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Anonymous No. 16180199

Engineers and doctors provide the most utility for humanity.

Anonymous No. 16180210

Now go live your life without a plumber, electricity and garbage collection you nigger faggot.

Anonymous No. 16180214

Verifiably untrue. Most doctors provide zero utility, because, in their absense, a different doctor would perform the very same task. Most specialists also provide zero utility. You can tell whether a specific doctor provides any utility or not purely on the standards set by the government for the hospital they work at. If the building is completely dilapidated and often lacking running water or electricity, say, at night or on certain days of the week, the doctors inside it are saving many lives each. In other polities, however, the doctor provides no real value and could be easily replaced by someone more willing to push Big Pharma's pills - most doctors only contribute to Big Insurance's profit margins.

Anonymous No. 16180231

They're nothing without philosophers

Anonymous No. 16180239

philosphers are nothing without geometers

Anonymous No. 16180255

Do they?
What is the consequence of the absence of doctors? More people would fall ill, sure, but many people would still be healthy. I haven't gone to a doctor in a decade or so.
If all doctors, disappeared, who would suffer?
20% of people use 80% of healthcare resources, mostly chronically ill and decaying people. We'd be fine.
Engineers certainly provide much utility to society (after all they are the main technological branch of our civilization), but consider the following group of people: farmers.
Without them, we would literally starve to death,

Anonymous No. 16180277

Yes, doctors are mainly useful for treating acute conditions, and mainly useless for treating chronic conditions. Unfortunately, in developed countries it is chronic medical conditions that patients present with most of the time.

Anonymous No. 16180279

geometers are nothing without instrument makers

Anonymous No. 16180537

>Philosocucks cope
Tell me what part of modern science requires philosophy. No, some ancient ones that kickstarted science don't count (they were basically polymaths anyway)

Anonymous No. 16180573

Engineers kinda suck.
They keep doing the same thing over and over again like mindless monkeys instead of trying to improve the process.

Anonymous No. 16180625

That must be generational. Tracy Hickman wrote the Tinker Gnomes (in Dragonlance) as a satire of the engineers he knew. They were always fucking around with systems that sort-of worked and making then totally-not-work (and injure people).

Anonymous No. 16180689

Do they not have to eat? Have their equipment fixed? Be catered to on much needed time off in order to function better at their important job?
Do they not need reading? I could go on.

Anonymous No. 16181238

Mothers are pretty useful.

Anonymous No. 16182171

Agriculture is a relatively new invention. Humanity has been fine without it for thousands of years