell the computer to do through the programs you write?

Anonymous No. 16176119

>t. I only code in ASM

Anonymous No. 16176126

Thanks to the low-level codemonkeys and pseudo-codemonkeys (aka digital circuit designers using HDL), they don't need to know such details. They are well abstracted from the hardware.

Anonymous No. 16176140

but how are you supposed to make anything efficiently if you dont know the machine you are working with

Anonymous No. 16176179

>But how can he hit the ball that far he knows literally nothing about woodworking

Anonymous No. 16176194

Nothing digital has been made efficiently in at least 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16176251

Software makes requests to an Operating system. The OS then controls the hardware. This allows software developers to have zero knowledge of how hardware works.

This is generally a good thing. A simple hello-world would be ten thousand lines of code if it had to talk directly to the graphics card and it would only be able to run on a computer with that specific card. Different programs would constantly be overwriting each others data if they were talking directly to the hard drive instead of going through the OS.

Anonymous No. 16176269

Knowing how the hardware, kernel / OS, and associated firmware and software work is important when optimizing the performance, stability, and extensibility of a codebase. That includes databases.

Anonymous No. 16176805

Not enough to matter evidently.

Anonymous No. 16176911

I was reading about software "engineers" who had never manually coded a for loop
They just tell an API to do everything

Anonymous No. 16177443

It has been the case for decades that it is far more cost effective to buy a monster machine than to make the software fast and efficient. Bloat? Just stuff in 128 GB RAM. Slow? Use a 64 core machine.

Anonymous No. 16177603

Computers are so fast these days, it's basically a waste of time to make software truly efficient.