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๐Ÿงต Oh no, climate activist sisters.

Anonymous No. 16177103

What happened? I thought we were the science.

Anonymous No. 16177196

>Special Offer! Use our link
> to get 15% off you...

Anonymous No. 16177270

>Welcome, friends of Sabine! If you appreciate her gobbledygook-free approach to science reporting, we know youโ€™ll appreciate ours.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16178008

global warming shills on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 16178035

Judging by the image she isn't saying it's wrong but just that she's tapping out

Anonymous No. 16178970

Nobody cares if they KYS

Anonymous No. 16178977

I would only pay for her onlyfans

Anonymous No. 16179044

Sure, but this woman is dumb and wrong when it comes to quantum science.
She believes in fucking pilot-wave for God's sake

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Anonymous No. 16179052

what does it matter while israel is committing genocide?

Anonymous No. 16179121

I can't wait for all these heavily papered academic pay pigs have to admit Plants just eat the Extra C02 and produce more goods per acre. Unironically invest in nitrogen based fertilizer.

Anonymous No. 16179133

Her entire statement is that we aren't going to reach the current climate goals and need to set better ones. Not that climate change or activism is in any way wrong. She even admits that we need to do something about it but that setting unrealistic goals is not the way.

Anonymous No. 16179167

I hate climate activism etc. because, it is now our
fault for your private jet.

Anonymous No. 16179581

>I thought we were the science.
She isn't the science, she's an opinated reporter of the science, very different.

Anonymous No. 16179585

>Plants just eat the Extra C02 and produce more goods per acre
they do, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, but humans release CO2 at a rate that plants cannot keep up with.

Anonymous No. 16179771

>plants cannot keep up
Cool. If only the trannies stop chopping tree down. It's a fake problem that can be solved extremely easily.

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Anonymous No. 16179839

I'm the tranny chopping down your trees. Did you want to say that to my face or do you want to buy my lumber while the government sells me the rights to cut down more forests?

Anonymous No. 16180967

>Unironically invest in nitrogen based fertilizer.
Nitrogen fixing plants become more efficient nitrogen fixers when they have more CO2 available to work with.

Anonymous No. 16181340

Kek was about to post this

I'm sure some dudes would be into it

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16182189


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16183394

Every aspect of plants functions better the more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, they become more efficient users of every nutrient, more efficient users of water, more disease resistant. There is no downside to adding CO2 to the atmosphere and there is massive upside to doing it

Anonymous No. 16184637

he's a lumberjack and he's ok, he sleeps all night and he works all day!

Anonymous No. 16184716

If you follow any climate change debate it inevitably degenerates into moving goal posts, whatifs, infantile "gotcha" comments and info-graphic wars.

Climate change is fuzzy, the time spans are so long, the science is so inexact, the data open to interpretation, so endless debate ensues with no resolution. no firm conclusions, no straightforward remedies ( if actually needed ). Even worse it has several elephants in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge.

The science about biodiversity loss and habitat destruction is clear and straightforward. It affects a key component of our standard of living and survival. The food chain. But they are sidelined, obscured from view, by the climate change debate.

I struggle not to wear a tinfoil hat but I am beginning to think the focus on Climate change is intentional. Its a convenient way for corporations to divert attention away from the ecological destruction caused by many of their activities. Its a smokescreen. if not deliberately lit then most certainly used as one.

Anonymous No. 16185046

I think you are reading into it a little bit much. Doomerism is a sociological/memetic phenomenon. The threat of rapture provides motivation for proselytizing and for the converts to take action. It is Jim Jones.

Anonymous No. 16185058

I listened to her for the first time. Her accent sounds really bad

Anonymous No. 16185243

like jews genociding people is anything nwq

Anonymous No. 16185912

>the data open to interpretation
people who never passed a thermodynamics class will just interpret temperature data any way that pleases them since they're not bound by what they learned about thermodynamics

Anonymous No. 16187086

The power of ignorance

Anonymous No. 16188471

Greta was never even able to pass high school math, yet somehow she still considers herself a science expert.

Anonymous No. 16188596

>focus on Climate change is intentional. Its a convenient way for corporations to divert attention away from the ecological destruction caused by many of their activities. Its a smokescreen
I feel the same way, instead of pollution, biodiversity, wildlife habitats and so on all they talk about is muh CO2 as if nothing else matters

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Anonymous No. 16189099


Anonymous No. 16190141

theres tons of pseuds just like her on /sci/, can't do math, never learned physics, yet still consider themselves climate experts

Anonymous No. 16190710

Lack of math ability and ignorance of physics is a prerequisite for climate science

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16192033

The only Genocide there was October 7th.

