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🧵 women in stem

Anonymous No. 16177485

this shit is getting ridiculous. In highschool they had exclusive science programs just for girls. and then in college, it's mostly girls in all of my science courses. in fact in one course, out of 25 students i'm literally the only man. In another course there were like 3 guys out of 25 and they were gay. When is it enough? How do we stop this shit? I don't want my coworkers to be these woman poojitas and fat sheboons they smell and are actually retarded

Anonymous No. 16177491

incel thread

Anonymous No. 16177500

Most men are just more interested in engineering. If you go to engineering classes it’s like 99% men. While women like natural sciences that are connected to biology and chemistry. Idk why this is either way though.

Maybe your just in the class because your of an effeminate character? I mean there’s probably a reason the only other niggas in the class were homosexuals.

Also annoying bitchy thread. If you don’t like who you work/have class with just don’t talk to them more then you need to. No one said he had to make friends.

Anonymous No. 16177521

>While women like natural sciences that are connected to biology and chemistry
Because they are heavily based on memorization

Anonymous No. 16177526

Female brains mature earlier than males. they've got to exploit that brief window of opportunity to push the narratives

Anonymous No. 16177579

>in fact in one course, out of 25 students i'm literally the only man
You chose biology, or maybe (but less likely) chemistry. At the undergraduate level, biology is purely for midwitws, and chemistry isn't much better. Why are you surprised midwits congregate in midwit areas?

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the look.png

Anonymous No. 16177584

Anonymous No. 16177727

If all the people in science are women or gay, and you're in science, and you're not a woman, then you are just telling us that you're gay without saying you're gay

Anonymous No. 16177757

>and then in college, it's mostly girls in all of my science courses
Freshman courses? Biology? Biomedical sciences? Also, women are overrepresented in college in general

yes, i feel you about the "grrrls in sciance" crap, it wasn't so bad when i was in undergrad 15 years ago because STEM was still safe from all the woke crap -- but it's in full swing now.

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Anonymous No. 16177768

why are some of you cucks defending the judeo-femoid invasion of traditional White man Catholic spaces

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Anonymous No. 16178437

The future is female
Women already re-discovered pythagoras' theorem, the moon is but a few years away