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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180258

One time my professor underhandedly suggested we just download the reference textbook online for free, and some goody two shoes nerd reported him to the dean and he got disciplined.

Why are nerds so evil?

Anonymous No. 16180267


Anonymous No. 16180356

Profs who do this are based. My mechanics prof openly gave us flash drives with copies of Taylor on them. Half of us ended up buying physical copies anyways (cuz it's a good book), but it was nice to have the option.

You should relentlessly bully the fucker who ratted your prof out.

Anonymous No. 16180388

Let me guess this "based and redpilled" professor was either from Russia or China? There are way too many of these eastern bloc communist fucks infiltrating the American higher ed system and pushing these sorts of populist values. I bet hes also backing all of these antisemitic palestine protests. The only reason you think this stuff is cool is because you're a poorfag who wants handouts. If you actually think about how that sort of behavior impacts American research and American security interests, the. You'll understand that it's bad for America and democracy as a whole, even if it means you don't have to pay for one of your textbooks.

Anonymous No. 16180393

>behavior impacts American research
in my experience (and the experience of a few other people I know), most of the people writing the books (and doing the research in question) are more than happy to send you the files necessary to pirate their own work
it's the publishers who are expecting you to cough up a kidney to pay for the shit, and they're not contributing anything of value to anyone

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Anonymous No. 16180394


Anonymous No. 16180404

are you fucking retarded this has nothing to do with russia or china. my professors all give pdf
of their books to students for free. you're so cattle-reared by jews you think that anything should be farmed for money.

Anonymous No. 16180417

Ding ding ding. Russia and China are funding the pirate websites designed to bankrupt American educational institutions.

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Anonymous No. 16180418

>Russia and China are funding institutions to fight the Jews
actually based, wtf I love Russia and China now.

Anonymous No. 16180423

In my math undergrad my uni had for most subjects lecture notes passed down from older professors that were essentially textbooks specifically written for the subject. They were all easily available online PDFs and often better than the actual textbooks. How come westoids don't do this?

Anonymous No. 16180445

Imagine buying into the infantile idea of 'intellectual property'. Go be gay somewhere else hereditarily diseased roach.

Anonymous No. 16180483

Why didn't he cover his own ass? I say stuff like
>I've been told you can find PDFs of this book online, but you shouldn't do that. That would be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16180491

Are you legit serious about what you wrote? Chill retardo

Anonymous No. 16180502


Anonymous No. 16180541

School should be providing students with all the necessary resources.
That's what I'm paying for.
I shouldn't be required to break the law to pass your course.
Nerd was right.

Anonymous No. 16180544

Imagine buying to the infantile idea of 'property'. Go be gay somewhere else, I will simply take what I want.

Anonymous No. 16180703

You're learning but sadly you couldn't avoid the strawmans temptation, right ? Proprty does not equal posession.

Anonymous No. 16180715

You're the type of person who would sell air.

Anonymous No. 16180721

You're the type to buy it

Anonymous No. 16180748

Charge $40 for a textbook instead of $400 and people will buy them.