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๐Ÿงต Religion aside are Jews physically different from other whites? How to distinguish this weird race?

Anonymous No. 16177327

Anonymous No. 16177364

I'm the only one who's white. Just me. This is a thread for whites. Get out of my thread.

Anonymous No. 16177378

So you want this thread to be left without responses and you excuse this by claiming that you're sure about a completely devoid of evidence assumption that you made over everyone else from those that would come to this thread not being as white as you. Are you a Jew who wants to protect other Jews from being exposed?

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Anonymous No. 16177392

You can distinguish Jews from non-Jews by using genetics.

Anonymous No. 16177430

>You can distinguish Jews from non-Jews by using genetics
Go tell that she must have a DNA test to prove she's actually Greek otherwise all social democrats like her are traitors and it's they who should be banned from elections not Spartans

Anonymous No. 16177439

>are Jews physically different from other whites?
Semites are an Asian race, they are not Europeans, israel is wholly within Asia, there isn't even a semitic nation that borders on Europe. Semites are the one race outside of Africa that shares the most DNA with negroes, they are not even almost white, they are very, very different.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16177462

>Semites are an Asian race
They might also be the "sea peoples" ruined Bronze Age Mycenaean civilization in ancient Greece right after the Trojan war their presence in Egypt during the time of Moses and Ramesses II is a complete fairy tale quite unlike Homer's epic saga of Greek demigods

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Anonymous No. 16177475

>Semites are an Asian race
They might also be the "sea peoples" that ruined Bronze Age Mycenaean civilization in ancient Greece right after the Trojan war their presence in Egypt during the time of Moses and Ramesses II is a complete fairy tale quite unlike Homer's epic saga of Greek demigods

Anonymous No. 16177590

You're confused. The "Sea Peoples" bothered Egypt, and very well could have been the Mycenaeans.

Anonymous No. 16177600

>other whites.
Hello Shlomo, how's your day going ?

sage No. 16177606

this thread will stay up for many days because /pol/tards got one of their own as a janny

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Anonymous No. 16177616

>this thread will stay up for many days because /pol/tards got one of their own as a janny
So you want me to stop posting? Just send a message to
and she'll definitely figure out my identity. Then you can send me to jail. Otherwise I'll always keep coming you see she's a social democrat supporting policies that left me unemployed so I've got nothing to lose

Anonymous No. 16177620

I'll bite
How did she put you out of a job?

Anonymous No. 16177624

And also what did you do that could land you in jail? She knows who you are and what you did but somehow the thing standing between you and jail is anonymous people sending her a message saying "hey this anonymous retard is shitting up /sci/"?

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Anonymous No. 16177639

>She knows who you are and what you did
She doesn't know shit she only knows that I rejected her for being a social democrat that means I'm a hard-core conservative there's no other reason to reject such a girl

Anonymous No. 16177641

You amuse me with your petty antics. I doubt you were in any position to reject her. She has plenty reason to reject you.

Anonymous No. 16177655

>She has plenty reason to reject you
She remembers me I was a chad and she definitely wanted me before I gave her a reason to reject me there's no way she forgot about the biggest lunatic she ever got the chance to know

Anonymous No. 16177659

>the biggest lunatic she ever got the chance to know
Surprising self-awareness

Anonymous No. 16177663
That's her talking to me

Anonymous No. 16178392