Anonymous No. 16192036

divided and conquered.

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Anonymous No. 16193356

>muh six zogillion
shit that never happened

Anonymous No. 16193481

problem? better than what 90% of 'scientists' believe

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Anonymous No. 16193865


Anonymous No. 16193869

>yet another hossengoblin simp thread

Anonymous No. 16194986

Environmentalism is just a symptom of a grandiose narcissistic personality. They imagine that they own the whole planet and that its their job to decide who gets to use it and how.

Anonymous No. 16195076

If only humans had the technology to genetically modify the Plant Kingdom for betterment of all mankind....if we had this technology we could easily increase the plant's ability to process Carbon....oh well!

He idiot....they still need fertilizer. That's how I know you've never grown a vegetable. Grow a tomato in the garden and never fertilize it. Now grow an identical tomato next to it and feed it as much salt based fertilizer as it can handle without damage. Now weigh the resulting produce at the end of the season and see which tomato plant yields more. Spoiler the one you fertilize. So yes the nitrogen fixing will be more efficient but only a fool would "leave money on the table" and purposefully yield less per acre when a simple application of cheap nitrogen results in anywhere from 20-100% increase in end product aka a 20-100% increase in profits. If you use your brain and simple logic things like the above will not need to be explained to you, it will just come naturally.

Anonymous No. 16195088

Well, new science has emerged.

bodhi No. 16195099

which was also done by Jews (killing their own)

Anonymous No. 16196367

you only believe that because you can't do math

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16197183

Inability to do math is a key factor that powers belief in global warming. Its only this level of total ignorance that forces people to blindly believe in the global warming propaganda. If you can run the numbers for yourself then you can figure how they don't add up.

Anonymous No. 16197184

Show me the real numbers

Anonymous No. 16198277

Acid rain isn't a problem since ages ago. coal power plants emit little more than CO2 these days. CO2 isn't even a pollutant.
Deforestations isn't a real problem either, trees grow back.
Most issues that environmentalists bitch and moan about are completely fake and stupid and they only feign belief in them because they like to bitch and moan and be demanding like babies, which they in turn enjoy because they're mentally immature.

Anonymous No. 16198373

Surely a guilt based narrative will work out right? Just forget about the whole "sin" thing I'm sure THIS time it will work!

Anonymous No. 16198796

>trees grow back
They grow back even faster and quicker with additional CO2 added to the atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16199424

Climate change affects all ecosystems, all at once. That's why.

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Anonymous No. 16199611

no it doesn't

Anonymous No. 16200334

Slavery is the original sin angle

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Anonymous No. 16201326


Anonymous No. 16202065

So you're saying you can't dispute anything she says about science so you have to resort to lamely attacking her on other grounds

Anonymous No. 16202073

>it's another "June day where I have to heat in the morning" episode
Can global warming hurry the fuck up already?

Anonymous No. 16202122


Found the materialist. You're a midwit.

Anonymous No. 16202857

Global warming unironically will make Canada the greatest empire ever on earth.

Anonymous No. 16202875

>the forests are perpetually on fire
Ah yes, utopia.

Anonymous No. 16202958

that's only in the US and the southmost Canada. the northern Canada will turn god tier heaven if temperature increase by another 5 degrees.

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Anonymous No. 16203799

Isn't it funny how environmental activists always seem ecstatic whenever news of forest fires comes around?
If they like the environment as much as they claim they do, why do forest fires make them so happy?

Anonymous No. 16205313

>northern Canada will turn god tier heaven if temperature increase
Northern Canada is already heavenly the way it is. You just need to wear some heavy clothing. Heavy clothing was invented tens of thousands of years ago, you can be warm and comfortable wherever you want these days.

Anonymous No. 16206120

>snowing for more than half a year is heaven
no dude, limit winter to 3 months and we'll be good.

Anonymous No. 16207003

you should move back to india if you hate canada so much

Anonymous No. 16208062

>plants can't grow without human intervention
how'd they grow before people existed?

Anonymous No. 16208905

>NOOOOOO you need to use muh toxic commercial goyslop to grow your plants!!!!
>you can't just use water and sunlight!!!
>thats not allowed!!!

Anonymous No. 16210007

that junk they use to make plants grow better is all a scam.
the annual reports of ever better per acre harvests is all solely due to the positive effects of CO2 on plants and fertilizer chemists all lie by trying to say its their products that are responsible for the improvements.

Anonymous No. 16210209

Imagine being this retarded

Anonymous No. 16210964

>If they like the environment as much as they claim they do, why do forest fires make them so happy?
they're a death cult

Anonymous No. 16211087

New Sabine Science Vid Dropped!

