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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16176153

Falcon Launch Vehicle flash game edition

Previous: >>16173012

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Anonymous No. 16176164

20 years later, picrel

Anonymous No. 16176181

Foundations are fucked

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Anonymous No. 16176182
>I Tested NASA's New Spacesuit (feat. Axiom Space)

Anonymous No. 16176183

would you like to expand on that?

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Anonymous No. 16176184

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Anonymous No. 16176186

Anonymous No. 16176187

Hmmm I think the problem is it turned the wrong way and got burned up. No engine problem here

Anonymous No. 16176188

Tower/table foundations are moving and causing allignment issues. That's why SpaceX has encountered more stacking issues recently.

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Anonymous No. 16176191

suborbital pad getting demolished to make space for second launch tower

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Anonymous No. 16176198

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Anonymous No. 16176204

Anonymous No. 16176206

Maybe thats why they are building a second tower

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Anonymous No. 16176207
>Part 2 SpaceX Starbase Orbital Launch Tower 2 Section from Port of Brownsville 4K

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Anonymous No. 16176210

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Go Away Earthers ....png

Anonymous No. 16176211

Anonymous No. 16176212

Oh good edition OP

Anonymous No. 16176218

he spelled Space/Flight wrong

Anonymous No. 16176220

dont start retard. it turned thewrong way because the engines bloew all the propellant out the ass, as was visible by the tremendous OUTGASSING

Anonymous No. 16176223


Anonymous No. 16176224


Anonymous No. 16176225

If it was tremendous, isnt that usually a good thing?

Anonymous No. 16176227

space and or flight

Anonymous No. 16176229

/sfg/ Spelling & Formatting General

Anonymous No. 16176231

not good when you need that propellant to do the on orbit relight which they didnt do

Anonymous No. 16176233

they probably thought it was too dangerous to relight because it was spinning

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Hmmm thinking frog.png

Anonymous No. 16176237

Gun to your head: Would your rather be forced onboard Starliner or IFT-4?

Anonymous No. 16176238

what would I be flying to the launchpad?

Anonymous No. 16176240

A Comac.

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Anonymous No. 16176243

2024... I am forgotten...

Anonymous No. 16176244

OFT-4 because then I would be able to prove anon wrong

Anonymous No. 16176245

also too dangerous because engines explode when they lit with no propellant

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Anonymous No. 16176246


Anonymous No. 16176248

IFT-4 Starship is not even going to attempt a soft landing as far as I know
with starliner at least you have some chance of not dying

Anonymous No. 16176252

unironically over. The jap dude hates musk and has confronted him multiple times over hismoney being wasted. Musk says tough luck. one of their recent spats led to the essentual cancellation of dearmoon (the jap refused to waste more money) and musk unfollowed the jap on x in retaliation

Anonymous No. 16176254

I can't believe Snoop Dogg got a spot.

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Anonymous No. 16176255

Anonymous No. 16176256

this is all fanfiction

Anonymous No. 16176258

ITS* HEAD, you bigot!

Anonymous No. 16176260

you can verify it for yourself dude.

Anonymous No. 16176261

how did a mountain grow around the space shuttle

Anonymous No. 16176262

I verified that it's fanfiction (my imagination is more reliable than yours)

Anonymous No. 16176264

If any of that were true? Guess what...there would be a Berger article. Aaaaaaand there isnt one!

Anonymous No. 16176274


Anonymous No. 16176282

coical midwits. if you are lazy enough to not find this stuff outfor yourself then at least check the jap guyon x and see that musk stopped following him weeks ago.

Anonymous No. 16176286

Post the Arstechnica article. I'll wait.

Anonymous No. 16176288

stopping following might be true, that other stuff is pure fanfic
if you look at @yousuck's feed is just full on moonglyphs, musk probably didn't just want to see that shit in his feed constantly
I've stopped following people just because theyve started to post stuff that is simply uninteresting to me, doesn't need to be actively annoying even or something I disagree with
just if there is too much stuff that is personally uninteresting to me (stuff about clothes or design or art would be boring for instance)

Anonymous No. 16176289

various mosses and other creatures inhabit the side of the shuttle and the debris they produce accumulates near the base of the craft eventually burying the whole thing

Anonymous No. 16176291

Now that spacex needs a 2-year EIS for florida, do they have to take down the illegal tower they built?

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Anonymous No. 16176293

oh he has two accounts lol
the other one is pure moonrunes

the other one hasn't posted in like 6 months

Anonymous No. 16176295

so thats like...poop and nuts and stuff?

Anonymous No. 16176304

well anon, what do you have to say about the video? Why do you want me to watch it?

Anonymous No. 16176305


Anonymous No. 16176306

Go ahead and point to their non-swamp options.

Anonymous No. 16176307

They wanted east-facing coastline in the continental US for cheap. Texas swamp was what was available.

Anonymous No. 16176308


Anonymous No. 16176310

purchase the port of brownsville. musk had 40 fucking billion.

Anonymous No. 16176311

i watched a few mins, seems like they are deliberately not mentioning SpaceX or Starship once again, even showing SLS when they talk about bringing costs down
not sure if this is intentional or not
going out of your way not to mention the lander is just weird

Anonymous No. 16176312

not watched it but that hoe probably doesnt know what starship is. she likely picked the first stock video for "artemis rocket"

Anonymous No. 16176313

The entire coast is swamp. The highrises are built on swamp. You have to go far inland to get out of shallow water tables.

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Anonymous No. 16176315

the video implies that SLS is part of space getting cheaper, like the axiom suits supposedly are

Anonymous No. 16176316

there is a section about the artemis mission at the start, she fucking knows
its deliberate

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Anonymous No. 16176320
is it normal for companies to have to strengthen the rationale for flying their supposedly ready transport missions?

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Anonymous No. 16176322

This chick is hot as fuck

Anonymous No. 16176323

They just need to evade the FAA, EPA, and Fish & Wildlife for another... 9 months? 8 or 9 months.

Anonymous No. 16176325

I honestly don't know dude

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Anonymous No. 16176328

If they kill the astronauts I will cry. Not for loss of life, but how it will impact my wife. If her heart is broken, I will do something unspeakable

Anonymous No. 16176332

A think I don't get is why block 2 starship won't be stretched to block 3 length? If thy already know they are going to stretch it why wait? It isnt like SLS where block 1 exists because the exploration upper stage doesnt exist.

Anonymous No. 16176333

2023 was aspirational but it's definitely happening this decade, probably NET 2027.

