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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180244

If global warming is real, how come sea level was so much higher 120,000 years ago than it is now?

Anonymous No. 16180248

the "global warming" we're talking about these days only started happening in the 80s, are you retarded?

why would data from 120 000 years ago be relevant

the threat is a change of climate happening too quickly for us to adapt

Anonymous No. 16180257

Because of climate cycles. It was warmer 120,000 years ago, then cooler, and now it is warming again.

Anonymous No. 16180263

>the threat is a change of climate happening too quickly for us to adapt
Conjecture and speculation, by "experts" who want attention and crowds who can't reason. Also, bait thread.

Anonymous No. 16180289

Why was it warmer 120,000 years ago if atmospheric CO2 levels were so much lower back then than they are now?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16180330

The threat are morons like you believe any shit you are told by your jew masters.

Anonymous No. 16180389

>He doesn't know about tectonics
>He thinks shore line and sea level are the same thing

Anonymous No. 16181061

CO2 doesn't impact global temperature, thats a fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16181997

Says the american government agent

Anonymous No. 16182015

>If global warming is real, how come sea level was so much higher 120,000 years ago than it is now?
Earth is expanding, so sea level declines.

Anonymous No. 16182069

redpill me on expanding earth, how much bigger is it going to get?

Anonymous No. 16182347


Anonymous No. 16182357

We're in an ice age. What do you expect?

Anonymous No. 16182359

That there's ice in your freezer doesn't mean the door isn't open.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16183431

so you're saying that the earth's climate is cyclical and that projecting brief trends, such as the end of the little ice age, out to infinity is preposterous?

Anonymous No. 16183438

Because water evaporates in heat.

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Anonymous No. 16183439

Depends. If Earth doesn't explode at some point like the former planet between Mars and Jupiter, then in 100 million years it will be the size of Jupiter. Then eventually the Earth will become a star like the sun.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16184129


Anonymous No. 16184200

>projecting brief trends,
yes, civilization included

Anonymous No. 16184217

More humidity because all the wildlife wasn't destroyed

Anonymous No. 16184303

>so you're saying that the earth's climate is cyclical
No, earth's climate is determined by cause and effect. Not magic.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16185370

Theres more wilderness and wildlife now than there ever has been in the entire history of our species because theres more C02 in the atmosphere and that makes the plants that wildlife ultimately depends on grow better and faster.

Anonymous No. 16185373

humans are retarded

Anonymous No. 16185377

The glaciers need to hurry up. I want the sea levels to drop bigly so people can study all the stuff off the west coast of fl and in doggerland.

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sea level going d....jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16185388

This is how fast its dropping, you'll have to wait about 10,000 years to fulfill your fantasy.

Anonymous No. 16185618

Debunked in the 70s with Bell's Tests.

Anonymous No. 16185632

Isostatic rebound

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Anonymous No. 16186809

Scandinavia is actually rising due to post-glacial rebound.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16186811

there were never any glaciers in florida

Anonymous No. 16187192

>climate is changing too quickly for humans to adapt
Are you retarded? That is literally impossible.

Anonymous No. 16188487

they have no rational means of shilling global warming

Anonymous No. 16189151

Sure it is.
>oy vey stop noticing that sea level is going down goy!!!
>sea level is rising, those measurements showing the opposite are antisemitic!!!
meanwhile theres no evidence of sea level rising anywhere in the world. all those low lying pacific islands they were claiming would have disappeared by now are all still there, some of them have even increased in size

Anonymous No. 16189208

>Theres more wilderness and wildlife now than there ever has been in the entire history of our species
Lol, 200m years ago that entire map would be green

Anonymous No. 16189891

no it wouldn't have, there was nobody around to irrigate the arid regions of the planet back then

Anonymous No. 16190699

>shore line and sea level aren't the same thing

Anonymous No. 16190994

Found the retard.

Anonymous No. 16191616

>too quickly to adapt
We could adapt to rising sea levels. We just move further inland no? I understand that it will be costly but it won't doom the human race.

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Anonymous No. 16192058

theres no evidence that sea level is rising

Anonymous No. 16192088

>we just move further inland no?
Will you expropriate the poor rich folks owning those lands to make room for the coastal people?

Anonymous No. 16192096

The timing of summer solstice coincided more closely with Earth's closest approach to the sun.

Anonymous No. 16192098

I don't know I am not the policymaker. But it definitely wouldn't doom the human race or anything.

