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Anonymous No. 16176156

Scientifically, why have animals never evolved the capacity to feel depression or sadness like humans do? Moreover, why is emotion-driven suicide a human-only thing?

Anonymous No. 16176171

because humans are not animals no matter how much science cultists try to impose it into you

you are something above mere nature

Anonymous No. 16176213

>why have animals never evolved the capacity to feel depression or sadness like humans do?
but they do. Have you ever owned a dog, for example? They get depressed.
I have a personal anecdote: had a dog who LOVED my mother, and one day my parents went on vacation together for a week, and they left the dog behind with me and my grandma at her place. Well, the dog went on a depressive bout, so deep that it never got off his bed the entire week, and refused to eat for nearly the entire week that they were gone, even as my grandma tried to force feed him; she was fearing for his life. There are millions of such stories out there, from many different types of animals.
Imagine cetaceans, for example, they have the largest brains of the animal kingdom, what emotional landscapes do those animals have access to?

Anonymous No. 16177420

animals are capable of shedding tears, but it's not know if it's emotion-related anyways

Anonymous No. 16177451

Refers to basic druid memetics without inferring the data and asking the animal that it behaves under or against engaging, autonomic categories pertaining to neurological postering. That one refers to fiction like which is arbitrated not as a question to OP, but as a general commercial frame of mind with assets such as deterred phenomena organized amongst a language via means of dataset a retinal cue of aesthetic groupoid that I maintain gaze on book to order a method of putting on or towards reading material habituated yours that I delivered act.png. There's the affair among rectangular felt covers with text not bearing real context as descriptive of such for reading material that we might birth new pleasures as something for expositing onto uncandid descentismphilia. Of powerlets that they create traction for electronomy of antic Pascalology abnegative nor amassing unbounded grins.png. For to say that one can masturabation circ is genuine, needy, and inducted upon forcefully, monumentally forthwith of maxims greedy unironically for the benefit of all hume of benign discrediting via one-one access, lesser or greater so derived from sources supramundane.

Anonymous No. 16177492


in my own terms, that I say we're singlets, never so, out of initial conscious principle. That now we are schizologics with hallucinations not owned, like earth beings, now even trizzlologists that we the core being does confer accesses with our own credibility among for the sake of faerie qualities that OP has audited means to credibility for its term of lulz in the van Farwinkleton that is implicated amongst its faire nature which only means that the recursive directs to a hallucination magnetics. Or in other means we give laugh to laugh, pay perseverance to perseverance, OP to OP, trips to trips, van to van, fiction to fiction, become to become. Is real? That installs virus on resignment. And it's an 'on qualified hum,' of no perfect origin that wecome to eternarl life everlasting. Amen.
And according to my propa, that charlet, y'know, disgag'd upon the root.

Anonymous No. 16177515

Which is like saying I got on stage and started crabbing. The craby says 'no, can't be, not real, human is crab fallacy.'

Really, that I start texting you wrong characters is the very real possibility that we won't be reading this garbage past this point, as in 'language is acceptable fallacy.' Which means that we throw some consant error like

into the computer an it says 'excepted consant: 'd''

or that we even throw a continent error 'excepted consinant: 'Japan.''

That you and I are exceptions cats, of no quality, #hashtag_no_not_run #2_fallacious_35_garbage_assintendyntation_error #we_have_been_misinformed #cue_tail_srsly_filter #blurt_at_full_freight #logo_quality_control

Anonymous No. 16177519

Most higher mammals and some birds can suffer from depression. There are some very cruel animal experiments proving this, including the classic examples of Skinner playing with his dogs.

Closest thing that might be unique to humans is existential dread.

Anonymous No. 16177523

animals are capable of experiencing major depression. It's been observed countless time in experiments and also during 'normal' captivity.
Animals have been witnessed comitting sepuku

Anonymous No. 16177858

this is false. whales, elephants, and dogs have been known to commit suicide by starvation after someone they knew died

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Anonymous No. 16177907

You know what animal consciousness is like, do you?

Anonymous No. 16178669

Nope and those pigs deserve to suffer, serve me more bacon faggot

Anonymous No. 16178684

Meat from non-depressen pigs unironically tastes better.

Anonymous No. 16178685

Animals have no problem fucking their siblings. Really makes you think huh

Anonymous No. 16178711

family is a human society construct

Anonymous No. 16179096

Your pastor is not an animal expert

Anonymous No. 16180232

Are you sure they don't?

Anonymous No. 16181035

because skibidi rizz is only understandable by humans