Anonymous No. 16176334

halfway through the year and only 50 launches achieved. this is below the stated goal

Anonymous No. 16176336

they cant make block 3 until they design block 4. iterative iterative iterative

Anonymous No. 16176338

LC-39 and nearby launch sites were also build on swamp.

Anonymous No. 16176339

how long do you think a year is?

Anonymous No. 16176340

No way, there wont be manned starship missions in the next 10 years

Anonymous No. 16176341

9 months to what? EIS takes years. unless you expect Donald Trumpf to help him (yeah no)

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Anonymous No. 16176342

ULA getting BOING'D

Anonymous No. 16176343

buddy hes only 15 days off, will they launch 20 times in those days?

Anonymous No. 16176344

how many months do you think are in the first 5 months of the year?

Anonymous No. 16176345

365 days. at this rate, spacex will launch 100 rockets, and fall short of 150 this years. S curve, plateau

Anonymous No. 16176347

Government overreach/tyranny

Anonymous No. 16176348

Depends. How many does your congressional district want?

Anonymous No. 16176349

suck poop from my as and make me moan idiot

Anonymous No. 16176350

Donald Trump will arrest and execute the entire EPA. MSNBC told me.

Anonymous No. 16176351

So you are just ignoring 15 days? 15 days= 0 now huh ok

Anonymous No. 16176354

kek, ok

Anonymous No. 16176357

the pentagon has filed a lien on tory bruno's house.

Anonymous No. 16176358

Now that is something I want to see!

Anonymous No. 16176361

nobody cares about what you want to see asshole.

Anonymous No. 16176362

I care.

Anonymous No. 16176365


Anonymous No. 16176367

There's no need for that anger, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16176376


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Anonymous No. 16176377


Anonymous No. 16176392

Unironically how is this ULA’s fault in any wayshapeorform? Tory is a snake but wtf did they do “wrong” here

Anonymous No. 16176395

ULA's fault for bidding on a contract and delaying the vehicle delivery.

Anonymous No. 16176397

she has the physique of a teenage boy

Anonymous No. 16176404

I’d breed many children with that phenotype

Anonymous No. 16176407


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Yes and Einstein.png

Anonymous No. 16176412


Anonymous No. 16176418


Anonymous No. 16176426


Anonymous No. 16176427

Our country in another 50 years of immigration.

Anonymous No. 16176436

Rattled the hornets nest kek

Anonymous No. 16176439

M.F.R (manufactured for rape)

Anonymous No. 16176443


Anonymous No. 16176444

(You) are B4BBC

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insulation is haram.jpg

Anonymous No. 16176447


Anonymous No. 16176457

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16176463

say that again when I've got a knife to your throat pussy

Anonymous No. 16176464

Why are you so mad? It was just a joke message my friend

Anonymous No. 16176494

the hell is a throat pussy

Anonymous No. 16176497

Dont pay any mind to the discord gooners my friend they make up schizo babble to get off to anything possible

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Anonymous No. 16176527

50th launch of the year. They launched 10 in the last month alone.

Anonymous No. 16176535


Anonymous No. 16176544

54% of all rockets launched in 2024 have been Falcon 9s. The next most commonly flown rocket is Electron at five launches, the Soyuz-2 at four, and then the Long March 2C and 2D tied at three each. The LM-3B/E, LM-5, and Kuaizhou-1A have each launched twice. 21 other types of rocket have launched once.

Anonymous No. 16176547

they can't be allowed to talk about Elon like that

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Anonymous No. 16176570


Anonymous No. 16176661

Public companies have no chance at building space rockets (in timely manner) and orbital infrastructure due to investors demanding immediate profit returns.

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Anonymous No. 16176664

Whos the most handsome astronaut ever bros?

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Anonymous No. 16176678

Dave Scott
Runner up: Crip

Anonymous No. 16176685

MODS! this is a blue board!

Anonymous No. 16176746

Wanna know why astronauts go crazy and get stupid after they come back to Earth?

Anonymous No. 16176751

they read your posts

Anonymous No. 16176755

come on man, just feign interest, just this once

Anonymous No. 16176781

They go to Jupiter to get more stupider

Anonymous No. 16176791

I do want to know

Anonymous No. 16176793

They become astronuts after they leave a part of themselves in orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16176796
> Good morning from SpaceX Starlink in Bastrop Texas. What an awesome sunset we had a few days ago!

Anonymous No. 16176797

CO2 level on the space station is 4000 ppm

Anonymous No. 16176799

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 16176844

reminder that CSS doesn't understand basic orbital mechanics

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Anonymous No. 16176848

Unironically my jaw dropped when the plasma glow started. It was so cool I lost my dignity

Anonymous No. 16176850


Anonymous No. 16176877

I hope there is a less energy and resource intensive way to scrub co2. a Mars colony would have less solar to work with and such high ppm would be a showstopper

Anonymous No. 16176908

prove it. anyway unlike musk he doesnt claim expertise

Anonymous No. 16176919

this is not about expertise, this is about high school level physics
CSS is completely clueless

Anonymous No. 16176924

hes not as smart as industry expertslike spaceguy5 or pressure fed astornaut, but he still has fun videos and is clearly deeply shorting tesla

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Anonymous No. 16176925


Anonymous No. 16176931

if starship managed to survive reentry and slowed down to belly flop speed, could you parachute out?

Anonymous No. 16176933

reminder that NASA could easily fix this but they refuse too
this might be the main cause of problems they are attributing to microgravity

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Anonymous No. 16176935

is space warfare cringe or kino?

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Anonymous No. 16176938

Anonymous No. 16176940

>this might be the main cause of problems they are attributing to microgravity
>Data on exposure to high levels of CO2 have been detailed by the US Navy for service on submarines. On a typical patrol CO2 would vary from .4 to .9 percent depending on the number of CO2 scrubbers in service. Effects were digestive system upsets and decalcification of bones.

Anonymous No. 16176944

Just unrealistic. It would be like turbo naval warfare. Battleships for the past 100 years with limited exceptions have basically always fought from maximum possible range, with the horizon being the one thing limiting them from engaging at greater distances. Now they fight far beyond the horizon due to aeroplanes. With no horizon the distances in battle would be enormous and ships would never ever see eachother. Salvos of ammunition would take days or even months to be exchanged. It would be very boring to watch, certianly not the spectacular guns and explosions stuff shown in basedfi

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Anonymous No. 16176949

>Kathy Lueders said in a talk yesterday that SpaceX employs more than 2,100 full-time employees and contractors at the Starbase site!