Anonymous No. 16192100

Nothing will ever doom the human race, it's a fact. Something may doom civilization, but even that would be a worldwide cataclysm. The world will become nothing but people and their economically important animals. Hope you like the dog zoos.

Anonymous No. 16192998

Yes, that's Finland. >>16186809

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Anonymous No. 16193013

This is an absolute and utter lie. Typical of conservatards.

Anonymous No. 16193020

>Leftard thinks eurotardland is the entire world.

Anonymous No. 16193026

Not a warming-alarmist but... OP, you do realise you are talking about the Eemian interglacial, right? The Holocene-before-the-Holocene?
Temperatures Eemian were similar to temperatures now.
reed moar b4 commenting on /sci/, retard

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Anonymous No. 16193155

Human population only exploded in the early 1900s.
>120,000 years ago.
Are you braindead OP ?

Anonymous No. 16193706

If global warming is real, how come sea level was so much higher 120,000 years ago than it is now?

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Anonymous No. 16193948

Anonymous No. 16193955


How would you know this?

Anonymous No. 16194035

That was so far back you're looking at the last interglacial, which was about two degrees warmer on average than our current interglacial. That kind of difference is why people freak out so much over global temperature rises of only one degree. The reason the last interglacial was warmer than our current one despite current CO2 emissions appears to be due to the earth's orbit being significantly more eccentric than it is now, about a +/-3.5% variance in the earth's distance to the sun compared to our current +/-1.7%

Anonymous No. 16194045

Low iq, low information reactionary people like you are why nothing ever changes for the positive

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16194076

Retard takes

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Anonymous No. 16194088

Anonymous No. 16194429

>He tried to conflate natural Milankovitch cycles with anthropogenic climate change

Try harder, you silly gubba.

Anonymous No. 16194768


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Anonymous No. 16195433

Isostatic uplift should displace enormous quantities of oceanic waters as coastal and sea floor regions expand to fill regions that were formerly filled with water and the result of that would be rising sea levels, yet there is no evidence that sea level is rising anywhere on the planet.

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Anonymous No. 16196029

>how come sea level was so much higher 120,000 years ago than it is now?
You mean the Eemian interglacial period. It was caused by changes in Earth's orbit and axial tilt (Milankovitch cycles). These changes increased solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere, leading to warmer temperatures and melting ice sheets.

Anonymous No. 16196540

How come there were more days over 90ยบF 100 years ago?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16196588

It's called "cherry picking". They toyed with the metric until they got a graph that they liked. They like using "at all historically climatology network stations" because newer ones are built further North which gives you a cooling trend if you don't correct for it (which they of course don't).

Anonymous No. 16196590

I don't know, but one world communism would solve this terrible problem

Anonymous No. 16196677

>cute image
>no sauce

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16196780

It's generated by tony heller's cherry picking software that lets you generate graph after graph with increasingly arbitrary metrics and conditions until you get one that looks the way you want it to.

Anonymous No. 16197070

Hi friend, Earth Scientist here.

Climate is fairly easy. The factors that determine it are as follows:

1. How much solar output there is: If the sun gets brighter the Earth gets warmer, if the sun gets dimmer, the Earth gets cooler.
2. The position of the continents:
Continents absorb energy much quicker than water and lose energy much quicker than water. Right now the Northern Hemisphere has more land than water and the Southern Hemisphere has more water than land. This is because of the following:
3. Changes in the Earth's orbit:
When Earth moves closer to the Sun it gets warmer, when the Earth moves away from the sun it gets cooler. Because the Earth's orbit is elliptical. If the Northern Hemisphere is facing the Sun when it's close to the Sun the Earth gets cooler. If the Southern Hemisphere is facing the Sun when it's closer to the Sun the Earth gets warmer. This is because land loses energy much quicker than water.
Earth's orbit goes through 3 changes.
It gets more or less elliptical over a 400,000 year cycle.
It's tilt becomes more or less pronounced from 22 to 24 degrees over a 40,000 year cycle
It changes it's precession (when it's summer or winter in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere) over a 25,000 year cycle.

Precession alters the climate most dramatically on short scales because as I said, if it's summer over the Southern Hemisphere when it's closest to the sun the Earth heats up because water absorbs water slower and releases it slower, thus making winters more mild and summers hotter and spreading that heat across the globe more evenly.

This is all called the "Milankovitch cycles".

