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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16177705

what happens to fields of study if there's too much material to remember?
let's say they start including dark matter, higher dimensions and quantum entanglement into courses that are mandatory for a physics degree and a physics PhD. What about all the stuff that students are learning these days? they'll have to cram the new knowledge in as well in addition to the previous stuff

Anonymous No. 16177714

yes that is a real problem as knowledge accumulates.

Anonymous No. 16177717

For law, you just look it up in special case/search data bases and look at old outlines. The only time you know an area in and out is when you deal with it ever single day, and everyone knows this. I imagine scientists and professors do the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16178057

Specialization, it already exists
When you're an undergraduate you're really only learning the basic generalized aspects of the field, but when you to gradschool you will focus on a specific sub-field rather than covering everything

Anonymous No. 16178059

This is why physicists will be replaced by AI.

Anonymous No. 16178099

>he thinks LLMs will be solving problems with high specificity

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Anonymous No. 16178470


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Cult of Passion No. 16178472

>that are mandatory for a physics degree and a physics PhD.
Its not a Unified Theory of Everything, therefore it is by definition false-Physics, just "approaching" True Physics.

"In the neighborhood." or something.

>Newton? know he was completely wrong, right?

Anonymous No. 16178502

>let's say they start including dark matter, higher dimensions and quantum entanglement into courses that are mandatory for a physics degree and a physics PhD. What about all the stuff that students are learning these days? they'll have to cram the new knowledge in as well in addition to the previous stuff

midbrain problems

about time universities get filtered

Anonymous No. 16178536

People specialise. That's what happens.
Regarding reaching a degree: That's trivial across all fields.

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Anonymous No. 16178563

atom atom? i can see i arrived to the correct conclusion while you did not ... colleague

Cult of Passion No. 16178569

This doesn't arouse me since I love cock

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Cult of Passion No. 16178623

I love everyone.

Otherwise I would be like you, a vapid and degenerating offshoot of Huemanity. Pity...your genes will eventually find themselves on the outskirts of society in a world beyond your comprehension.

Biological warfare via the BioPhysics realm, or in otherwords....a War in Heaven.

Anonymous No. 16178650

At a certain point, curriculum for science classes at primary levels needs to start introducing students to at least basic concepts. As it is right now, most students don't take any kind of physics course until high school, and some may not even take a basic conceptual physics course until college (and that's only if they choose to take that as a science credit). Now obviously most students interested in pursuing physics as a major are going to be driven to taking more math and science classes earlier in high school, but the fact that we're not even introducing basic concepts of mechanics, the laws of motion, conservation, experimental methodology, etc. until most students are 17-18 is fucking ridiculous.

The other change that needs to be made is a reduction in elective and core curriculum coursework. I get that schools want students to be well-rounded, but when you're at the point where less than half of a major's coursework is dedicated to topics outside their major, it's gone too far. Physics programs are already at the point where they've had to start whittling down programs from four semesters of intro physics to three, going from two semesters each of E&M and QM to one of each, etc.

If you want core courses and electives - make them do 3 hours each of: Qualitative reasoning, quantitative reasoning, ancient history, modern history, rhetoric, literature, natural science, and social science, art, and plus 6 electives. That's 45 hours of courses that give them a good grounding in other topics, but also leaves 75 hours to sink into their major.

Anonymous No. 16178658

You are just a deranged individual trying to pick up fights with everyone for the most trite reasons, you are incapable of love at all levels (intellectually, spiritually or physical) you are just a subhuman with a bone to pick for being rightfully labeled a brainlet

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Cult of Passion No. 16178683

>pick up fights
As people constantly try to tell me what I am...I simply defend Truth.
>You are
Your inability to experience empathy, as you are rooted to consumption of others, is why you cannot Love.
>you are
There it is again...that grasping at straws and grabbing strawmen, the perfect target.
>you are
Wow, Xerxes the Trilingual would be proud of you, but it was the Spartans who had "soul" between the two.

I am a generous god, I have shown you your mind-blind spots, go...become a man or never return at all.

Anonymous No. 16178687

I think ai powered research assistants are going to be big in the coming decades specifically because their access to information can help make cross disciplinary connections that might otherwise be missed.

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Cult of Passion No. 16178699

>intellectually, spiritually or physical
Do you want me to put into stone the Three?

Cult of Passion No. 16178717

Why are you posting as me? I'm trying to let people know I'm coming out of the closet, and you're being homophobic?

Anonymous No. 16178818

it's a bot

Anonymous No. 16178827

>what happens to fields of study if there's too much material to remember?
It just subdivides. That's how chemistry separated from physics. Each has too much information to be taught in detail in an ordinary undergraduate curriculum.

Cult of Passion No. 16178845

I'm not a bot, I'm a gay man.

Anonymous No. 16178884

I notice gays like to show their sexual orientation to everyone—especially little kids.

Anonymous No. 16179180

>bots are still getting past the captcha
Sasuga Hiro

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16179198

Find a language to unify things that you know without getting too explicitly into niggerlicious category theory.

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Anonymous No. 16179204

How did category theory even become such a meme to begin with?

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Cult of Passion No. 16179274

They always attack what is at top.

Always. My Math is so vague I cant possibly be more rigorous.

Anonymous No. 16179907

suddenly math is for trannies?

Anonymous No. 16179921

>knowledge accumulates
Some theories get refuted or changed

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Anonymous No. 16179926

>missing the joke this badly

Anonymous No. 16180861

no I got it

Anonymous No. 16181209


Anonymous No. 16181601

buy pass for your bot, bot passes captcha

Anonymous No. 16181607

>special case/search databases
Does this even exist? Anywhere else in the world the knowledge of law is not standarized and you can't find shit, you must know everything yourself or specialize in a topic.

Anonymous No. 16181679

May as well get rid of rule 14 then.

Anonymous No. 16182748

what's that rule, it like rule 63