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Anonymous No. 16178209

can I live healthy if I only eat pic related?

Anonymous No. 16178226

What are you Steve Jobs?

Anonymous No. 16178233

There's no protein and very little carbohydrates. The process of acclimation for this diet will put your body in starvation mode and you might die, if you do survive and stabilize it will probably greatly reduce your lifespan.

Anonymous No. 16178240

Just add milk and you are fine

Anonymous No. 16178242

Lot of carbs in potato. orange especially if he juices them and drinks often

Anonymous No. 16178248

im like this except with fast food and beer

Anonymous No. 16178250

This. I'd also add creatine HCl to replace what you aren't getting from meat...the body only manufactures about 50% of the total amount it could be taking advantage of.

I'd make it whole milk too because that's going to be your only source of dietary cholesterol, which is itself immensely important (you only ever hear about the bad w.r.t. getting too much...on the flip side, statins that cross the blood-brain barrier often have fun side effects like "suicide" because cholesterol is so important for brain health).

Anonymous No. 16178252

There is not 'no protein', how do you think plants have a structure ?
No. You won't be healthy. Also bad b8.

Anonymous No. 16178253

So you're just doing to eat nothing but potatoes all day? Because that would have to be the vast majority of your diet. And still absolutely no protein. Your brain will not function

Anonymous No. 16178255

You need butter and salt

Anonymous No. 16178259

Yes no protein is the problem. But getting carbs from potato not a problem
ask the Irish ( just not during the potato blight)

Anonymous No. 16178260

Samefag here, I forgot to add that your body synthesizes testosterone from cholesterol. You're sacrificing your T levels if you aren't getting your dietary RDA.

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Anonymous No. 16178266

Weve always eaten lots of beef and milk products. Not getting enough protein from potatoes was a big part of the problem

Anonymous No. 16178284


You cannot live healthy in general.

Anonymous No. 16178296

What if I add beans and onions?

Anonymous No. 16178299

>and onions
P.S.: fuck, I meant sòy

Anonymous No. 16178346

You can add it for protein but its not good quality protein as animal. Mushrooms have have good proteins but if you want optimal diet I think you must add milk.

Anonymous No. 16178353

If you are a nigger and can't digest it try yogurt but yogurt in great quantities is not good for liver and acid from it can be problematic ( yogurt in small quantities is good and helps gut biome )

Anonymous No. 16178389

Beans and rice would be better because the two together form a complete protein. I'm pretty sure you're still missing a few vitamins though. Definitely missing vitamin A. Add in orange foods like carrots, yams, pumpkins, and other squash. As long as you eat enough potatoes (skin and all) you should be good on vitamin B. Tomatoes should have you covered on vitamin C. Vitamin D is lacking, but you can make your own as long as you spend enough time in the sun. You should be good on vitamin E and K too.

Anonymous No. 16178451

Terrible diet.

Anonymous No. 16178453

>Beans and rice would be better because the two together form a complete protein.
That's a pop culture myth, rice can't improve the protein profile of legumes, they aren't complementary. It's a way to tell modern retards "eat more beans"

Anonymous No. 16178585

Lol, ok retard.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. While your body can make some of them, nine have to be obtained through your diet. These are referred to as essential amino acids and include (1Trusted Source):


Both brown and white rice are low in lysine but high in methionine. In contrast, beans are high in lysine but low in methionine. As such, combining them allows you to get enough of each, as well as the remaining seven essential amino acids, to count as a complete protein.

Anonymous No. 16178655

The myth says that rice complements legumes because its "high" concent of Cys+Met
>0.2 gr Cys+Met Rice
>0.7 gr Cys+Met Peas

Rice is "relatively" rich in Cys+Met compared to other aminoacids, or to put it another way, rice have "excess" of Cys+Met compared to its other essential amino acids. Peas the opposite (0.75 eq to "complete protein"), Cys+Met is the limiting factor relative to its other essential aminoacids.
But per weight and even accounting for its relative deficiency you need less legumes than rice to have a complete diet even if you consider rice+peas vs peas alone.

Anonymous No. 16178662

rice has an "excess" of *

Anonymous No. 16178775

Where are the fats? Your body needs some fat

Anonymous No. 16178779

Its only the lactose that causes problems, the fat and protein in milk are still used by those with lactose intolerance, and even these can somewhat digest the lactose

Anonymous No. 16178824

So your argument is that even though beans and rice represent a complete protein, that's all bullshit because other complete proteins exist?

Anonymous No. 16178841

No, I'm saying that rice+peas is a polite and indirect way in western countries to say "eat more beans like your ancestors did in the past"

Anonymous No. 16178857

No it isn't, moron, and I thought it was "rice and beans" not "rice and peas"? Even you can't keep your nonsense straight.

Anonymous No. 16178889

Because the difference between legumes isn't large enough to change my argument. And peas are one of the the traditional legume
>Pea: 0.78
>Chickpea: 0.74
>Beans (kidney): 0.84
>Basedbean: 1.00-0.70
>Lentil: 0.55-0.65
Legumes contains 3-4 times more proteins than rice. Legumes also have far more fiber and available micronutriens. Thinking that a protein-poor food like rice can complement legumes is a complete nonsense, it's the other way around.

Anonymous No. 16179056

This is correct. Add as much salt as you can, it will help to preserve your organs in their current state

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Anonymous No. 16179408

You would need to eat lots of the original potatoes created by Cain and hit the gym hard. Potatoes were designed to feed populations working hard in gold mines and crop fields.

Anonymous No. 16179430

Plants have structure because of cellulose that makes up the fibers, not because of protein.

You can do that, but trying getting all the essential amino acids on legumes is damn near impossible. You would need protein supplements on top of that.

Anonymous No. 16179487


Anonymous No. 16179491

You need to add protines man. I suggest you use fidh and chicken meat in moderation. 200g a day perhaps, protine powder if you work out with a little animal fat to not keto yourself to death.

Anonymous No. 16179493

Bs, to much salt, more then 6g a day are starting to negatively affect you. You can go as high as 19g, but man will it be bad for you bloodpresure.

Anonymous No. 16179531

brotatos do have some brotein
enough to live off? probably

Anonymous No. 16179871

>Thinking that a protein-poor food like rice can complement legumes is a complete nonsense, it's the other way around.
You are legit a retard.