4. Gases in the atmosphere:
First off, water vapor does not alter climate. It's a feedback, not a driver of climate. This is because the residence time of water is 1 week. If you somehow managed to evaporate all the oceans on Earth they would rain out in 1 week and return to the ocean. Water vapor can only respond to one of the other changes in climate.

Anonymous No. 16197076

The biggest actual climate gas is therefore not water vapor but:
#1. CO2
#2. Methane
#4. Nitrous Oxide

This is not up for debate.

5. Albedo.
Albedo determines how much sunlight is reflected back into space. The simplest way to describe this is dark things absorb more sunlight and white things reflect it. While this isn't perfectly accurate it's good enough. Most notably, bare rock, ground, water and plants absorb energy while snow and ice reflect it. The warmer it gets, the more snow melts, the warmer it gets and so forth, which is reversed during winter. However, as the climate warms all around winter becomes more mild, less snowfall and more ice melts, which aggravates the problem.

So. Your specific question. 120,000 years ago, while CO2 was lower than it is today, changes in Earth's orbit caused the Earth to be warmer. The sun is relatively stable over long time periods. It is not responsible for current climate trends. The Earth's continents haven't moved in millions of years and Milankovitch Cycles take thousands of years not the decades of change we've currently seen.

Your question is a natural one but I see that it's a dishonest one. You aren't looking for answers but making accusations. If you have any questions I would recommend you ask a climate scientist at your local university before coming to 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16197091

America got a boner lol

Anonymous No. 16197258

You realize rich people live on the coast right? Or are you under the assumption that the rich live in fly over country?
>Nothing will ever doom the human race, it's a fact.
....he doesn't know....
>The Great Filter blocks your path

Anonymous No. 16197290

you have zero knowledge of orbital mechanics and you can't even do basic math, so theres way you have any idea what you're talking about. you're just regurgitating memorized buzzwords from your propaganda textbooks even though you have no rational basis for believing that the propaganda you memorized is true.

Anonymous No. 16197348

Great, what's wrong with it. Since you're an expert on Milankovitch Cycles. Where is the flaw?

Anonymous No. 16197357

>First off, water vapor does not alter climate. It's a feedback, not a driver of climate.
It's both, retard. Everything in the climate is both driver and feedback. The residence time is irrelevant.
> If you somehow managed to evaporate all the oceans on Earth they would rain out in 1 week and return to the ocean.
Maybe. But it would have a pretty major and disruptive effect on weather in the mean time.

Anonymous No. 16197358

>5. Albedo.
>Albedo determines how much sunlight is reflected back into space. The simplest way to describe this is dark things absorb more sunlight and white things reflect it.
White things like CLOUDS of WATER VAPOR have a major effect on albedo and thus surface conditions.
Have you been outside on a summer's day when the sky is clear vs overcast with thick cloud? Notice the difference in temperature?

Anonymous No. 16197368

you can't do calculus and you don't understand physics

Anonymous No. 16197378

How do you calculate albedo for an organic surface that absorbs sunlight and stores it as mass, sometime for hundreds of millions of years without ever reemitting the radiation at any frequency? Is that an albedo thats less than 0 because of the absorption is greater than what the blackest of black surfaces could muster or is the albedo great than 1 because the resultant cooling caused by the photosynthesis process is greater than what a completely reflective surface would produce?

Anonymous No. 16198370

thermodynamics has no solution for the organic matter issue

Anonymous No. 16198736

This video from 42 years ago says that most of Florida should be under water by now due to global warming

Anonymous No. 16199489

they sure were wrong about that.
why are scientists so stupid?
their ridiculous predictions are always wrong

Anonymous No. 16199537

I want to see Girthy Florida

Anonymous No. 16199725

I'm in them, every sproutin' tree, every child of peace
Every cloud and sea, you see with your eyes
I see destruction and demise, corruption in disguise (That's right)
From this fuckin' enterprise, now I'm sucked into your lies
Through Russel, not his muscles
But percussion he provides for me as a guide, y'all can see me now

Anonymous No. 16199738

Dude, clouds are well understood in how they affect the climate. Now you're just coming up with excuses.
So you have no idea. Great. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 16199740

you can't do calculus and you don't understand physics

Anonymous No. 16200348

Stop noticing, goyim

Anonymous No. 16201470

That explains why politicians keep on investing massively in waterfront real estate

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sea level going d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16202102

Sea level is still receding

Anonymous No. 16202455

You idiot OP, climate change doesn't necessarily mean rising sea levels it just means that the sea level goes up and down randomly in random parts of the world. The proof of this are waves. They go up and down all over the place.

