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Anonymous No. 16179351

>d-dcotors aren't smart
Smarter than retarded mathfags who scraped by with their 2.4 GPA and now earn peanuts
>b-but my program was le harder
Nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 16179353

Anyone who says medical doctors aren't smart, or some retarded cope like "anyone can become a doctor" is just a bitter incel who is upset they weren't good enough to pursue medicine

Anonymous No. 16179355

people who think that a degree is good because it was difficult (for them) are only showing signs of their mental illness and their immature outlook on life.
p.s. your degree isn't difficult, you're just entitled and lazy so doing homework and studying upsets you. there is nothing challenging about reading books and memorizing some of the contents of them

Anonymous No. 16179370

Please tell the engineers this. They always bleat about how tough and cool their degree is even after they're established in their careers. It'd be sad if it wasn't so gay

Anonymous No. 16179406

I've had a lot of weird medical problems over my life, and not once has a doctor been able to help me with any of them. The only time a doctor can help me is if I walked in already knowing what the problem was and just needed a prescription or simple procedure (that'll be 10k plus tip).

Most doctors don't advance medical knowledge, in fact they will parrot whatever bullshit they were forced to memorize in schools even if it's wrong. Which means they have no understanding of their field, they just memorize and accept what they're told. Or else they would have had a problem with food pyramid posters with a big ass BREAD section in every school classroom and pediatrician's office.

Anonymous No. 16180003

Mathematicians live rentfree in every other stemcel's mind. The sheer beauty and purity of Mathematics is hard to evade even in other subjects, the light of Mathematics shines eternally over other subjects, and it is upto the lesser subjects whether they choose to embrace the warmth and blessings of Mathematics or to burn under its light

Anonymous No. 16180037

this 100%. medical doctors are by far the most overrated of any profession deemed high prestige. literally anyone who‘s smart enough to learn about a couple dozen metabolic pathways and some nice tricks that have been around for hunderds or thousands of years will do better in 95% of situations than 95% of doctors.

Anonymous No. 16180041

>doctors aren't smart and aren't smart enough to do what they pretend to do
>B-but what about you

Anonymous No. 16180043

Well said. Way easier to be a doctor than a mathematician, you can say anything and it doesn't matter if you're right cause it's your opinion. Meanwhile if you do something wrong in maths or engineering, you get found out immediately and kicked out as deserved.

Anonymous No. 16180271

The beauty of Mathematics is it is blatantly evident when a proof is right/wrong.
There is no space for mistakes like we saw during the entire covid hysteria

Anonymous No. 16180332

>Anyone who says medical doctors aren't smart, or some retarded cope like "anyone can become a doctor" is just a bitter incel who is upset they weren't good enough to pursue medicine
Bitter, what? Some quack really got a bee up its crack.

Anonymous No. 16180549

>be annoying and condescending as shit to everyone
>others make fun of you
>r-r-rent free

Anonymous No. 16180627

From my life experience, some of them are smart and some dumb as fuck. Probably got it all because of their parents.

Anonymous No. 16180873

Does literally anyone say Doctors aren't smart?
I'm not going to say some people haven't made it to Doctor status on persistence and literacy alone.
To be fair, no one is going to say Math nerds aren't smart. The problem is no one gives a fuck about matrices or imaginary numbers. Build the fucking bridge or shut the fuck up.

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medieval torture ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16180885

Medical doctors think that cutting part of your penis off is healthy and beneficial.