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๐Ÿงต How to become more productive?

Anonymous No. 16179040

What's the optimal way to increase my productivity while avoiding burnout?

So far I need scientifically proven tricks like.

Do warm ups before working so the brain enters the right side.

Keep the practice session under 1 hour then meditate using binaural waifu asmr for 30 minutes so your brain rest.

Then switch to a diferent activity.

Anonymous No. 16179045

Kys. life isn't worth it

Anonymous No. 16179047

you sound like a lazy faggot who is afraid to level up.

Anonymous No. 16179071

block 4chan, youtube, etc.

Anonymous No. 16179108

almost burnt myself out sophomore year of college after taking too many high-level math and physics courses.

came close to flunking a whole semester, but i learned a lot about how to nut up and face challenges after years of either avoiding them via apathy or not being challenged at all.

really what it came down to for me was establishing my own little hierarchy of needs and structure my life around those. above all else, i would get 8 hours of sleep a night, hit the gym every other day, eat XYZ calories, macros, etc., clean my room every saturday -- if not because it helped me become more productive, because it was essential upkeep.

when i suddenly had analytical proofs that took days to complete, my well-being was among the first to go. it didn't matter what study techniques or tricks i tried; if i fell out of step it would wreck my productivity.

Anonymous No. 16179120

The only way to do it is to stop doing the non productive things and do more of the productive things.
LIFE HACKS are BULLSHIT. "Study smart and not hard" is BULLSHIT. Either be willing to put in the hours every day (how many depends on what you're trying to achieve) or stop fooling yourself.
What do you waste time on? Be honest with yourself.

Anonymous No. 16179228

crystal meth ?

That guy from the international No. 16179252

Binaural waifu what?

Try the sound of silence the song or the silence

Anonymous No. 16179292

number one really is physical activity. step one of being productive is being fit. everybody knows physical movement is harder than thinking. You can even study while you're exercising, and when you study in a new place you learn better. also eggs, whole milk, strawberries, bananas, caffeine and nicotine, weed maybe. Collagen and boron citrate.

Also there's only so much you can do as one person. You should have stability in your necessary things. So you want to use minimalism, as well as routines or anything really important to set a schedule based on priorities. Going to get groceries instead of ordering food for example saves time so it's the highest priority

Anonymous No. 16179887

Get enough sleep and fresh air
Avoid sugar, junk food, alcohol etc.

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Cult of Passion No. 16179898

>establishing my own little hierarchy of needs

You cant "mf grind" and "mf grind xp" at the same time (unless youre me, theorizing while I play because its using backend processing anyway, I just wait for the answer like a bitcoin.)

Anonymous No. 16180012

Habits and schedule. Complex decision reduce productivity. Decide and plan ahead of the time.

Anonymous No. 16180014

I love uni so much :3

Anonymous No. 16180044

Reroll your genome

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Anonymous No. 16180096

Productive, as in studying more?
I wouldnt know. I have a short attattention span after 20 years of internet, before i could read a math book for 3 hours before having to rest.

Anonymous No. 16180108

good diet, sunlight, and a tasteful amount of prescription amphetamines

Anonymous No. 16180221

microdosing LSD

Anonymous No. 16181022

sit at home and do nothing

Anonymous No. 16181129

you eat burnout

Anonymous No. 16181159

>level up
KEK. Now everyone knows there this is coming from.

Cult of Passion No. 16181163
