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Anonymous No. 16176493

how smart do you have to be to get a PhD in Math, Physics, or Engineering

Anonymous No. 16176574

Probably exposure to more than 1 language, professional parents, time spent playing with legos.

Anonymous No. 16176577

My dad has a PhD in physics and IMO he is a retard. Also a cringe sperg

Anonymous No. 16176580

Speaks volumes about the education system in your country.

Anonymous No. 16176587

Not that smart, I know a bunch of people who did it and they were pretty unremarkable

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Cult of Passion No. 16176588


Anonymous No. 16176594

He got is PhD in western yurop

Anonymous No. 16176674

Not very smart. I've met math and physics PhDs who were borderline retarded.

Anonymous No. 16176703

youd have to be pretty dumb to get a PhD in physics or math. engineering you can use easily.
joking aside, it's all just about putting in work. being smart just reduces how much you have to work at it.

Anonymous No. 16176716

110 IQ perhaps. Its about being a good goy and the funny hireable guy. PhD is a job

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Cult of Passion No. 16176859


Anonymous No. 16176937

You know it's very obvious you are coping right?

Anonymous No. 16176948

good reflexive judgment, creative problem solving, acute memory & recall etc. are not very advantageous to researchers. people with those traits do better in the professional world as MD's, lawyers, pilots etc.

if you want to be a researcher what you need is an above average level of intelligence overall with a very high pain tolerance and a dogged work ethic. an adeptness for navigating bureaucratic systems would be an X-factor to actually getting things done. but the truth is through your decade of schooling you will have the subject matter knowledge to bulldoze through any of your intellectual deficiencies.

im not saying one is better than the other btw. pilots and doctors are notoriously annoying people riding obnoxious egos. lawyers are nearly universally regarded as scum. and the traits necessary to be good in business are a laundry list of anti social tendancies. researchers, I think by virtue of the fact that they are usually smart-but-not-brilliant people, have pretty good reputations. compare the ego of a pilot to that of a researcher, its not even close.

then again you want the guy flying a plane full of people to exude confidence, even if that treads into arrogance.

tl;dr shit works

Anonymous No. 16176951

Yet your cringe sperg dad has had sex and you haven't. What does that say about you?

Anonymous No. 16176973

>good goy
>PhD is a job
Is that right? Do you have bosses and have to follow rules like in most other wage cages?

Anonymous No. 16176975

105 reasonably, but I have seen some 90 IQ sheboons too. If you're nonwhite nonmale the bar is extraordinarily low.

Anonymous No. 16177278

I've seen retards getting PhD in physics. For some reason all of those retards are experimentalists aka glorified lab boys.
Don't get me started on engineering, I don't see them as my equivalent at all.
Maths idk I don't have friends with maths PhD.
I'm a theoretical physics PhD

Anonymous No. 16177332

>Don't get me started on engineering, I don't see them as my equivalent at all.
yeah they're worth a lot more

Anonymous No. 16177336

He only had sex to have me
His sex life is non existent

Anonymous No. 16177422

To get a PhD in Math you have to be an erudite classics scholar. To get a PhD in Physics you need to be a talentless hack. To get a PhD in Engineering you need to have a knack for accidently working on a project that becomes high demand about a year or two into you working on it.

Anonymous No. 16177442

lmao I don't ask opinions from a wannabe mechanic "profession".

Anonymous No. 16177449

Engineers make useful things that improve the lives of the people. Theoretical physicists are grimy neets that sit in the office all day playing with arcane equations and simulations eating up resources for 50 years, all in the hope that 1/10,000 physicists will be the next Einstein or Newton.

Anonymous No. 16177510

Do I know you?

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Anonymous No. 16177527

Apparently not smart at all, just look at how many people on this board say they have PhDs.

Anonymous No. 16177550

>how smart do you have to be to get a PhD in Math, Physics, or Engineering
These days? Well, you only need an IQ of about 70 as long as your skin isn't white.

Anonymous No. 16177572

>Math, Physics, Engineering
Chemistry is the field for the true renaissance man.

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Anonymous No. 16177580

>how smart do you have to be to get a PhD in Math, Physics, or Engineering

Find some third-world poor country and you can 'earn' your PhD for a $50K and for that amount you will be a co-author of a few dozen papers.

MerLynn No. 16177588

>Theoretical physicists are grimy neets that sit in the office all day

Not true
some of us deconstruct reality back to the truth..

Anonymous No. 16177670

really really really smart, like really smart

Anonymous No. 16177782

About three fiddy

Anonymous No. 16177800

You need a rare mix of high IQ with retardation to waste so much time instead making money to have fun every weekend with a couple of 18yo hookers.

Anonymous No. 16177822

You have to be THIS smart *gestures with a raised hand*

Anonymous No. 16177891

not that smart. i managed to do it

Anonymous No. 16177916


Anonymous No. 16177928

people can be genius in their field and totally retarded to the world around them

Anonymous No. 16177933

if you can't calculate how smart you have to be, do you really think you have a chance?

Anonymous No. 16178133

he just keeps playing with string and talking about the magic ice he made

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Anonymous No. 16178142

>I swear its just being a tech with extra steps ack

Anonymous No. 16178161

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to waste your youth on this shit for meagre rewards

Anonymous No. 16178162

>PhD in Math, Physics
>or Engineering

Anonymous No. 16178333

fuck me engineers with 90 iq should piviot to trade school

Anonymous No. 16178341

Get a PhD in something really useful, man. I have a PhD in law and I am an assistant professor at the university (1600โ‚ฌ/month)

Anonymous No. 16178362

Not very smart desu - there are still tons of mediocre schools in the US with mediocre professors that are happy to take on mediocre students as research slaves in exchange for the coveted PhD.
The only caveat is that people can easily tell you're not smart enough to deserve your title.

Anonymous No. 16178518

you have to be pretty dumb to get a PhD ahahaha it delays your career

Cult of Passion No. 16178556

I'm fucking gay

Anonymous No. 16178640

Probably like 125 minimum (for engineering I'm assuming you mean ME or EE). Physics in math is probably slightly higher like 130-145. A Ph.D is a lot more about perseverance and autistic obsession with your research than it is about raw processing power. I'm in math and from what I've read the average math prof is in the 135 range.

Anonymous No. 16178704

Uni and a Phd is a prescriptive education so you need to be dumb enough to not make it on your own. Dumb enough to not realize this and then dumb enough to go trough all the academic formalities. Basically you need to thrive being dumb, thus not very smart.

Anonymous No. 16178757

that's poverty tier here in brazil