Anonymous No. 16176952

two more weeks to license
wet dress rehearsal next week
starfactory done by end of year
new road being looked into
t: Kathy Lueders

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Anonymous No. 16176955

>Kathy Lueders said in a talk yesterday that SpaceX has made more than $3 Billion in direct investments on Starbase infrastructure since 2014 and over $1 Billion in annual statewide spending.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16176956


the 50min long talk on spotify, I guess Felix or some of his associate attended and recorded the meeting

Anonymous No. 16176957

yeah but it would be cool as fuck

Anonymous No. 16176958


the 50min long talk on spotify, I guess Felix or some of his associate attended and recorded the meeting, though the podcast is from will muldoon or something

Anonymous No. 16176977

why does this hoker always sound like a functioning alcoholic?

Anonymous No. 16176984

oh nevermind, I was thinking about that photographer or whatever Felix Schlang with the youtube channel WAI, dude is from Germany
this is another Felix that is from UK and I think the Polaris Dawn crew answered one of his questions on the EVA suite reveal/unveil

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Anonymous No. 16176985

>Our 50th launch is just around the corner and we’re looking for three eager launch photographers from around the globe to come down to LC-1 in New Zealand. You'll get an exclusive tour of the launch site and production complex, set remote cameras for this milestone launch, and watch lift-off from range control - the closest you can possibly be to the pad.

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Anonymous No. 16176988

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Anonymous No. 16176989

Hyuk Hyuk hyuk

Anonymous No. 16176991

I need to recruit /x/ to use remote viewing techniques so we can see Starliner's mishap incident report in advance

Anonymous No. 16176993

why is musk never heavily involved with spacex anymore? i feel he would have been better off not buying x and spending all his time on that.

Anonymous No. 16176995

rocket girls for fictional space frigates? extremely cringe

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bane kb.jpg

Anonymous No. 16176996

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

Anonymous No. 16176997

wtf are you talking about, his latest reply is to a topic concerning SpaceX directly

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Anonymous No. 16176999

Did someone say hot astronauts?

Anonymous No. 16177000

lots of plants, which the colony needs anyway
the exhaled CO2 ultimately comes from food, so if the colony does not import food, growing will offset breathing

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Anonymous No. 16177001

Anonymous No. 16177003

It's based if it happens in real life and the earthers are kept in the dirt, but pointlessly fantasizing about how it might make your animes or star wars real is very gay

Anonymous No. 16177008

>two weeks
I wish I had a black cat named after subsaharan africans because I'm going crazy

Anonymous No. 16177009

Serious question: how would your manhood not greet you with energy if you got to take a space girl in zero g?
seems like a massive scam to me. It's probably the incredible levels of co2 poisioning on the iss

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Anonymous No. 16177012

NASA has secretly engineered the composition of the ISS' atmosphere such that it acts as a potent anaphrodisiac. pic unrelated.

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Anonymous No. 16177014

I think it might be psychological. Like I'd have a hard time getting a boner on a plane, just because they are uncomfortable, cramped and smell bad

Anonymous No. 16177016

I was a little idiot and had no problems with that.
God why did I do that holy shit.

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Anonymous No. 16177017

Anonymous No. 16177022


Full video here both a local news coverage and the full video

Anonymous No. 16177029

who cares. fuck this gay rocket.

Anonymous No. 16177030

I was gonna say sloppy job but looks like they were aiming for the corner where they landed. Who knows why. Maybe they are going to land on different corners to spread out the wear on the pad and reduce need for resurfacing

Anonymous No. 16177033

they have a lot of work to reach 144 launches which is what they target for this year. It's over.

Anonymous No. 16177041

We will ultimately have a virtually closed cycle living environment where nearly all matter is recycled continuously. There's no other way.
Perhaps if we ever settle beyond Mars, on some of the Jovian moons or Titan, we can harvest enough hydrocarbons and water to have a surplus of mass and energy.

Anonymous No. 16177052

when spacex only reaches 135 launches this year it’ll be over for felon husk. he will be revealed for the hack fraud he is.

Anonymous No. 16177054


Anonymous No. 16177056

There are lots of ways to maintain a decent internal atmosphere on Mars, photosynthesis is one, Oxygen can also be electrolyzed out of mined H2O as well.
You can't recycle forever, it's never going to be 100% efficient. That's just a death spiral.
I'm guessing that if interplanetary trade never develops, you'll end up having planetary bodies that were once inhabited but are basically abandoned due to the scarcity of resources. That would be pretty cool I think. Maybe they'd have temporary visitors who figure they can wring a bit more out of the planet before leaving.

Anonymous No. 16177059

This is block 5 ie the 5th iteration of falcon 9. It has been in service since 2018. It has a phenomenal success and safety record and price point and frankly mogs every other rocket ever built for that alone.

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Anonymous No. 16177063

I don't know how much a ppCO2 of 3 Torr is but

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Anonymous No. 16177064

cute girl but the series she's from is very cringe

Anonymous No. 16177065

>You can't recycle forever, it's never going to be 100% efficient
Yeah. But with just three inputs - water, methane, and ammonia, you can do an awful lot. Titan has all three in abundance. Fusion reactor powered sub-surface dwellings could use split water into oxygen and hydrogen for fuel and reactants. Sub-surface environments in the most geologically stable regions could pipe up liquid methane and ammonia to replenish carbon and nitrogen, as well as open up a lot of options for chemical synthesis to produce necessary medical compounds.

Anonymous No. 16177069

It's referring to how much of the pressure of a gas mixture each component is responsible for, hence the correlation between pp and the relative abundance of each.

Anonymous No. 16177071

Yes but only when it's Gundam earth vs colonies stories.

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Anonymous No. 16177098

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Anonymous No. 16177107

Anonymous No. 16177111

The forbidden Nam Pla.

Anonymous No. 16177113

I am aware, I don't feel like doing the math to convert it to either percent CO2 in air nor ppm CO2

Anonymous No. 16177120

ballsy timeline, thats what we need

Anonymous No. 16177125

what's going to get spiced up with that?

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Anonymous No. 16177129


Anonymous No. 16177131

I love him. I will kill rape and die for him.

Anonymous No. 16177135

you should get that checked out, bro, that's not natural

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Anonymous No. 16177136

Anonymous No. 16177140

ISP is a fucing meme. all engiens should be pressure fed hypergolics.

Anonymous No. 16177142

That’s a weird way of spelling SRB

Anonymous No. 16177143

kill yourself thiakol shill.

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Anonymous No. 16177151

>pressure fed

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Anonymous No. 16177160

almost there

Anonymous No. 16177171

/sfg/ is dead (and thats good).