Anonymous No. 16202527

Regardless of it being true or not, big corps should be held liable for all the pollution they generate just because of muh money. Communism is bad, just as much as capitalism is bad; although capitalist countries are x100 scarier than Bolshevik Russia could have ever been.

Anonymous No. 16202917

Bolshevik Russia mass slaughtered 60 million of it's own citizens. That doesn't upset you because you're part of the insane enviro death cult. If you're so sure that human culture is bad for the planet then why aren't you killing yourself to help alleviate the problem?

Anonymous No. 16203794

There was a lot less CO2 in the atmosphere back then, yet sea levels were higher. That doesn't seem to dovetail with the idea that CO2 causes sea level to rise.

Anonymous No. 16205287

The fact that CO2 in Earth's atmosphere has increased by about 40% in the past 100 or so years with cause any change in sea level also proves that atmospheric CO2 does not cause sea level changes.

Anonymous No. 16206766

>increased by about 40%
from 0.0029% to 0.0042%
they're both insignificantly small numbers

Anonymous No. 16207391

theres no way that such a tiny amount of any gas could have a significant effect on the climate

Anonymous No. 16207425

What a nonsensical statement.

Anonymous No. 16207935

Ingest 0.0042% of your body weight of botulinum toxins. theres no way that such a tiny amount of anything could have a significant effect on your body.

Anonymous No. 16208181

false equivalency, co2 isn't a poison, carbon makes up 20% of your body weight

Anonymous No. 16208318

false equivalency, co2 isn't carbon.

Anonymous No. 16208932

typical hyperbolic soience scaremongering

Anonymous No. 16210039

increasing something insignificantly small by 40% just results in imperceptibly more of something that isn't significant

Anonymous No. 16210879

Retard takes

Anonymous No. 16211004

nice false equivalency, but co2 isn't toxic, its not a pollutant, its a key component of the natural world, life can't exist without it

Anonymous No. 16211040

false equivalency, co2 isn't carbon.

Anonymous No. 16211109


Anonymous No. 16212555

>t. carbon based life form

Anonymous No. 16212708

>not carbon
So a Toyota (Supra) with aftermarket parts is no longer a Toyota?
Fucking fuckhead.

Anonymous No. 16212950

Is water the same thing as hydrogen, moron? Or do they have very different properties?

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Anonymous No. 16213717

Tampa Valley corded ware culture dominated Super Florida 20,000 years ago

Anonymous No. 16214418

You know that hydrogen cyanide is the exact same as amino acids? Down a bottle for some sick gains.

Anonymous No. 16216866

thank god for a voice of reason in this sea of retards

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16216906

How are you this fucking stupid? Are you indian?

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Anonymous No. 16218611


Anonymous No. 16218641

S C A R Y!!!
would creating a one-world socialist government fix this impending dilemma, by any chance?

Anonymous No. 16218673

People are stupid and think climate is linear

Anonymous No. 16219571

Hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen are all the same no matter what form they're in, aren't they? What do you care if it's chicken protein, bug protein, or hydrogen cyanide? It's the individual atoms that really matters, isn't it?

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Anonymous No. 16220026

Anonymous No. 16221267

enjoying your out of control emotions and cringey infantile violent revenge fantasies?

Anonymous No. 16222301

>claim it increased by 40%
>it really increased by 0.001%
global warming is a hoax

Anonymous No. 16222676

Are you enjoying your hydrogen cyanide because it's the same thing and amino acids?

Anonymous No. 16223691

At this rate Florida will eventually take over the whole planet!!!
Its global Floridaing!!!
We need to kill all the cows and cut off our balls to prevent this, hopefully we're not too late

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Anonymous No. 16224911

>global Floridaing

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Anonymous No. 16224921

Florida taking over like King Kong

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Anonymous No. 16225299

Milankovitch cycles OP. The problem is that weโ€™ve basically supercharged the current upswing in temperature from a steady rise like in the past to whatโ€™s basically a bullet train.

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Anonymous No. 16225318

>global warming is a supercharged bullet train!!!!!

high speed rail doesn't even use combustion engines, one of the reasons they're able to go so fast is they don't have to carry their own power supply.
why are global warming shills all so low IQ and ignorant?