The best video she's ever done.

Anonymous No. 16212514

Why would people who claim to love nature intentionally start so many forest fires?

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Anonymous No. 16217222

urbanites don't love nature, they would never have decided to become urbanites if they did

Anonymous No. 16218753

>being this butthurt

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Anonymous No. 16220832


Anonymous No. 16221451

This >>16217222 their professed concern over nature is a mere affection

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enough fucking ar....jpg

Anonymous No. 16221797

>What happened?
We are failing and it's not going to get done in time unless we take drastic measures.
"/pol/ is that way", yeah, yeah, I know, thanks

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Anonymous No. 16221799

We don't need to reduce CO2 emissions, except perhaps as a side effect of other policies.
Our climate is changing - more and more infrastructure and absorbant black asphalt and waste heat from the billion devices and miles of pipes and vents and the millions of ICE vehicle activity. All of this stuff causes heavily built up areas, spanning many miles, to experience much warmer weather than surrounding rural locations.
99% of the "climate change" people cite as evidence is due to specific land use changes or environmental management failures.
Look at Picrel. Look how the heat so strongly correlates with urban sprawl. As soon as you get away and get vegetation, everything is cool: the plant life reflects more light and is pumping thousands of gallons of water daily into the air, not only reacting differently to hot weather but also making weather by contributing to cloud formation.
Identifying the CAUSE of the changes we observe is crucial. If you accept that the primary cause is carbon dioxide emissions, then "doing something about" climate change has only one solution - a nebulous commitment to "reduce carbon" without fixing any of the myriad specific problems in our lived environment and shortcomings in land management.
Consider picrel. Would you say "the cause of warmer weather in urban Japan is primarily due to atmospheric carbon" is a fair assessment? Or do you think a better explanation is "the cause of warmer weather in Japan is urbanisation and other associated land use changes"?
If you believe that the primary cause of observed changes is due to land use changes, then the set of solutions grows much larger, and more diverse, and potentially more radical. Eradication of city sprawl, an increase in rewinding and a managed decline in the global population. A complete redesign of our remaining city infrastructure, buildings and roads made as bright, white and reflective as possible with the inclusion of as much greenery as possible.

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Anonymous No. 16222961


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222965

I use symbols from aspects of matrixes and answers to problems

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222967


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222974

I built the dimension in one hold breath, then in two further hold breaths I developed swirling power that now captures my normal process. I have a miniature process in my capable of doing all I need. I'll send you my hell later, I am very smart in the ways I have suggested and much much more than that truthfully. This is all worked out. My mind says I'm the best hell around

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222978

It's far off a tree and more in a lake I stand

What is skill?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222980

Think above that @ grades in champion rank

That's almost right it depicted a bit less than I am

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222982

I'm dripping.

And unless you know all I got new stuff to bring.

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Anonymous No. 16223504

>push doomsday propaganda for decades
>can't get sufficient public support to implement your goals
>use media and political allies to shift overton window so far off the deep end that virtually everyone hates you now
>dispatch enlightened centrists with all the same positions that the radicals had a few years ago and hope people like them better now

I see you Schlomo.

Anonymous No. 16224349

I wish i could fuck sabine

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Anonymous No. 16226013

Anonymous No. 16226108

Climate activists pretty much all want to blow up private jets. Idk wtf you're talking about. Taylor swift should be publicly executed.

Anonymous No. 16226109

Do the math for us then, pajeet

Anonymous No. 16226111

>Taylor swift should be publicly executed.
the climate activists will skin you alive for wishing bad thing to their favorite pop singer.

Anonymous No. 16226113

And the ashes picked through by hordes of imported pajeets. Truly paradise.

Anonymous No. 16226115

Meds, now

Anonymous No. 16227302

>almost always
In this case it isn't.

Anonymous No. 16228694

yes it is

Anonymous No. 16229700

>no increase in temperature since the 20th century
how is that possible if global warming is real?

Anonymous No. 16230704

Their messiah complex includes aspects of Munchausen syndrome by proxy using the environment as a proxy.

Anonymous No. 16231835

It isn't real, climate is cyclical, in the 50s & 60s when there was a general cooling trend the """science""" frauds screeched endless about how that trend would continue forever, but then it bottomed out in the 1970s and things started going the other way a little bit so they developed a made up reason to screech about how the opposite trend would continue forever, now that the slight amount of warming has peaked they'll eventually start screening about global cooling again when the time comes.
All this is possible because they don't teach kids about the concept of dynamic stability in school.