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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180007

>Turing Award
>Abel Prize.
Avi Wigderson mogs Ed Witten. Change the sticky.

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Cult of Passion No. 16180022

>computer scientist

Anonymous No. 16180026

Never heard of this nigga. Must be someone unimportant.

Anonymous No. 16180029

>that nose and grin
he's literally the rubbing hands meme kek

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Anonymous No. 16180057

>a code monke mogs ed witten

Anonymous No. 16180058

Abel award is gigaultra kino, Turing award isn't.
Abel award >>> Field medal btw.

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Anonymous No. 16180062

Except Turing Award, those honor are all kino.
Mog Midwitten I agree.

Anonymous No. 16180070

he's a mathematician working on theoretical complexity theories. that's some of the purest math you can do.

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Cult of Passion No. 16180079

>that's some of the purest math you can do
Hahah, through a shit filter?

Gassed math.

Anonymous No. 16180085

fuck off cattle, I don't want to talk to you and don't quote me

Anonymous No. 16180109


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Cult of Passion No. 16180117

Sorry if that was overly offensive but I invented Catagory Theory on my own, we just happen to basically made the same thing. Its Arith-Metic that I differ in with huemanity.

Youre not a shouldnt cast stones, sinner.

>Cultural Mathematician

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Cult of Passion No. 16180118

>You know theyre broken by you when they declare white as black in the vainest of attempts.

Anonymous No. 16180300

Happy merchant of AI.

Anonymous No. 16180462

with that hairline, he must be swimming in prime nerdy puss puss. What a chad

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Anonymous No. 16180947


Anonymous No. 16180961

>Change the sticky.
hey, im the guy that suggested witten for the sticky, so youre gonna have to go through me first, buddy.

Anonymous No. 16181726

That doesn't sound difficult

Anonymous No. 16181749

Witten is a string monkey

Anonymous No. 16182718

Avi is a pioneer in a field with low hanging fruit. Witten did much more difficult stuff.

Anonymous No. 16182731

by that logic I think we should have Perelman or Terrence Tao here. one of them solved the Millenium Problem, the other got as close to solving one without solving it.
Midwitten literally contributed nothing useful except derailing everyone in physics with his mathematics beauty bullcrap.

Anonymous No. 16182733

As always Jewish shills pushing Jews

Anonymous No. 16182738

>Jewish shills pushing Jews
Midwitten only got pushed to publicity as the smartest man since the Jewish pseudo Eric Weistein shilled him on Joe Rogan.

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Anonymous No. 16182794

you guys ever crash conferences and lectures to expose the joo science

Anonymous No. 16182811

>muh red herring insult
kill yourself, cattle

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Anonymous No. 16182940

>some schizo poltard thinks a literal who professor who won a few awards but who is otherwise unknown to the world is comparable Ed Witten, who is arguably one of the greatest scientists in history

Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 16183933

Witten works in string theory, which is largely bullshit with no basis in reality. Widgerson's work is of immense potential value as complexiety theory has profound implications for industry and society (c.f. P=NP). Nobody but nerds of sci know who Witten is - hell the general public have no clue who Penrose is and only know wheelchair odd criteria for greatness this "literal who" business...

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Anonymous No. 16183972

Joe Rogan's friend Roger Penrose?

Anonymous No. 16183988

greatest scientist in history at what? contributing nothing?
90% of the retards on here wouldn't even know who witten is without the jew eric weistein shilling him on joe rogan. midwitten was a literally who while perelman and tao were well known by the general academia. it was literally an overt case of jewish pseudos shilling jews.

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Anonymous No. 16184004

>Pure mathematicians (not physics) should tell experimental physicists how to do experimental physics.