Anonymous No. 16177172

I can see why someone might be interested in the development of the starship spacecraft, but I’m just not into rocketry or spaceflight myself. So please keep your posting of these topics to a minimum.
Thank you

Anonymous No. 16177174

I mean, I supposed you could use nitrogen tetroxide in a pressure-fed hybrid rocket, but what kind of solid fuel could we use that would be hypergolic with it? Hypergolic hybrids open up a lot of interesting possibilities.

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Anonymous No. 16177175


Anonymous No. 16177176

What's up with the hexagonal patterns of missing tiles?

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Anonymous No. 16177177

its done. THE STACK IS BACK!

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Anonymous No. 16177178

pipe is slightly off
its over

Anonymous No. 16177181

Always that little fucker... guess they gotta move it around again.

Anonymous No. 16177182

>American sees a thin, healthy woman and immediately thinks about teenage boys

Anonymous No. 16177184

But twitter told me that there is a problem with foundations...

Anonymous No. 16177186

Unless its from Berger, Davenport or Clark dont trust it. Sidenote on Clark he has improved his reputation greatly recently with some of his reporting, wasnt the same a few months back.

Anonymous No. 16177188

Only if it involves killing aliens.

Anonymous No. 16177192

wet dress on Saturday?

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Anonymous No. 16177195

Was originally planned for May 17 but May 18 is now also there so yes.

Anonymous No. 16177199

Sorry 16*

Anonymous No. 16177214

you dont trust Foust?

Anonymous No. 16177217

what's up with chris cooms?

Anonymous No. 16177222

Elon could kill my whole family and I would still support him. I hope his dead man switch gives China all SpaceX/Tesla poprietary tech

Anonymous No. 16177224

SLS bros...? Are we going?

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Anonymous No. 16177225

Anonymous No. 16177226

they do not, actually

Anonymous No. 16177229

he has EDS

Anonymous No. 16177231

Forgot about him, hes cool too.
Hating on Tyson Chicken Nuggets which is based but doesnt make up for his Boeing cock sucking from earlier this month

Anonymous No. 16177234

how much power does ISS consume

Anonymous No. 16177240

that is what you get for listening to literal teenagers on twitter

Anonymous No. 16177244

can you believe we let nasa spend DECADES telling us space was hard? so much lost time, but at least the era of $10 million space station modules is near.

Anonymous No. 16177251

dunno bout consumption but it has hundreds of kW of solar

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Anonymous No. 16177252

huh, the other day i suggested that we need an accelerator for spaceflight startups but i guess we already have one

Anonymous No. 16177253

2027-2029 Mars uncrewed landing.


Anonymous No. 16177254

not sure, but ISS has ~140KW of solar panel afaik

Anonymous No. 16177259

last time elon said "is secured" he got sued by the FTC for false advertisement

Anonymous No. 16177262

>"civilization on Mars" is a publicly traded company

Anonymous No. 16177288

ngl bros, im convinced that the commercial space station stuff is gonna end up like the spaceflight market now.

Anonymous No. 16177290

>energy and climate analytics software firm
i told you this sort of bullshit would just make more Astras

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Young and Crippen.jpg

Anonymous No. 16177297

I'm surprised they survived taking that thing on its first test flight.

Anonymous No. 16177303

they just need some house plants is all, mabe a few elephant ears, a couple spider plants, an aloe (you can use the sap for burns too!), will freshen that place right up

Anonymous No. 16177305

Musk argues that was SEC coming after him unfairly and that he did in fact have funding secured but could not go to court in the situation they were in
the banks would not have lended more working capital if there was a court case, so he had to settle
if you look at what the SEC has done lately with crypto for instance then I would say they are at least somewhat corrupt

Anonymous No. 16177314

NASA would never allow plants just out willy-nilly on their precious space station. but once the CSS market comes into its own there will be some full blown jungles in orbit

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Anonymous No. 16177315

there's not a single STEM person on their entire team. how do they do any work? its a fucking grift.

Anonymous No. 16177316


Good video on Helium

Anonymous No. 16177339

Zero gravity jungles with walls too thin to use firearms is probably the worst possible form of infantry combat.

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Anonymous No. 16177345

Anonymous No. 16177349

>has five hemispherical gyroscopes that probably cost $500 000
>still can't fly in straight line

Anonymous No. 16177352

people burning offerings before the artefact left by an ancient civilization

Anonymous No. 16177355

its over.

Anonymous No. 16177359

does the amount of soot on the falcons in this chart reflect the actual amount of soot on the falcons as they flew, or is it just new/used with some artistic liberties

Anonymous No. 16177361

They have a texture to match each number of reflights

Anonymous No. 16177363

wouldn't be suprised if the autist that made it paid attention to this little detail

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Anonymous No. 16177366

I'm sensing some /sfg/-tier autism in that little detail

Anonymous No. 16177370

Stupid because Uranus moons were found to have underice oceans. This is outdated and needs to be modernized.

Anonymous No. 16177371

how did you know what I was going to say?

Anonymous No. 16177373

Huh? Say what you were going to say so I know we're talking about the same thing?

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Anonymous No. 16177374

>This is outdated and needs to be modernized
it's a classic, I'm not going to alter it

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Anonymous No. 16177375

gonna post some hillarious memes

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Anonymous No. 16177379

Anonymous No. 16177383

just put on your combat spacesuit and blow the walls

Anonymous No. 16177385

should put SLS as the crying wojak

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Anonymous No. 16177386

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Anonymous No. 16177390

Will do after I stop feeling lazy

Anonymous No. 16177398

back to deddit

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Anonymous No. 16177402

I'll show you reddit

Anonymous No. 16177403

How do you know what a re*dit meme looks like faggot?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16177417

21 launches, three of them Soyuz, before the next listed Long March.

Anonymous No. 16177424

Next launches up to the first upcoming Long March launch:
>Soyuz 2.1b
>2x Falcon 9
>New Shepard
>Atlas V N22
>Falcon 9
>Soyuz 2.1a
>Falcon 9
>Minotaur IV
>RS1 Block 2
>Falcon 9
>6x Falcon 9
>SpaceShip 2
>Long March 2C

Anonymous No. 16177434

>3-5 more weeks

Anonymous No. 16177438


Anonymous No. 16177440

China's really not good about calling ahead. If we didn't have an autistic guy in Hong Kong combing NOTAM announcements we wouldn't have any forewarning for 95% of China's launch schedule. China wouldn't have any problem springing a LM-2D launch on us with less than 48 hours warning.

