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🧵 I have nothing else to do but study because I was born a loser

Anonymous No. 16176559

I started my public school years being placed into special education classes due to my diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. That was until my mother demanded the school board to place me into mainstream education because I told her that I felt the special education I was receiving was inferior compared to the mainstream education all of the other kids were getting. I didn't even know I was autistic. I felt stupid and my mother was never going to tell me about my diagnosis because she thought I would have given up on life if she told me the truth.

Now looking back on my primary and secondary school years I never belonged in a mainstream school setting. I was mediocre in the majority of my classes which resulted in a mediocre gpa. The teachers and counselors were right.

As an adult I have no social, employment or educational prospects. I never had those things since the beginning. I'm waiting until I get my monthly SSI check and I'm still rotting at home.

I have been taking a remedial basic mathematics course for 2 months but now I'm asking myself what's the point? I never put any effort into math so why take math seriously now in my early 20's when people like Terence Tao and asian students mog me on social media?

There's no job opportunity for me so why even bother studying for a timed test or meet due dates? I don't even belong in college and no one wants to teach adults basic math skills that you were suppose to learn and hold onto as a kid.

Anonymous No. 16176571

POV: it’s 1800 Britain. My ancestors are smart, brave and hard working Welshmen. Your ancestors African tribes. Then your ancestors crash my country and start demanding equals rights. wtf?

Anonymous No. 16176598

wales are just a fancier version of england, theyre like the canadian version of england

Anonymous No. 16176943

POV: it’s 500 Britain. My ancestors are smart, brave and hard working Welshmen. Your ancestors Germanic tribes. Then your ancestors crash my country and start demanding tribute. wtf?

Anonymous No. 16176969

delete your social media

Anonymous No. 16176978

Why math, what are your interests, are you interested in any profession?

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Anonymous No. 16177441

>I didn't even know I was autistic.
This seems to be rather common, and I know someone who was past 50 when he got tested.

>There's no job opportunity for me
Not true. We are all dealt a hand of cards when we are born, people on the spectrum are dealt cards from a diffent set. You just have to play to your strength.

You don't describe yourself in detail, but one of the cliched features of someone on teh spectru is the ability and even drive to dig deeply into details. Ordinary people cannot, they will pick up their smartphone after 15 minutes of attempting to study something. So, as >>16176978 ask, what are your interests? See if you can build a career on something you can feel an interest for.


Anonymous No. 16177549

Don't beat yourself up over starting late. I'm 22 and just begun my Math bachelor's. It took me 2 years of studying finance and one year of working 14 hours a day with jobs like car washing, UPS and Target to figure what I wanted to do as a career.

You don't have to be distinguished from your pears in order to be happy. If what matters most to you is the imprints you leave behind, your greatest accomplishment will be a tombstone.

Anonymous No. 16177576

I have a monotone voice, I don't emote any facial expressions and my mother tells me I lack empathy. I have a 43 page diagnosis paper. I have visited 6 different psychologists and 5 out of 6 have diagnosed me with autism. I was first diagnosed at the age of 3 and my IQ score at around 7 or 8 years old (I don't remember, don't have the paper with me right now) was 103. I'm due to get an MRI of brain later this month and I received an EEG, the EEG results came out as normal.

Anonymous No. 16177582

>My ancestors are smart, brave and hard working Welshmen
Celts are literally white niggers

Anonymous No. 16177938

I failed grade school and my highschool gpa was 1.8 and I still graduated, and look at me now! Study what interests you. Learning is always good for you. You never know what you might invent or do that can be rewarding for yourself. Potentially you can just work for yoursef from home, lots of people do.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16178038

That doesn't sound like autism to me. More likely, you're an average kid with a demanding mother.

Anonymous No. 16178041

That doesn't sound like autism to me. More likely, you were an average kid with a demanding mother.