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Anonymous No. 16179284

Why do shitjeets think they have a profound affinity for STEM when most of them are incompetent and only in their respective programs to meet the department's diversity quotas?
Go into the trades and stop shitting up academia.

Anonymous No. 16179597

>pajeet turns up to your house to fix the electrical wiring
yeah no thanks buddy

Anonymous No. 16179663

Shitjeets are not hired for diversity, they are probably discriminated more than whites for that.

Anonymous No. 16179787

>in trades
jesus anon. at least in academia they can’t cause too much damage. imagine if some contractor came in and trusted your house’s wiring or plumbing or shingles to some monkey god of drunkenness, or demon god of cannibalism

Anonymous No. 16179808

It's cultural. Where they originate there is a great need for 'engineers' because they are trying to bootstrap a modern society. Thus 'engineer' is something one can into eZ while also making good money. The only issue is their understanding of 'engineer', which probably actually makes use of a more traditional use of the word while the first world association has become overwritten. Either way, 'engineer' to them means manual labour with a file, blowtorch, 'I guess this will hold up' and 'good enough for the ladies I go out with' attitude.

Anonymous No. 16179969

because STEM is good if you want to emigrate, other fields like medicine require extensive revalidation and law is almost useless out of your home country

Anonymous No. 16180342

Trades require at least *some* muscle. During the raj it took five jeet bellhops to carry sahib's luggage.

Anonymous No. 16180345

>law is almost useless out of your home country
Unless you're an Israeli "dual citizen."

Anonymous No. 16180430

israeli law degrees are not valid out of israel

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Anonymous No. 16180435

gulf arabs hire millions of pajeets for their construction projects

Anonymous No. 16180539

>Diversity quota
Fucking liar, Indians are actually the ones most damaged by diversity quotas as we have to compete with all the Asians and thus get the largest discount in STEM fields where Asians are overrepresented and thus get discriminated against by DEI initiatives. Whites actually have the advantage over Indians in this regard so if you are losing to them you are actually losing with a handicap in your favor.

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Anonymous No. 16180554

I doubt that as poojeets need to mass exodus to other SEA countries and Indochinese penisular countries so they can apply for THOSE visas too. All the countries east and south of India is inundated with YOU PEOPLE so they can get in to the US programmes all while claiming they're from Signapore or Malaysia or some shit.

Anonymous No. 16180557

Indians have leverage because there is literally a billion of them.
That's a lot of people for capitalists to exploit.

Whites are in the decline - you can't make true money anymore by appealing to them.