Anonymous No. 16177447

It's time to debate Pluto's status as a celestial body? Is it a star? A nebula? A moon?

Anonymous No. 16177450

Hand to hand fighting with aerospace grade machetes

Anonymous No. 16177452

Why though? There's heaps of CO2 in the atmosphere. Just vent your excess and crack fresh oxygen. This is a planet not a space station.

Anonymous No. 16177467


Anonymous No. 16177479

The thing you are talking about is an ecosystem. The only outside input is energy.

Anonymous No. 16177489

>United Space

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space axe prometh....jpg

Anonymous No. 16177503

how crooked will the handle have to be?

Anonymous No. 16177506

Nice chart

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sls kneels to gaben.jpg

Anonymous No. 16177512

I had a lot of builds to wait on at work today, so I did a "Google Maps vacation" to JSC and KSC. Most notable was the "food court" at JSC visitor center had a mural that started to make me tear up, then later when I found the Apollo I site plaque.
I also saw the inflata-SLS a few times.

>more than $3 Billion in direct investments
By the standards of SLS, that's a super bargain. You can't even blow your nose around SLS without spending a billion dollars.

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Anonymous No. 16177522

/sfg/s favorite brand of Sriracha sauce

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hot rockets.jpg

Anonymous No. 16177530

I like that it is unsymmetrical

Anonymous No. 16177586

The FAA are presently getting spammed to end Starship by EDS shills. CSS has already done his part. If you are an American, do your part to defeat the EDS shills. Your planet and race need you.

Anonymous No. 16177595

I recognize the name at this point, you need to switch it up

Anonymous No. 16177617


Anonymous No. 16177632

Just ignore him hes clearly schizophrenic

Anonymous No. 16177644

Its the thrussy

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16177648

FAA: ok lets have a repeat of last time. dont fucking spam us with bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16177653

The ULA has recently been reaching out to science youtubers because they already lost to SpaceX as far as public interest goes. Dustin did it too >>16177633

Anonymous No. 16177666

remember the ula collab with ksp2

Anonymous No. 16177676

Back to >>>/v/ you Scott Manlet fanboy

Anonymous No. 16177698

>Starship development started in 2019
>SLS was supposed to be finished in 2016
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16177706

starship development began in 2014 buddy. Do you not remember the fucking presentation on starship in 2016 lmao. Y'know, where they showcased the carbon fiber tanks they had been building for 2 years? The ones all of us who were keeping up with it at the time knew about? Are your really that much of a newpiglet?

Anonymous No. 16177707

Space is hard if you can't cheat like SpaceX does.

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Anonymous No. 16177712

It might just be hard if the government is the one doing it, just like everything else. I'm starting to suspect NASA has put us 40 years behind

Anonymous No. 16177715

America lost our dominance in commercial space launch to Arianespace of all people because we insisted on trying to force the Shuttle like a bad meme. The Shuttle was iconic and maybe even inspirational but it was really terrible for actually doing the job it was designed to do.

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Anonymous No. 16177724

>139 < 144


Anonymous No. 16177733

It's sad the Shuttle didn't work out, it's the most beautiful and iconic flying machine ever. Everything aboutit is aestetically perfect. It had the added benefit of being a surreal level mog of Russia when the shuttle was docked to the ISS next to soyuz. The way it would sit attached to the station with that massive lifting body horizontal to the airflow was incredible, really an amazing practical demonstration for me as a child of how there is negligable air drag up there. it's almost as if NASA said fuck it and just designed shuttle for peak aestetics over function

Anonymous No. 16177738

>it's almost as if NASA said fuck it and just designed shuttle for peak aestetics over function
Congress approved the design over others because it looked the most like something that could fly. Over the next few decades we're going to learn that most of the difficulties with space are actually government induced

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Anonymous No. 16177742

We have active astronauts training for lunar EVA now and you’re doomerposting, anon??

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Anonymous No. 16177745

does dream chaser have a future?

Anonymous No. 16177750

Mixing politics with anything destroys it. Look at your image. The entire point of Artemis is to send a nigger and a woman to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16177751

Starship started back in 2012 with raptors development , SLS development in a serius way started in 2017.

Orbital launches by now:

Starship: 0
SLS : 1

Anonymous No. 16177760

nasa has been political since its inception. its literally a government program.

Anonymous No. 16177761

Nigga SLS was supposed to be flying by 2017, what is this gaslighting bullshit you're trying to throw at us

Anonymous No. 16177766

Good, maybe we can keep public interest up for more than 1 mission this time unlike 1969

Anonymous No. 16177767

Sure. There's still a lot of unmet demand for cargo transport, both going up and coming back down. The fact that its first choice of ride is Vulcan is going to make it less appealing but not so much that people would become unwilling to use it. It's a bit too big and too heavy for a Falcon 9 to lift, but Terran R seems to be the ideal size for launching it.

Anonymous No. 16177772

what about F9 expendable or heavy?

Anonymous No. 16177776

Dreamshitter can do like 5T to orbit [math]\unicode{x1F602}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16177780

new fetish status: acquired

Anonymous No. 16177784

>There's still a lot of unmet demand for cargo transport, both going up and coming back down.
Facts not in evidence

Anonymous No. 16177785

We dont care because we all this shit is gonna canceled after artemis II, the only flag well see on the moon in the future is the chinese one

Btw quite rare they are using a american flag instead of a LGBT or BLM, that how average amerimutt today like it

Anonymous No. 16177798

Damn, minimum 20 tanker launches confirmed

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Anonymous No. 16177799

vtubers are turning against us

Anonymous No. 16177801


Anonymous No. 16177802

Fifteen I thought, which is just as bad hahah. The silver lining is that they will have plenty of time between yearly SLS (bottleneck) so they can test long-term cryogenic storage as it slowly re“fills” (as Elon calls it)

Anonymous No. 16177803

its over
people in chat are telling her that spaceX is a scam and to watch common sense skeptic and thunderfoot

Anonymous No. 16177805

Yeah but who.

Anonymous No. 16177806


Anonymous No. 16177810

Why am I attracted to vtubers

Anonymous No. 16177811

>wake up
>Bepicolombo might be a total loss right now after suffering major malfunction in-transit
Lmfao eesa moment

Anonymous No. 16177812

you are a very cute girl anon

Anonymous No. 16177815

I was exagerating as they say. kathy said it's 15 recently. idk why spacex cant get their story straight

Anonymous No. 16177817

who tf names a mission "bepis columbus" (?)

