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Anonymous No. 16176476

I'm entering math grad school. Should I shoot for a 3 paper dissertation or a traditional one?

Anonymous No. 16176485

read the rules faggot

Anonymous No. 16176623

In natural science, the 3 paper dissertation IS the “traditional” one you sperg

Anonymous No. 16176882

>3 paper dissertation
I did 6 papers in my math PhD and I am unemployed.

Anonymous No. 16177792

Were they published?

Anonymous No. 16177955

Do the bare minimum (the traditional one) but socialize a lot with people, to the point where you are guaranteed a job because you made friends with everyone.

Anonymous No. 16177964

From my perspective despite never having attained a PhD, it would be better to focus entirely on a single dissertation, that way you can always go to your advisor for help and you become atleast somewhat of an expert in that field. Also of you were to not get published on one paper, that is fine, but if you did 3 papers and never got published in any of them that is really really bad, it would mean you wasted time and you don't become as knowledgeable in your field compared to when you focused on a single problem for 4 years straight. You want to become super friends with everyone so that you can ask them if they know any job positions open or so your advisor can reccomend you for a job or for you to meet an advisors friends that wants to employ you.

A Mathematician's Survival Guide: Graduate School and Early Career Development is a book that talks about the whole math PhD process. You should but it to help you understand what you need to do to get a job immediately after graduation.

Anonymous No. 16177966

You should buy it*

Anonymous No. 16178217


Anonymous No. 16178410

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