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Αnonymous No. 16178628

>math is still taught in terms of Pi (3.14...) rather than in terms of Tau (6.28...)
We've known about this for atleast 13 years. Has a single nation fixed their educational system since then?
Are there any online resources that teach trigonometry, etc in terms of Tau?

Anonymous No. 16178643

I completely forgot about this

Anonymous No. 16178647

The worst part about the tau saga is that some D.E.I. intern got tau put in as a mathematical constant referenceable from the Python standard library

Anonymous No. 16178651

No one will ever bow down to you Tau freaks.

Anonymous No. 16178652

Embarrassing in it.

Αnonymous No. 16178657

>The worst part about the tau saga is that some D.E.I. intern got tau put in as a mathematical constant referenceable from the Python standard library
Redpill me on this

Αnonymous No. 16178659

Which one do you remember? The viHart video or the Numberphile video?
Do you still listen to Hello Internet?

Anonymous No. 16178721

Hahahaha looser. Imagine tan(x) being defined for the range {-1/2 tau ; 1/2 tau} . KEK can't make that shit up.
2 Pi in a complete revolution. Live with it.

Anonymous No. 16178733

who the fuck cares

add another leg, call it pinis, and make it pi/4, or tau/4r

this obviously makes more sense because in any euclidean geometry we talk about quadrants, so pi/2 as a constant is obviously a superior choice.

Anonymous No. 16178735

*pi/4 => pi/2, my fat fingers

Αnonymous No. 16178737

Be quiet esl. White people are talking.

Anonymous No. 16178778

he's talking about his bunghole

Anonymous No. 16178800

wittewawy pi is fweaking wong

Anonymous No. 16178936

>linking popsci video to justify his nonsense
I'd dismiss your retarded proposal solely on that basis.

Anonymous No. 16179123


Anonymous No. 16179129

it should be taught in terms of rational numbers instead.

Anonymous No. 16180237

tau would be better but it's not a big deal

Anonymous No. 16180251

Fuck off pinigger, that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 16180663

I wish vi hart started making videos again. No one has filled the void she left :(