Anonymous No. 16177823


Anonymous No. 16177824

clear should beat her ass in minecraft

Anonymous No. 16177826

luckily she viewed his channel and dismissed him as an EDS schizo

Anonymous No. 16177840

>nylon rigging against sharp surfaces
>some weird ziptie on one of the straps
I'd probably get my ass fired for rigging up a pvc pipe like this, wtf is going on here??

Anonymous No. 16177855

An expendable Falcon 9 could do the job and would be almost certainly be cheaper than a Vulcan VC4, but you still really wouldn't want to. It feels weirdly heretical. A fully reused Falcon Heavy could lift Dream Chaser will mass to spare, so that might actually be an interesting option if you want to load down your minishuttle with something that'd normally be 10 tons outside of its carrying capacity.

Anonymous No. 16177859

tl;dr is pippa shitting on Lightning leg or blindly agreeing with him?

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Anonymous No. 16177861

>The entire point of Artemis is to send a nigger and a woman to the moon.
can't wait, it'll be like one of those TV commercial but this one will last days and will be on all channels

Anonymous No. 16177863

she shit on him(thudnerf00t) for being obsessed but shes currently doing a stream to find out if Musk is "based" or not

Anonymous No. 16177867

alright that's all I need to hear, don't care about the outcome as long as she shit on zappy shin

Anonymous No. 16177873

I wish dreamchaser were less lame. spaceplanes would be so cool if they were cooler. but dreamchaser is a dork spaceplane for nerds

Anonymous No. 16177876

Why is tf00t so obsessed again? Is it just views or does he actually see Musk and creationists the same way

Anonymous No. 16177877

they call him "techno Jesus" for a reason

Anonymous No. 16177884

A Dreamchaser v2 with an integral service module, a front landing wheel instead of drag skid, and windows on the crew version would be pretty neat.

Anonymous No. 16177886

>pictures taken years before disaster
So just as a formality, that's Donnie Glover and whom?

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Elon Musk - Stack....webm

Anonymous No. 16177942

Anonymous No. 16177957

Anyone have a trailing twelve month total of SpaceX launches? I wanna see if they're close to passing 135 aka the number of time the shuttle flew

Anonymous No. 16177994

111 Falcon launches in the trailing 12 months.

Anonymous No. 16177997

congress: make it stop make it stop MAKE IT STOPPPPPPPPPP

Anonymous No. 16178003


Anonymous No. 16178010

I will be in Jupiter, Florida next week, and I want to see the Starliner launch, which is allegedly launching from SLC-41 on Tuesday May 21 at 4:43pm.
1.) I don't know the exact route the rocket will take (is there a NOTAM or some other site to see the flightplan? I assume it will go basically NE from the Cape based on this site:
2.) How far up the coast (if at all) do I need to go to see the rocket? Jupiter is 115 miles from SLC-41
3.) Also, how cool is it to go to the launchsite itself vs just seeing the rocket from many miles away? I have 2 small kids so driving >4 hours to see something for a few minutes sounds not ideal.

Anonymous No. 16178073

ffs when I opened the image, I thought the guy was a diaperfag wearing stockings

Anonymous No. 16178086

cock erect

Anonymous No. 16178114

Technical presentation early SpaceX days
>Here's an early presentation of SpaceX by Elon Musk in May 2005, less than three years after the company's creation. We recovered/recreated the slides and inserted them along with the launch video simulation that couldn't be played at the event.

Anonymous No. 16178150

>20 posts in 7 hours
/sfg/ is dead lol, see year in 2025 for Artemis III first moon landing.

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Anonymous No. 16178201

whats the point of nsf even writing 10 page articles anymore? surely its not profitable?

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Anonymous No. 16178235
> Kathy Lueders Talk - 15/05/2024

youtube version of the Kathy Lueders talk

39:25 - 15 tankers over two launchsites

Anonymous No. 16178241


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Anonymous No. 16178243

article about the presentation that was apparently multiple speakers, lueders was one half

>On Tuesday, Lueders said the company building a rocket production plant at its expanding Starbase site off State Highway 4 near Boca Chica Beach is developing a second launch pad, with future plans to send its Starship rocket to Mars.
>Opening the 90-minute presentation hosted by the city’s Economic Development Corporation, Orlando Campos, the agency’s chief executive officer, described SpaceX’s “transformation” of the area as “profound.”

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Anonymous No. 16178258
>The bill primarily covers the FAA’s aviation operations, but does include a few provisions related to spaceflight. Key among them is another extension of the “learning period” that restricts the FAA’s ability to enact regulations for the safety of occupants of commercial spacecraft. That learning period, which was to expire this month, is now extended until Jan. 1, 2025.
>The relatively short extension included in the FAA reauthorization bill means additional legislation will be needed this year for the longer extension that many in industry desire. The House Science Committee approved a commercial space bill last November that would extend the learning period to October 2031 while a Senate bill introduced in March would provide a five-year extension.

Anonymous No. 16178275

>Minotaur IV
Damn this guy still around, and has more launches planned

Anonymous No. 16178295

why does this hooker always sound drunk?
Also, apologize sfg, becuase she outright said it will take 15 refuelling flights.

Anonymous No. 16178304

How many times are they gonna stack and unstack it this time?

Anonymous No. 16178308


Anonymous No. 16178328

dead general. HAHAHAHA

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sfg dead space sk....jpg

Anonymous No. 16178345

Anonymous No. 16178355

I warned you when the /pol/ posting started. This general is just space flavored /pol/ at this point. They are worse then redditors (most came from there)

Anonymous No. 16178376

If you consider astronauts to be public officials then the shuttle is even more based given how many it executed

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Anonymous No. 16178397

The state of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16178404

everyone on /sfg/ is an aerospace engineer working in newspace though?

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Anonymous No. 16178413

I don't play video games or smoke weed; and I've been with a woman.
The rest is pretty accurate, though.

Anonymous No. 16178430

>Artemis III
>First moon landing.

Anon I...

Anonymous No. 16178438

Still here, not leaving.

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Anonymous No. 16178439

If we don't land on Mars in my lifetime I will kill myself

Anonymous No. 16178444

>If I die before X I will kill myself

Anonymous No. 16178450

>he doesn't know about the second death

Anonymous No. 16178452

What if the metal that their heads are isn’t ferromagnetic?

Anonymous No. 16178471

just shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16178473

Rekkit gtfo

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Anonymous No. 16178474

How does it feel knowing that one of your own won't make to mars for decades, you filthy creature?

