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Anonymous No. 16176270

Yet another plagiarism scandal at MIT

Anonymous No. 16176411

Let me guess, their jewish masters supported them and ignored the flagrant plagiarism right up until the moment they said "Free Palestine"

Anonymous No. 16176435

Wtffff!? Niggers are stupid and lie and cheat???????

Anonymous No. 16176452

why it's always this specific demographic that get recruited into DEI positions and like 50% of them actually cheated in the dumbest way that get caught so easily.

Anonymous No. 16177287

100% this

Anonymous No. 16177312

Black woman are the easiest way to make your department seem diverse. They’re like the gold egg of diversity quotas. The fact that both these woman are black just shows that someone’s trying to prove a point about diversity hires. I don’t doubt you could find some kind of plagiarism in a lot of people’s thesis. The problem is that no one bothers to check. In this case, it works in someone’s favor to check.

Anonymous No. 16177335

How long will it be until we hit a complete breaking point in the competency crisis? 10, 20 years?

Anonymous No. 16177343

Probably about 20 years, but you notice it more and more each day.

Anonymous No. 16177409

It seems this is intentionally how ZOG wanted to format this specific institution since it seems way easier to just hire some postdocs to write it for them

Anonymous No. 16177413


Anonymous No. 16177416

idk, one of the haunting things about the fall of the roman empire is that the bureaucracy it created to run things actually outlasted the empire itself by several hundred years.

Anonymous No. 16177427


Anonymous No. 16177433

Yeah, basically the globohomo industrial complex was a highly developed hierarchical structure that spanned across all of the western world. But recent and slightly less recent events such as gamergate, the Trump election, metoo, BLM and all the rest of the faggot shit that has happened in the past 10 years that I can't remember has weakened that structure and as a result, many of the parasites that clang onto the globohomo industrial complex such as white women, blacks, simps, cucks, etc. have lost their status.

That's why you're starting to see stuff like this and white NBA MVPs and other crazy shit that you couldn't even conceive of 10 years ago.

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Jokic pwnz niggers.jpg

Anonymous No. 16177998

>white NBA MVPs

Anonymous No. 16178277

things won't be great but I think it is important to not use the term crisis lightly. most of us have been alive for a time when planes crashed periodically in american airspace, life went on. so we have some way to go before we can say our complex systems aren't functioning better in the status quo than they were in 1990.

but we certainly on a decline that started sometime in the last decade and accelerated dramatically in 2020. I would expect the steepness of that decline to abate somewhat, then speed up again, and you might even spates where things seem to actually get better (novel concept, but there will probably be some optimistic moments)...but yeah around 2040-2050 you will see some sort of true collapse unless there are fundamental changes.

Anonymous No. 16178318

we are not building to a fall of rome moment, we are building to a french revolution moment.

Anonymous No. 16178319

It will coincide with an economic crash and a manufactured external conflict. Nobody will notice it, nobody will remember it, and nobody will learn from it.

Anonymous No. 16178321

you can memory hole things like mitt romney getting laughed at by all the liberal know-it-alls for saying russia was a geopolitical threat in 2012...but you cant memory hole things like aviation or food abundance. people will notice when things they used to be able to enjoy are not there anymore.

Anonymous No. 16178329

They will blame white people for economic incompetence and the foreigners we invade for destabilization
Jews and immigrants will get away unscathed

Anonymous No. 16178337

their ability to actually resonate on these issues and control the narrative is actually pretty limited. I really do think we are on a downward path, but its not like the people in charge are going to escape culpability through masterful control of the media and messaging. I think their plan is to just be so thoroughly isolated and protected behind their security details, private jets, anonymity and fortress communities that they can't be touched.

Anonymous No. 16178350

I'm thinking about getting an elite visa for thailand because that's how shitty this country has become. but I live in seattle (born and raised) so I see a different hell than most of the rest of the country I guess.

Anonymous No. 16178357

I think getting out of the US is a good idea. The hardest thing is finding a place where you would have any roots at all. For me I married an Italian and moved to her hometown. If anyone is a 3rd gen american or more recent then definitely try to get in touch with your foreign relatives and move tf back.

