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Anonymous No. 16178084

How to tell if some is a subhuman chameleon fraud with a degree vs actually intelligent person?

for me things that help is their general worldview, if they don't engage with philosophy and don't have any ideas that go beyond the material, at the very least if they don't indulge such ideas, they are not smart.
You know your typical Kutzgestat watcher falls in this category.

If they engage with popular culture anime, youtube, e-celebs...etc without self awareness then they are subhuman.

if they are not blackpilled about their own capabilities and the general direction of academia, they are subhuman, like if they won't outright admit 99% of professors across the globes are idiot frauds who provide nothing of value to society, and 99% of papers are utter waste, they are subhumans.

any more tips?

Anonymous No. 16178090

Emotional attachment to an argument or opinion is always the surest sign of a midwit.

Anonymous No. 16178094

Only a subhuman fraud would make posts like this

Anonymous No. 16178100

>for me things that help is their general worldview
Indeed, all reactionaries are subhuman, because they reject the reasoning faculties that separate us from animals and thereby reduce themselves to mere flesh automatons.

Anonymous No. 16178117

Maybe in the 1900s but things were definitely better in the 50s-60s so the smart thing is to be a reactionary nowadays at least on some issues. Like the trans mental illness and identity politics garbage that's being pushed on the mainstream public conscious.

Anonymous No. 16178399

Name dropping and appeals to authority instead of a genuine attempt of convincing you of their argument

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Anonymous No. 16178447

>blackpilled -> popular contrarian-culture

Anonymous No. 16178593

How to be intelligent:
>must waste time studying philosophy because… just because okay. You MUST read about other people’s thoughts about things
(I actually have wasted tons of time doing this)
>You can’t enjoy anything I think is popular culture without realizing it’s dumb and feeling dumb because I don’t enjoy it
>You must be depressed and feel hopeless about your abilities and the world’s future
Did I miss anything?

Anonymous No. 16178668

The problem has always been the opposite, you are nothing but delusional retards; in fact the simple explanations were sufficient for everybody else to get it, the reason why they weren't sufficient for people like yourself is that you are mentally retarded, but your delusional part made you think "oh we're so much smarter that others, imagine what we could do if only people were willing to explain everything so that we could study it!"

Anonymous No. 16178682

The collective delusion, which the brain is addicted to.
The final cope against death anxiety and existential dread.

Anonymous No. 16178696

> I actually have wasted tons of time doing this
So you have indulged philosophy beyond just. We all le stardust man. And, can you test? If you can’t test it than it’s not true.
All I’m saying is don’t be a STEM bugman. And all the great scientists cared about Philosphy

Anonymous No. 16178785

>How to tell if some is a subhuman chameleon fraud with a degree vs actually intelligent person?
There are certain phrases that morons pretending to be smart tend to use that give them away:
"climate change"
"late-stage capitalism"
"white fragility"
People who use these phrases in seriousness probably play with their own turds.

Anonymous No. 16178789

The less interaction it takes for my mental homunculus to model their behavior with >95% accuracy, the less human they are

Anonymous No. 16179683

Yes, the geocentric model was so elegant and simple.