Anonymous No. 16178480

why wont blue glenn fly with the flaps and legs on its first flight? surely it would be the simplest and safest option rather than adding them later?

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Anonymous No. 16178481
>In its fiscal year 2025 budget proposal, the FAA requested $57.1 million for AST, up 36% from the $42 million it received in 2024. Much of that increase would go towards hiring more workers to deal with the increasing number of license applications and launch activity.
> Doing so, he argued, would elevate space transportation to the same level as other modes of transportation, such as aviation, shipping, roads, and railways. “You’d have access to the cabinet secretary. You’d have a seat at the table. You’d have the ability to more clearly make your case for needed resources and ask for help when there’s important issues to be decided.”
>An example is another issue he raised at COMSTAC, support for spaceports. There are federal programs for funding infrastructure for other modes of transportation, he noted, “but today there is no comparable program to provide federal funding for space-related infrastructure, such as for spaceports.”

Anonymous No. 16178484

>There are also questions about how much attention an independent Office of Commercial Space Transportation would get from the leadership of the Transportation Department. Industry officials have privately noted that the current leadership of the department, including Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, pay little public attention to commercial space, often with little more than brief, recorded messages at COMSTAC meetings and the FAA’s annual commercial space transportation conference.


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Anonymous No. 16178485

Anonymous No. 16178488

I actually downloaded the GIF from /wsg/

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Anonymous No. 16178489

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Anonymous No. 16178492

NASA doesn't want private astronauts to go near Hubble and I guess would rather let it burn than be fixed by a private mission (for fucking free)

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Anonymous No. 16178497

> In a best-case scenario, a successful private mission could improve Hubble's ability to point at celestial objects and, by boosting its orbit, extend its life by years.
>In a worst-case scenario, however, an accident could leave the multibillion-dollar telescope broken — or, even more tragically, tethered to the dead bodies of the astronauts sent to repair it.

Anonymous No. 16178498


Anonymous No. 16178503

Total NPR Death

Anonymous No. 16178506

It couldn't possibly be because of dual use components in Hubble that are shared with EO sats, right? If only because whatever's in Hubble must be so old that even the Russians have surpassed it by now.

Anonymous No. 16178509

This is obviously stupid and wrong. NASA has never been opposed to using commercial services, what they have been opposed to is risk. Their risk aversion is so great they spend 5 years testing a single rocket, it seems pretty obvious that this transfers over to instruments like Hubble and just dont want to take a chance on the private companys possibly messing it up so they just leave it as is. They dont have the budget to fix Hubble, and they dont trust anyone enough to fix it for cheaper that isnt them so it stays as is.

Anonymous No. 16178511

lmao if the NRO wants to prevent people from going to Hubble because of fucking Keyhole that would be hilarious

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worm man.jpg

Anonymous No. 16178512

I would sacrifice a thousand Hubbles before I let some techbro nazi get any credit for saving them. Its called being a good person, try it sometime

Anonymous No. 16178514

like a private company delivering cargo to their space station, or crew, or going to land astronauts on the moon?
they use private companies all the time, retarded point

Anonymous No. 16178517

I have never heard of ZBLAN before, but this might actually mean that 'in-space-manufacturing' is actually not a meme. Trading firms pay huge sums for the tiniest advantage in transmit speed to and from exchanges.

Anonymous No. 16178519

what I think is that NASA people are scared of Polaris Dawn showing the world how cheaply, quickly and effectively a private company can yet again do stuff compared to NASA
if they cared about risk then they could work closely with Polaris Dawn to check that they are up to snuff, but I don't think its about that
its about politics and ego and the fear of budgets getting cut
a bit like with red dragon and JPL, in hindsight that fear was probably warranted, but JPL still kept doing their retarded rube goldberg machines instead of actually trying to imitate the procedures of private industry (maximize "science" to get most bang for the buck instead of doing some extremely complicated project for 10 years to have cushy jobs)

Anonymous No. 16178521

the boing proposal for msr is the same as red dragon basically. It just requires higher development in exchange for being higher performance

Anonymous No. 16178522

I haven't heard about ZBLAN either (at least don't remember the term), but fiber optic cables in space are almost a meme
pretty promising that some was actually sold
this with addition to drug manufacturing and perhaps 3D printing artificial organs (don't need to have as strong of a matrix for the tissues to grow in microgravity) might make LEO a place for actual physical industry
would be very cool to see as it would then flow down into the space industry in general and be a forcing function for better space stations, cheaper launch etc

Anonymous No. 16178524

JPL was already gutted, these proposals are after the fact

Anonymous No. 16178527

>A government mission (that won't happen) would be a bajillion times safer because... It just would OK!
gave me a chuckle.

Anonymous No. 16178528

Extremely different from docking at ISS which has been gotten down to a science and happens frequently every year vs. the Hubble which hasnt been touched in over a decade and is an EXTREMELY sensitive instrument with EVA required to work and no private space companies having done it before. My point also wasnt that they dont want to use private because its private, its the risk aversion they have. There is no replacement Hubble unlike F9/FH which heavily influences their decision, theres also still a decade left of orbit for Hubble, why do we need to extend its orbit now when we could be pissing away years of possible discoveries, just wait until theres a year or two left and THEN do it.
Suggesting that NASA isnt letting them do this mission for petty reasons like 'prestige' of Hubble is just tribalism and anyone who says so either isnt thinking or has never had to think about risk management. AGAIN, I usually NEVER defend NASA's decision but this is the one time I am because Hubble has no replacement and still has allot of time left meaning this mission would be pointlessly endangering Hubble when it could be done later.

Anonymous No. 16178533

>we could be pissing away years of possible discoveries, just wait until theres a year or two left and THEN do it.
basically this. No good reason to do it on the second private spacewalk ever. Let private spacewalks mature a little bit then do it when something important fails or it’s about to fall out of the sky.

Anonymous No. 16178538

I don't know why people are surprised. NASA cancelled SM4 for years after Columbia. They are extremely risk averse. Bringing in a NASA asset will require a huge amount of coordination, it basically makes it a NASA mission. They're not going to agree to facilitate something they wouldn't do themselves.
The idea that they would repair or replace hardware was a fantasy. The Shuttle had the arm and the attachment platform, and dozens of custom made tools. And after all that it was still one of the most complicated and risky missions.
The only serious option was raising it's orbit only. And that is not as great as it seems, since Hubble looks like the hardware will fail before it falls out of orbit. It might not buy any time at all. And on the other hand you might damage or destroy a very useful facility.
The other point is political. NASA has budget problems. Extending missions indefinitely cuts into the finding available for new missions. Chrandra is currently on the chopping block for this reason. Operating Hubble (without any servicing) costs about 100 million a year. They are both doing good and unique science but are definitely into the regime of diminishing returns.

