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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Do not publish in journals

Anonymous No. 16176217

Do not give them any money or permission for them to use your hard work. Do not give them any crediblity. Follow the way of Computer Science: only conferences and free access journal organized by the cream of crop of the communities are considered prestigious while other journals like nature, science, elsevier... etc are shunned. Do not participate in reviewing for any of the above scam journals. Do your part of not giving scammers and hacks power over science. that is all.

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Anonymous No. 16176499

>Do not participate in reviewing
This. Do not review for closed access venues.

Anonymous No. 16176500

but I only get published by journals that make me pay them :(

Anonymous No. 16177406

do better work or stop publishing. you are contributing to the system. stop.