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🧵 Vaccine technology

Anonymous No. 16180164

What was the difference between the standard vaccine and the Covid vaccine and what about it made people skeptical about taking it?

Anonymous No. 16180172

Skepticism was born from shady adjuvant usage and the fact that liponanoparticles in the vaccine can ferry mRNA into the nucleus where retrotransposons then convert it to DNA and the viral DNA is integrated into your genome.

Anonymous No. 16180224

>what made people skeptical
They changed the definition of the word vaccine in order to pass off a rushed experimental gene therapy as a vaccine. It is literally, definitionally, not a vaccination. The dictionaries are engaging in a political form of prescriptivism, telling you how the language is to be used (incorrectly, on purpose) instead of studying and describing how the language is actually used. It's structuralism. Political proselytising. People do not like these things. This makes people question their intent.
They ensured via lobbying that they would not be able to be sued for their actions. Why would someone making a good product hold the world hostage until they are made unaccountable? You could simply have gotten on with producing the item, given yourselves big bonuses or dividends, or paid for advertising to sell yet more product, instead of spending all that money on becoming legally immune. This, too, makes people question their intent.
This website began calling them clot shots long before evidence of clots came to light. Quite recently, Pfizer itself has admitted (with all the usual fake caveats and statistical lying) that their product can cause clotting.

Anonymous No. 16180230

>One’s a vaccine and the other’s a genetic material injection
>The intended (and overwhelmingly common) effect of one is sterile immunity and the other is a prophylactic symptom-reducer

Anonymous No. 16180245

My take is that they rendered the word a marketing term, taking advantage of the carefully-crafted propaganda around it, the subtext of which is that the cost-benefit of any so-named product is squarely on the side of the “vaccine”.

Anonymous No. 16181024

Shut up fsggot nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16181214

>what made people sceptical
The association with disturbing social and political trends.

Anonymous No. 16181218

The mania with which the government and medical establishments pushed the injections, permitting no discussion and no alternatives. Even naturally acquired immunity was declared ineffective in order to require those people to get the injections. It quickly became evident that the injections had nothing to do with preventing the spread of the virus. When it's clear that someone has a hidden motive, it's irrational to go along with their stated, obviously disingenuous, goal.

Anonymous No. 16181226

It started before that even. At least in my area. Even before the products were available.
For me it was never their goals (testing for social and political homogenicity) being disingenuous but the horrifying dynamics. Any form of cooperation could've been mistaken for approval. No one who participated can claim they didn't know whats going on or rely on an excuse that has never worked in the mind of any human being: 'It would have been me if I had not gone along.'

Anonymous No. 16181240

You misrepresent them. "Naturally acquired immunity" that someone acquires after having had covid is (almost?) as good against covid as a vaccine - you're just a lot more likely to get complications from covid than the vaccine, and the entire point was that the healthcare system couldn't handle so many people getting full-blown covid and requiring hospital beds and ventilators (not to mention that many of them would die, which I suppose does render them technically immune). Still, if you had had covid recently, you were advised against getting a vaccine, and if you'd had covid after the first shot, you weren't required to get a booster. So, the effectiveness of naturally acquired immunity was acknowledged on the individual level, whilst also highlighting its complete ineffectiveness as a means of preventing the spread of covid, because it in fact requires the rampant spread of covid.
Then there was also the anti-vax talking point of conflating naturally acquired immunity with "natural immunity" which basically amounted to "if you take your vitamins you won't get sick so nothing to fear", and that is of course completely misguided.

Anonymous No. 16181260

Covtroons still haven't gotten the point. *sigh*

Anonymous No. 16181268

Did you have a point that wasn't grounded in a lie?

Anonymous No. 16181553

Your projection is strong as almost every single thing you posted in >>16181240 was a lie. You probably know it's all lies but maybe you really do believe everything the politicians told you because they were surrounded by people in white coats.
Something to consider before more dishonesty dribbles out of your diarrhea hole: Saskatchewan is starting to have a nurse shortage because they are quitting to go into hiding. Why? Because people who are starting to see the injections for what they are have started making threats of violence against those who told them the injections were good. This is an anonymous message board, you can post here without any of that type of threat realistically being targeted at you but if you're pulling this crap in real life, understand that things are rapidly changing and by the time you notice, it will be too late for you to stop. Your virtue will be your undoing.

Anonymous No. 16181579

I got skeptical when a political party said that you are safe from catching covid if you're rioting for their interests and saying they would never take a "vaccine" created during the other political parties time in power. Then doing a complete 180 in their narratives once they took political power and started censoring, lying, and coercing anyone opposed to their tyrannical power grab using "temporary" emergency powers. All for a "vaccine" that they federally mandated, which was still under EUA with no completed phase 3 trials while using government contracts as a weapon to get companies to be the jab enforcers. It was very clear the Marxists used this opportunity to eject anyone who is not some slave minded moron out of positions of of political power, status, and wealth. This was also the time when people were going to restaurants wearing masks until they sat down, only to put them back on to stand up. These experiences have done untold damage to my psyche and my opinions on human nature in general.

Anonymous No. 16181870

what do you mean standard, and what do you mean covid vaccine, there are many variants of both.

but i'm guessing you're talking about mrna vaccines. it's the newest technology that is aimed at avoiding (many) pitfalls of older generation vaccines

the problems are:
- they are untested
- they are extremely "efficient", in fact it was their major selling point. but the immune system isn't something that's so well known, you can't just bombard it over and over with extreme amounts of antigen, which leads back to point 1

Anonymous No. 16182699

So what, first you're telling me that THE GOVERNMENT told me that "naturally acquired immunity" was ineffective, and then when I told you that wasn't the case, you come out with "oh, so you believe everything the GOVERNMENT tells you???"
I dunno what to do with you, man. You're not rational.
Nice little anecdote btw, I'm sure that if I go to research it and it actually happens to be true taht nurses are quitting en masse I won't find at all that the people threatening healthcare professionals are deranged antivaxxers
>Your virtue will be your undoing.
Virtue abandoned for expedience is no virtue at all

Anonymous No. 16182997

Graphene oxide and mrna spike protein, Google how both cause damage to the human body, especially all ace2 receptors in the body, which is what contributes to death and injury. N acetly cysteine inhibits graphene oxide and spike protein attachment to ace 2 receptors, which is why all the conspiracy believers who took NAC never suffered any damage from the vaccine.