Anonymous No. 16178539

I thought there was much less than 10 years left? and some of the systems have been starting to break down like gyros, so they can't point it where they want anymore
so its already degraded

Anonymous No. 16178545

>Operating Hubble (without any servicing) costs about 100 million a year

Anonymous No. 16178553

She is awful to listen to. Why do people like her and Elon NEVER get comfortable speaking in public? They have so much fucking practice. Not even I spill my spaghetti that much

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Anonymous No. 16178554

Mid to late 2030s, there is allot of time left. Also this is literally no longer an issue please stop spreading outdated info.

Anonymous No. 16178560

Old people need to fucking die faster

Anonymous No. 16178589

Read >>16178509 and >>16178528

Anonymous No. 16178597

For the record it has 6 gyros. 3 are dead. It can work with two or one but with significantly impacted operations.

There is a lot to pay for. STScI has an army of engineers and astronomers. HST has four complex instruments, probably about 50 different observing modes in total. All of those have to be documented, maintained, calibrated and the reduction software has to be updated and run. Data archiving is a massive task, no one will use your data if it's a pain to find and explore. Then there is scheduling, reviewing proposals and operating plans. Then there are all the people who keep the spacecraft alive and talking to the ground. Some funding also goes to US proposers to facilitate the science itself.

Anonymous No. 16178605

Jobs Program is Jobs Program.

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Anonymous No. 16178626

Anonymous No. 16178632

There is no maintenance on Hubble that isn't Software, but the fact that people can justify budget expenditures this large to fix software-addressable problems on ancient telescopes is why the space paradigm of bespoke one-offs needs to die.

Anonymous No. 16178635

>"There is no replacement Hubble"
Hubble is gonna break. It is going to reenter, disintegrate, and without an extension mission, it's going to disappear forever without being replaced. Unless someone fixes it. The Government and NASA has no intention of doing so.

Anonymous No. 16178660

That is not true. For one the detectors go through annealing cycles from time to time, to reduce the effects of radiation damage. Then the instruments are periodically aligned and focused with respect to the optical axis. They also switch around the gyros to give some a rest and test others.
Also notice how you ignored the long list of support duties, and just picked the one you didn't like to conclude that there is nothing to do. And just waving your hands and saying "software", as if it emerges from the aether fully formed. Who writes the software?

Anonymous No. 16178675


Anonymous No. 16178676

IDK dude, I think you’re getting ripped off.

Anonymous No. 16178679

You're not making the rebuttal you think you are. The operating and maintenance procedures of the Hubble are all initiated and maintained remotely because there is no physical access to the telescope or its instruments. By definition, everything that is done to operate the telescope has to be done through software.

Regarding budgeting, tabulating data, and all that other stuff: the costs would scale linearly and marginally on top of the existing budget if there was more than one of the fucking things. There are way too many department heads and pencil pushers for just one fucking instrument.

Anonymous No. 16178680

the safest attempt is no attempt

Anonymous No. 16178690

>to be done through software.
But that's not what you said:
>no maintenance on Hubble that isn't Software,
Not "through software" just "software". Which is false as they work on the hardware.
This is a retarded attempt to move the goalposts. It's moronic since pretty much everything nowadays is done electronically and so you can say it's "through software". It would be a meaningless statement and would have absolutely no impact on the actual amount of work to be done.

Anonymous No. 16178692

>I didn't understand the original statement
>StOp MoViNg ThE gOaLpOsTs

Anonymous No. 16178695

How many code monkeys does 100 million a year buy? I guarantee more than are working on Hubble.

Anonymous No. 16178701

Face the facts: if the engineering consultant is there to do anything but tell people how to bypass broken parts, they have no business being on payroll.

Anonymous No. 16178702

It's not something that can be framed out to India. You need people who understand the telescope and the data. And as I explained software is only one part of what they do.
I have no idea what efficiency they run at in terms of budget. Unlike the other retard I don't pretend to know the finances of some random NGO. I don't defend the amount but people who believe it's easy and there is nothing to do are just pig ignorant.
>It would be a meaningless statement and would have absolutely no impact on the actual amount of work to be done.

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Anonymous No. 16178709

What about a Hubble kill mission. It just flies next to it then explodes. I’m tired of NASA boomers and astronomers

Anonymous No. 16178714

How are the astronauts gonna abort if the landing fails? This Artemis plan is a bad idea

Anonymous No. 16178716

yeah lol. I think everyone knows artemis gets cancelled after artemis 2. SpaceX got most of the development money for HLS anyway and thanks to that they will have a working starship for LEO constellations.

Anonymous No. 16178720

100 million per year for software? sounds like bullshit to me

Anonymous No. 16178722

Landing on the Moon is too dangerous, we shouldnt try. Or at least have two landers land at the same time so if one crew dies we have a redundant crew

Anonymous No. 16178731

A big chunk of the money is just dumped into the contractors that built the thing and the universities that developed the instruments to keep people around just in case they actually need them for something.

Anonymous No. 16178745

so its absolute bullshit
make a unified platform to run these things so you don't need to keep specific people around doing nothing

Anonymous No. 16178747


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Anonymous No. 16178764
partial tanking test of starship stack happening, tanker trucks driving in

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Anonymous No. 16178766

pic from 1h ago

Anonymous No. 16178772

Aborting a lunar landing in HLS moonship / HLS Blue will be extremely easy
Honestly I’d be more worried about needing to abort SLS in-flight

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Anonymous No. 16178803

How much does the frost weight on a fully stacked and fueled starship? How deep does it get? We saw plenty of it flying around in orbit with starship last time. How many tons of ice are they going to haul to orbit instead of useful payloads?

Anonymous No. 16178806

how retarded are you?

Anonymous No. 16178809

On the Saturn V, they ended up with about 650 pounds at liftoff.

Anonymous No. 16178819

AAAAAHHHHHH we’re on page 10 but havent staged help me niggerman IM GOING INSANE1!!!1one!

Anonymous No. 16178825

Depends on humidity.

Anonymous No. 16178837

the new /sfg/ has been launched

Anonymous No. 16178847

Huh that seems really light though I guess it makes sense that the frost has a lot of entrained air

Anonymous No. 16178859

Now, I'm not saying I'm for a thread split, but, in this case, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to it either.

Anonymous No. 16178866

just ask the Janny to take care of it