Anonymous No. 16225656

Playing with your dolljaks again Anon?

Anonymous No. 16226749

Sedimentary research, soil analysys is very common

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Anonymous No. 16227264

Donโ€™t forget marine isotope ratios- those are key for mapping out sea level changes during the Pleistocene. Not to mention uranium/ thorium ratios found in coral fossils.

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Anonymous No. 16227265

>Hi friend, Earth Scientist here.
i want to basedjak you for the way you said that but i'm on /sci/ after all so I'll let it slide

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Anonymous No. 16228673


Anonymous No. 16229712

If sea level is rising why hasn't NASA decided to move their costal Florida launch site to a different location?

Anonymous No. 16230712

People who think global warming is real don't know what a supercharger is

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16230739

Fucking WHAT? Why the fuck would that be impossible you fucking nigger? How are you this fucking braindead?

Anonymous No. 16230741

Why are you lying? Do you have something to hide?
Sea levels are the least of our problems.

Anonymous No. 16230748

Why can't you capitalize? Are you mentally retarded?

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Anonymous No. 16231857


Anonymous No. 16233628

This video from 42 years ago says that most of Florida should be under water by now due to global warming [Embed]

Anonymous No. 16234823

how come Florida still exists?

Anonymous No. 16235842

Since NASA is positive that global warming is going to drown all coastal areas in "two weeks" how come they have no plans to ever relocate their massive launch facility on the Florida coast?
Why is SpaceX investing billions in upgrading that facility if global warming will soon drown it?

Anonymous No. 16237135

Its almost as if NASA is well aware that global warming is a false narrative.

Anonymous No. 16238227

same reason obama keeps on buying massive beachfront properties

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Anonymous No. 16239061


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Anonymous No. 16240344

how come new york isn't underwater yet?

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Anonymous No. 16240359

fun fact, the everglades in op only loses about 12 feet of evolution over the course of 100 miles
it's an amazing thing

Anonymous No. 16240373


Anonymous No. 16242217

They've been shilling "climate disaster in two weeks" for nearly half a century and the weather hasn't changed even slightly the whole time

Anonymous No. 16243128

Because it was warmer back then. Wtf even is this question, it's so stupid the premise doesn't make sense.
Demonstrably proven wrong thousands of times over. Global CO2 levels has been shown to closely track global temps millions of years back and all the way up to today

Anonymous No. 16243248

>Global CO2 levels has been shown to closely track global temps millions of years back and all the way up to today
cant believe our ancestors had the ability to not only track temperatures but also write them down for us to study millions of years in the future

Anonymous No. 16243258


Anonymous No. 16244442

global warming is fake af

Anonymous No. 16244470

the earth goes through periods of warming and cooling with ice caps, read about interglacial periods retard.

Anonymous No. 16244534

You can get good temperature data out of ice cores or other well preserved storage media.

Anonymous No. 16244535

>earth is expanding
this make no sense

Anonymous No. 16244716

I think they referred to tectonic drifts and landmasses rising further up due to them. I don't know if that is correct or not, just saying how I interpret the statement.

Anonymous No. 16244726

The image he posted afterwards is pure nonsense

Anonymous No. 16245303

>[the "science" we'll be using is bullshit]
CO2 is hardly a greenhouse gas at all. And even if it was a significant one, it occupies less than 1% of the atmosphere. And human created CO2 is a fraction of THAT.

>First off, water vapor does not alter climate.
This is an outright and total lie and proves you don't know shit.

Anonymous No. 16245305

The fact you think anyone is an expert on a cycle which nobody understands proves you're another cunt with a toilet paper degree.

Anonymous No. 16246943

I'm just regurgitating memorized buzzwords from my propaganda textbooks even though I have no rational basis for believing that the propaganda I memorized is true

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Anonymous No. 16248213


Anonymous No. 16249651

If CO2 was a greenhouse gas Mars would be hotter than Earth since Mars has over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does.

Anonymous No. 16250713

Rising sea levels isn't the only problem that comes with climate change though.
A big one is that extreme weather events like hurricanes, wildfires and storm surges will become (are becoming) more severe and more frequent. So areas that used to have enough time to recover between, let's say, two floods might not be able to anymore.
Also droughts are a factor which will cause massive waves of migrants to flee their home countries, so honestly I'm not sure why right wingers aren't all over preventing climate change

Anonymous No. 16250715

>this tiny pixilated picture with no info about date or time of day is more credible then actual measurements of the sea levels over time
are you high?

