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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16177711

approximately how hard would it be to rip someone's skin/face? how much strength would that require?
i have actual autism and one of the traits is i get massive justice boners/i hate evil people not getting properly punished. unfortunately i am also kind of stupid/brutish, so i really hate the 'just let the law deal with them' type of mentality and i prefer tangible punishment
i get stuck doomscrolling ragebait videos usually of road ragers trying to kill people then getting out t heir car to physically intimidate them, and i was thinking
hypothetically say i knock someone out, and while theyre laid out i'm straddling/sitting on their chest and can put 2 or 3 fingers into each of their cheeks
how much strength would i need to actually rip their face or at least their lips apart? how hard would it be to tear skin like a paper
i've been working out for 5 years so i have a very good idea of what strength/numbers can realistically represent in terms of weights, so something like 'you need to be able to row x00lb to tear someone's face off' will put it into a reasonable perspective for me

Anonymous No. 16177764

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16177796

i don't like that you recognized me, stop that. that's scary.

Anonymous No. 16178282

[math]27 \pm 9 MPa[/math] according to this