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Anonymous No. 16178335

Scientifically speaking, why wouldn't this work?

Anonymous No. 16178340

Its the joooo.

Anonymous No. 16178419

It takes energy to take heat out of a system like this. To make the ice it would take energy. Check your freezer, the inside might be cool, but if you check the condenser in the back you will see that it is quite warm. Putting one in the ocean might cool the surrounding water for a time, but globally it's a wash and will even contribute to rising temps due to inefficiencies in cooling systems. On top of that, climate change isn't just "muh temperature" it's a multitude of overlapping systems being effected and then responding non-linearly. Most /sci/tards don't understand earth science. Hell, to a large extent nobody does because it's so complex. Even so it doesn't take a genius to understand we are fucking things up in ways that can't be easily undone.

Anonymous No. 16178422

bring some from pluto. now what?

Anonymous No. 16178423

we didnt make the ice it came from the ice planet we just shipped it over

Anonymous No. 16178434

To start with, calculate how much energy it would take to cool the ocean by 1C. Now repeat with the atmosphere. Now calculate how much ice would need to change phase into water to soak up all that energy.

Besides the absurdity of the scales involved, cooling the entire Earth from just one spot on the ocean would create insane weather patterns and change the climate even faster than global warming.

>we just shipped it over
Calculate how much energy that would take.

Anonymous No. 16178442

Same concept applies for the most part. It takes energy in transportation that will be offloaded to the earth's atmosphere (production and launching of a rocket.)
If you are going to say we have space infrastructure in this hypothetical, the second point still stands. You can't just cool the oceans to fix the current ecological crisis. It might help in the short term, but if the underlying causes aren't addressed it won't solve anything. You guys realize Futurama was making fun of the idea, right?

Anonymous No. 16178446

Put a refrigeration system into the ocean with the condenser attached to a satellite in geosynchronous orbit. It would take a lot of tubing to get from the ocean to space, but it would make all the heat vent outside the atmosphere. You could even make it solar powered since you'd have the sun's unfiltered rays in space.

Anonymous No. 16178462


Anonymous No. 16178466

Good thread.

Anonymous No. 16178476

This isn't as stupid of an idea as it sounds, despite anon being trapped in the 50's. There's a "solar" panel that was developed that emits infrared light through an optical window in the atmosphere to generate power. It basically only worked at night, but it was also basically a mirror so you could cool an area during the day by reflecting the light and generate power at night.

It looks like they figured out how to do it with regular solar panels now too.

Anonymous No. 16178561


it did haha, i called it my birth - that was the end

Anonymous No. 16178642

The joke is that you would obviously run out of ice, rather than solving it once and for all.

Anonymous No. 16178672

But would it work?

Anonymous No. 16178723

I'm mot sure to be perfectly honest. You could supress the temperature rise at least for a while by dragging sea ice from the arctic and antactic towards the equator, but it wouldn't supress the heat accumulation (in fact you would make it quite a bit worse as the cooler tropics would radiate less heat), and the worst effects so far have been from warming in the polar regions, where there already is ice.

Anonymous No. 16178732

Matt Groening should fucking die already. Disenchanted is awful.