Anonymous No. 16252146

All of the carbon in the carbon ring molecules in your body originated as atmospheric CO2. The more CO2 that put into the atmosphere, the better it is for life on Earth

Anonymous No. 16252626

shit's fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16252939

The shifting / lifting / and sinking of parts of the Earth's crust.
It's almost like there are multiple variables to this, wild.

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Anonymous No. 16254358

based Greta absolutely loathes them

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Anonymous No. 16256091

She even has them cropped out of all of her publicity photos

Anonymous No. 16257293

>I am a super special snowflake genius god
>everyone else is a mere human

Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

Anonymous No. 16257298

As much as I love seeing Floridians suffer, they'll just come here and make it even worse.
> t. Georgian

Anonymous No. 16258590

sea level isn't rising

Anonymous No. 16259420

They might make it better, Florida has half the black population by percentage that Georgia has. Georgia is only 50% white, Florida is 75%

Anonymous No. 16259432

I think he's talking about shit like the housing market shenanigans. Where homes go from $100-200k and jump to +$400k similar to people from New York and other places going to Florida and jacking up their prices.

Anonymous No. 16260397

Yes, housing values go up when neighborhoods become more white. Everyone wants to live in predominantly white areas because they're better, cleaner, safer and more prosperous. People from the 3rd world journey halfway around the world just to live near whites.

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Anonymous No. 16261727


Anonymous No. 16261770

>120,000 years ago
I just don't have enough blind faith to believe that myth you guys are promoting. It's already scientifically proven by atmospheric elements not reaching equilibrium that the world can't be older than 30,000 years.

You know, they invented the timeline you believe in long before any dating methods and the dating methods don't even work for samples of known age but it's assumed to work on samples of unknown age.

Anonymous No. 16262569

>why are global warming shills all so low IQ and ignorant?
Low IQ is a prerequisite for belief in the global warming meme

Anonymous No. 16263781

I pay a substantial premium to live in an all white neighborhood, worth every penny

Anonymous No. 16264594

Georgia is a dump because the state's white population is so small

Anonymous No. 16265547

if climate is cyclical how come the climate shills are all claiming that the temperature is suddenly going to start rising forever and never come back down?
also how come they've been making that claim for over 40 year and the temperature hasn't even gone up a little bit at al yet?

Anonymous No. 16266013

> nobody said that, it wonโ€™t rise forever
> it will rise and stay that way for geological time, which is at least a few thousand years
> timespan of human civilization
> thus, animals and plants will survive, you and your ass will not, neither will the shitty children you bear from spraying your useless cum onto a rancid pussy
> 40 years is an extremely small amount of time compared to even a few thousand years
> the average temperature has gone up by 0.3 degrees C, which means that the bell curve has moved and probably widened
> temperature bell curve changes fuck up the climate, be it hot or cold or wet or dry
> we did this in 40 years, it will last for thousands more

Anonymous No. 16267075

>the average temperature has gone up by 0.3 degrees C
no it hasn't

Anonymous No. 16267077

>global warming isn't real
strawman. you are a huge faggot.

Anonymous No. 16268065

If global warming is real, how come sea level was so much higher 120,000 years ago than it is now?
why can't you answer that simple question?
you're convinced global warming is real, on what basis are you so certain of that?

Anonymous No. 16268591


Anonymous No. 16269137

based greta

Anonymous No. 16269156

If global warming isn't real, then why is it like 100F/38C all the freakin time in the summer?

>daytime high 96F today, this used to be a rarity
>checkmate anti-science Trump-chudds

Anonymous No. 16269243

Temperature lag for the earth is 10C/day.
Meaning if the sun disappeared, lakes would start freezing over after the first 48 hours and the ocean would be freezing at the end of the week.
Early July is the hottest two weeks of the year because it is the first days after the summer solstice and before the summer solstice is warming up the ground and water.

Anonymous No. 16269984

>Early July is the hottest two weeks of the year
thats no universal, theres all sorts of complications that alter it
For street shitters May is the hottest month because the monsoon shows up shortly thereafter

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Anonymous No. 16271080

>water vapor does not alter climate.

Anonymous No. 16271127

Correct. The residence time is too short. Water vapor is not well mixed and the local concentration is driven by local temperatures. The data in your graph is wrong by the way.