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🧵 Why is no one having children?

Anonymous No. 16178076

What is the scientific cause for population decline? Is it biological? A quality of life issue?

Anonymous No. 16178078

One possibility:
Personally: Why would I ? Why would I sentence someone else to life ? Life in thie world, under those conditions, with this future ? I used to want kids.

Anonymous No. 16178088


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Anonymous No. 16178130

>Why is no one having children?

Anonymous No. 16178134

>I used to want kids.
Same. Then I started questioning everything. I was about 10.

Anonymous No. 16178136

ok doomer answer first this simple question: are population pyramids linears that go up or down into infinity in history?

Anonymous No. 16178137

The gist is a Female oriented society. When females were entered the labor market, It threw off the power dynamic between men and women. also birth control too.

Anonymous No. 16178140

women were turned into whores that get free access to sex without consequence until they are 30-40+ then no men want to make family or have children the roasties anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16178141

>When females were entered the labor market
Females have been in the labor market for many, many decades. This is a new phenomenon.

Anonymous No. 16178153

>Females have been in the labor market for many, many decades. This is a new phenomenon.

many decades yes but not centuries. It wasn't common for women to be employed 250 years back rather they would work on a family farm doing women things and what not :/

It takes time for societies to change women have been gaining more and more power in society "America specifally since the 1920s" The outcome of a society were women have more social leverage then men is a society where no on is having children because women are able to for the first time in history on mass decide between their job and their kid(s).

Anonymous No. 16178175

If you can't understand delayed feedback and simple derivatives, you're not going to go far in math and science.

Anonymous No. 16178212

it's a self solving problem really.

Anonymous No. 16178223

>the rat guy
A cage with food, water, and no entertainment isn’t a “paradise”, it’s prison.

Anonymous No. 16178230

The simple answer is money. Not many decades ago a man could buy a home and support a family on an average salary 9-to-5 job. Why do you think so many people are working insanely long hours and living with their parents until their 30's today? Because they have to. They don't have the time or money to have kids. This isn't just a US problem, it's happening in a lot of 1st world countries. Just take a look at Korea and Japan, it's the same there but worse even worse because of other societal factors.

Anonymous No. 16178267

>Not many decades ago a man could buy a home and support a family on an average salary 9-to-5 job.

Because 2-parent households were the norm and being a homemaker wasn't looked down on and divorce and single motherhood had huge stigma. Things like hookup culture and no-fault divorce means today many people incur the costs of raising a family without the labor benefits of living in an actual household. The shift to a services and tech based economy instead of manufacturing means jobs are a lot more time-intensive...there's no more 9-5 and going home to your family, now people work wherever they have a computer which completely disrupts traditional family structure.

Anonymous No. 16178463


Anonymous No. 16178465

For me personally if I'm being brutally honest it's because I see my own work as being more important than increasing the population by 1 additional person. If I can potentially effect millions why throw that away to effect 1?

Anonymous No. 16178515

Wage slavery, inflation, stagnating wages, endless anti-white psyops, men being turned into women and women into men (both literally and figuratively), breakdown of communities; really just the general soulless that accompanies >>16178078
hyper rationalist materialist capitalism

Anonymous No. 16178572

And a studio apartment with Doordash and Netflix is that much better?

Anonymous No. 16179038

>What is the scientific cause for population decline?
giving women rights

Anonymous No. 16179836

For my part, women considered me to be too ugly.

Anonymous No. 16179848

Children are smelly and they make a lot of noise.

Anonymous No. 16179884

>Personally: Why would I ? Why would I sentence someone else to life ? Life in thie world, under those conditions, with this future ? I used to want kids.

This is more on the nose than it should be. I think young adults are "postphoning" children, basically procrastinating forever, they don't know it yet, because the conditions aren't what they expected. We're sold this responsibility that when you raise a child they need to have it better than you did, because thats what the previous generation's goal was. All I see are sky high home prices, sky high cost of college, if I raised a kid it would be broke city. Sure it's not the great depression, but I'm so cynic about getting my money's worth. Everyone realizes college is a racket now. Also everyone hates our culture whether they admit it or not. No one would choose to be a child today. Social media is cancer and you'd be doomed to a looney tunes world view.

Anonymous No. 16180381


I don't believe in life beyond myself and I have never had any interest in having children. And no one in my personal life (most importantly, myself) has ever exerted even the slightest social pressure on me to do so.

If I have the good fortune to become old and gray, and if I have the bad fortune to start failing and I'm put into a home where the black staff abuse me and no one to advocate for me, then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. But what I won't do is to play the game of life.

Anonymous No. 16180383


I feel personally attacked. I'm seriously considering finally cutting the cable cord, and replacing it not with netflix, or with any other streaming garbage, but rather with nothing. I already have internet and lots of books, and that's what I really care about. If I want to watch a movie there's an extensive library system with lots of good old movies. I even watched the original Andromeda Strain recently, which holds up very well and is interesting to re-watch post-covid.

Anonymous No. 16180390

why would people want to have children when their national heritage is being given away to brown retards, they're convinced the world will end due to climate change, and their government is transparently corrupt and evil?
millenials and zoomers believe that nothing good will ever happen in their lifetimes