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🧵 Day 26 of studying math everyday until I learn calculus

Anonymous No. 16178170

Today: negative numbers

Anonymous No. 16178173

Must have a pounding head ache from all that brain growth

Cult of Passion No. 16178207

Are you seriously doing "labor" instead of thinking in new perspectives with Mathematics?!

You were doing so this is utterly wasteful. Learn NEW Math, STOP LARPing A CALCULATOR TO DO "CALCULATIONS".


THATS THE POINT OF HOBBY ADULT LEARNING......what the fuck, dude.....

Anonymous No. 16178213

I am learning the fundamentals you doofus. I'm just practicing what I learned. Just because your idea of new math doesn't include dividing negative fractions doesn't mean it isn't new to me. Anyway tomorrow I'm starting geometry

Anonymous No. 16178218

It says 8 ÷ (-4) = -4
Dividing by a negative number was a new concept to me so that's why I wrote it down.

Anonymous No. 16178219

Youre doing good. Being ablento quickly and accurately perform calculations will help you acquire an intuition for math.

Anonymous No. 16178221

-2* god dammit

Cult of Passion No. 16178222

It still stands. Im...negative-always, so Im never in a good.

Adult learning is not waste time with shit so easy you dont have think. Autopilot, and "running numbers" becomes just that.

Hard enough it labors you but so easy the mind never enters the fight.

Cult of Passion No. 16178224

>was a new concept to me
Fair enough, I didnt see the negative signs, that does change it some, but the values are so as to not be working your mind, its working your body (labor, autopilot).

Anonymous No. 16178225

Its called practice by repetition

Anonymous No. 16178227

Yeah well initially learning the concept worked my mind and then I want to solidify it and memorize it by doing "labor" aka practice.

Cult of Passion No. 16178234

Yes, I know, I was too harsh, its judt all of my 40 year old adult friends always do shit the easy way and ended up complete losers as adults.

I...just really dont want that to happen to you is all. To challenge youself more, maturity makes certain things learning or changing.

One day the door closes and it never opens again.

Anonymous No. 16178247

I've learned several things this way like programming and also speaking fluent Japanese. The way I see learning things is that everything is a stepwise process. If you start at the beginning and work in incremental steps then your mind runs at a steady pace and understands things naturally. If you try to jump ahead to challenge yourself too much it might satisfy your ego in thinking you're taking on some esoteric challenge but really I think its difficult to actually integrate what you learned and remember it.

Anonymous No. 16178306

>I've learned several things this way like programming and also speaking fluent Japanese
No non-Japanese person ever really learns Japanese

Anonymous No. 16178310


Anonymous No. 16178316

>inifinite game mindset
tell me you're a leftist without telling me you're a leftist

Anonymous No. 16178317

>trying to learn Japanese
It's time to accept that anime isn't real.

Anonymous No. 16178728

I feel this, except for French.

Anonymous No. 16179148

'no judging' but these things like average math student won't even think about it , probably because of muscle memory or some shit, So based on my experience u should use this method works all the time "not only math":
1- try to understand just a basic idea about the subject or course
2- watch how to use/solve as many times as you want
3- replicate and replicate try to change values for example like play with it reverse the equations
this process only takes around 3h-4h a day in a month trust will advance quickly because most of the time math is all about steps and steps "well sometimes u have to be creative"
good luck !

Anonymous No. 16179484

>I am learning the fundamentals you doofus
Where did you start?