Anonymous No. 16178364

you have to be a gigaretard to think moving out of the US is going to help you in the coming competency crisis. for one, basically every country except for the US is prey for china. the only other countries in the world who will do anything to insulate you from that threat are even more expensive than the US with many of the same issues (Australia, NZ), are complete shitholes (India) or have immense cultural/legal barriers to entry (Japan).

Also, the support network on an international scale that it requires to for an expat to live an acceptable life abroad will be one of the first things to go. the living standard in Thailand will go down a lot sooner and a lot harder than it will in America.

the reality is that with the one conpscious except of new zealand (which is unrealistic for the vast majority of people for a variety of reasons) the best place to be is the US. the problem is you can't afford it, which to be totally frank is an issue with you. I know times are tough, but there are ways to get the income necessary to live in a nice part of the USA.

Anonymous No. 16178367

Remember that video of Bill Gates getting pied in the face?

Anonymous No. 16178469

I have a phd in math and unironically make 300k/yr. The problem is that the nice parts of the USA have too many atheists so the community sucks.

Anonymous No. 16178483

So you're gonna move to fucking SEA? holy lmao.

Anonymous No. 16178491

Funny how none of the Jews that pushed to hire them despite a decade of complaints against DEI didn't catch any of this fraud until they said mean words about Israel. Not my problem.

Anonymous No. 16178505

Who said I'm moving to SEA? I already moved to Italy

Anonymous No. 16178520

growing economies are much better insulated from CoL increases now because of the China/US spat. Chances are a highly skilled person will have a far better living standard by moving to Vietnam or somewhere else; won't have to deal with violent thugs and incompetent DEI monkeys.

Anonymous No. 16178574

Elite universities are beholden to the corporate Free Palestine crowd, not AIPAC and MEGA

Anonymous No. 16178957

at some point you gotta wonder if this is all just a charade to clear house. cuz damn...

Anonymous No. 16179147


Anonymous No. 16179587

You'd actually be surprised if you knew how influential Arabs are in American universities. Schools that had virtually zero muslim presence 30 years ago are currently full of them, that didn't just happen by accident.

Anonymous No. 16179596

I remember that, and during a debate O'Nigger basically said, "AYoooo da fuuuuk? dis cracka ass fool nigga be thinking we still fighting with mofuggin bayonets. Russia lol the cold war be over nsheeit nigga. DAMN" (Slight paraphrasing). Which was funny, because the Marines do still use bayonets, and with Russia, the rest is history.

Anonymous No. 16179645

>You'd actually be surprised if you knew how influential Arabs are in American universities. Schools that had virtually zero muslim presence 30 years ago are currently full of them, that didn't just happen by accident.
It's somewhat ironic that the people who filled universities with arabs are jews, and now they're at war with each other within the universities.

Anonymous No. 16180260

We can see that already have happened in science, just look at Retraction Watch. Fraud gives you promotion, ethics gets you kicked out.

How can you be so sure?

Anonymous No. 16180275

>you have to be a gigaretard to think moving out of the US is going to help you in the coming competency crisis. for one, basically every country except for the US is prey for china. the only other countries in the world who will do anything to insulate you from that threat are even more expensive than the US with many of the same issues (Australia, NZ), are complete shitholes (India) or have immense cultural/legal barriers to entry (Japan).
I am sure the Romans said something similar up to the collapse.

Anonymous No. 16180311

Filmmaker makes movie about US decadence, critics are furious:
>The setting is manifestly Manhattan, though it has the trappings, nomenclature and costumery of ancient Rome. Coppola’s screenplay is based on the first-century-BC Catilinarian conspiracy, his grand thesis seemingly being that the US too is a decadent empire teetering on the edge of collapse. Luckily, this hasn’t occurred to anyone over the past 40 years.

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Anonymous No. 16181065


Anonymous No. 16181225

>The epidemic of bogus science
>In a 2022 interview with Retraction Watch, a website that monitors papers under suspicion (for unintended errors as well as fraud), Wise itemised how brokers hook up with unscrupulous academics: “There’s this entire economy, ecosystem of Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, Telegram channels selling authorship for papers, selling citations, selling book chapters, selling authorship of patents.” All pollute the knowledge pool.

Anonymous No. 16181518

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