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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16176394

this but unironically, gravity as mainstream physics currently understands it is all wrong, the dark matter issue conclusively proves that. einstein's model is trash that should be regarded as nothing more than an outdated primitive superstition.

Anonymous No. 16176399

>gravity ... all wrong
>dark matter ... proves
MEDS ! now.

Anonymous No. 16176434

Dark matter obsessed retards have a negative IQ.

Anonymous No. 16177020

I don't want to relive learning

Anonymous No. 16177070

Hang the nog and also the girl for talking to him

Anonymous No. 16177082

I do not, in fact, support the failed ideal of free speech

Anonymous No. 16177088

why is everyone standing around while that moon cricket bothers a White girl

Anonymous No. 16177446

>subtle racemixing thread

Anonymous No. 16177567

Fuck off back to your containment board, retards. Nobody gave you permission to leave.

Anonymous No. 16177667

Whats a groid doing on a college campus to begin with anyway?

Anonymous No. 16177686

Fuck off, Rabbi. No one wants your race mixing garbage here.

Anonymous No. 16177703

why is she smiling at a black guy, it's almost like she wants his bbc

Anonymous No. 16177753

She'll ruin millennia of genetics and pay the coal toll. Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16177754

i haven't browsed /pol/ since 2014

Anonymous No. 16177758

>dark matter issue conclusively proves that
What is dark matter OP

Anonynous No. 16177769

What was it like? Why'd you leave?

Anonymous No. 16177790

>What was it like?
i imagine basically exactly what you're imagining minus any of the crazy q anon type stuff
just posts about that months' nig-out, exposing jewish tactics, and they used to try to have pedowood threads about all the people that got outed like 8 years later when it was kosher to talk about but they were unironically banned on sight by mods
and just general HAPPENING coverage
i started browsing because of the gamethreads for the live treyvon trials

Anonymous No. 16177793

>why did you leave
i got bored of it and moved my autistic special interest of the year from politics to something else, probably pokemon and mtg around that time.
now im just a noooticer and racist, but i don't yap

Eos !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16177804

Nobody actually thinks our understanding of gravity is correct except people who never learned anything about physics since high school.

Anonymous No. 16178843

Were you ever on

Anonymous No. 16178887


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stee trolled.jpg

Anonymous No. 16179324


Anonymous No. 16179334

its correct enough to calculate the flight path of a bullet
who needs more

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twum gibez.jpg

Anonymous No. 16180196

collecting government gibes free money

Anonymous No. 16180344

No one wants your useless opinion on physics, here. Reading infographics on /pol/ does not count as an education.

Anonymous No. 16180346

>but I just happen to still believe the same things and astroturf their views everywhere I go
Go disappoint your parents somewhere else, retard.

Anonymous No. 16180463

Ironically you used your free speech to express your disgust. KEK

Anonymous No. 16180843


Anonymous No. 16180846

>now im just a noooticer and racist
Never stop being based.

Anonymous No. 16180858

lmao. the problem with gravity and dark matter is that idiots think dark matter is real. Einstein's math is even better than most people realize. Which should come as no surprise since it is literally right all of the fucking time.

Anonymous No. 16180996

Meds, but one thing is sure, gravity still remains quite an elusive to us, despite having one of the most potent and impressive theories on it.

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Anonymous No. 16181973

i can tell you're emotional and upset from your use of profanity, but it makes no difference how angry and demanding you get, you're still wrong. the universe isn't going to change itself just because your angry at reality and you are deeply mentally ill if you think it will just because you screech the f word

Anonymous No. 16183033

I was

Anonymous No. 16183958

>einstein's model is trash that should be regarded as nothing more than an outdated primitive superstition.
The galactic rotation curve issue can be resolved with relativistic or newtonian mechanics if all the factors at play are taken into account.

Anonymous No. 16183965

>I am smarter than every physicist who lived during the past 100 years
Why do so many people on here have narcissistic personality disorder?

Anonymous No. 16184710

Well, since Isaac Newton invented gravity, everything went down.

Anonymous No. 16184820

jewish physics, I know
some combination of grounded in kabbalah, and simply pushed so a jew physicist is seen as the greatest
people use to say Copernicus like they now say Einstein

Anonymous No. 16184905

once you enter once your brain is damaged
it's terminal

Anonymous No. 16185627

>oy vey /pol/ is out to get me!!!

Anonymous No. 16185741

Interesting. They shouldn't be able form sentences with negative IQ. Maybe there is some form of black mold in their brains that balances it out.

Anonymous No. 16185796

What a fucking idiot. I cannot fucking believe the fucking trash that impresses physicists. Jerking off over dimensions and strings what the fuck.
I mean you had a good premise but you exposed yourself as a malding physcuck cause that's not an argument
What if my IQ is multiplied by i?

Anonymous No. 16185798

sounds like a gravity believer

Anonymous No. 16185800

We don't even have free speech in the US. If you're not allowed to threaten people's lives and say you want to butcher their guts and rape their family to their face then you live in a cuck nation

Anonymous No. 16187025

you don't have to go that far to find censorship, even merely questioning the holocaust narrative is illegal

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Anonymous No. 16187393

That is completely absurd.
For sure dark matter are extremely advanced civilizations hiding themselves from the terrors in the cosmic dark forest.

Anonymous No. 16188508

we should time travel through black holes and teleport to the multiverse and sheeeeeiiiit so we can find aliens and have laser sword fights with them
t. scientist

Anonymous No. 16189219


Anonymous No. 16189320

>free speech not hate speech
usually it's the white bitch saying that

Anonymous No. 16189325

Look at all these low iq braindead poltards posting their worthless word-vomit itt because of the image used by op. No wonder they're so easily manipulated and used

Anonymous No. 16190264

go to >>>/pol/ if you want to obsess over politics, this is the science board

Anonymous No. 16190291

Not in the US
But do wrong speech and consider your life worse than over

bodhi No. 16190309
