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๐Ÿงต Cancer Treatment Spending Increase

Anonymous No. 16176860

Obviously having cancer is bad (if it's you), but as we're all very intelligent here I think it's time for us to look at the positive aspects of peak cancer treatment spending. It's good for the economy! Huge demand and getting money out of savings accounts and into the free market.

Anonymous No. 16177247

>It's good for the economy! Huge demand a
spending on cancer leaves less money for other things, theres no net economic win. People with medical bankruptcies do not spend a lot of money

Anonynous No. 16177778

Paying high fees for medical treatment sucks.
You know what's even worse?
Britain where they refused to allow Alfie to get lifesaving medical treatment.
The baby died which is a big win for the crown.

5 or 7 or so years ago some French dude was taken off life support because he was at the hospital too long so they just fucking killed him.

Anonymous No. 16177789


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Anonymous No. 16177832


Anonymous No. 16178461

lots of people leave too much money in their savings accounts (yuck) so I disagree. also higher demand for cancer treatments means more money for cancer r&d. it's just win/win (if you're not one with cancer of course or took something that greatly elevates it)

Anonymous No. 16178620

>lots of people leave too much money in their savings accounts (yuck) so I disagree. also higher demand for cancer treatments means more money for cancer r&d.
Doesnt matter, if you spend on cancer theres less money for other things. As for people using their savings, savings are never just sitting idle in an account, the bank uses that money.

Anonymous No. 16178639

Nah you should study economics. Buting a product is way different of an effect than a passive investment. Anyway we should really consider if being against cancer is rooted in white supremacy

Anonymous No. 16178654

Technical analysis is no more relevant on these charts than in the stocks. Also, why is the data cut off in 2018?
Also, haha jabbies.

Anonymous No. 16178688

Make your own chart with a cut off in 457ad if you want bwo

Anonymous No. 16178758

>Buting a product is way different of an effect than a passive investment.
Its not about the investment, a bank can pay you 0% interest for all that i care. the fact is the bank uses that money. Its not just sitting. Other people will be happy to borrow it and spend it if you dont.
Shitposting aside, no, cancer is not good for the economy and the explanation falls under "broken window" fallacy. An exception to this is when those with cancer are elderly, because they have negative economic value (just a high sentimental value). Workers are useful alive, pensioners are not. It has really nothing to do with spending money, since money will get spent no matter what, but when no one works theres just less money around.

Anonymous No. 16178762

great point! and here I was, avoiding the covid vaccine!