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Anonymous No. 16180308

Is it possible to geo engineer a forest in the desert? Like mutating a tree or new ways of getting water?
I mean, the saudis have the money if its actually possible

Anonymous No. 16180314

Aren't they just used to the desert? Why the fuck would they need forests?

Anonymous No. 16180341

dune said you need a lot of water

Anonymous No. 16180372

They're already doing it.

Anonymous No. 16180376

even if they built large artificial rivers and forests the water would evaporate and transpire out of the system. you'd have to constantly pump water in

Anonymous No. 16180379

Yes, just add more CO2 into the air

Anonymous No. 16180382

That was just an experiment, they are not doing it in any meaningful scale. It makes zero economic sense, for the saudis its a lot easier to just sell oil and buy grain.

Anonymous No. 16180385

They are transitioning to what is basically clever landscaping to retain rain from the wet season.

Anonymous No. 16180422

Bullshit. Potemkin village tier bullshit.
Theres no reason to even attempt this terraforming shit. It will always be cheaper to just buy grain in international markets.
Saudis dont actually have that much money and can only afford to waste so much until they fall short.

Anonymous No. 16180459

It may be possible if the conditions that originally caused dessertification are no longer present or artificially supressed.
If the conditions (arid climate) are still present you'd need a fresh waster supply. Since you don't have infinite fresh water and no topsoil you'd want to start with the most undemanding and hardy plants there are, succulents, shrubs... whatever prevents erosion, covers the ground, limits evaporation and produces organic matter. On the organic matter: Many desserts are likely devoid of many minerals too, in this case you'll have to provide the minerals. Theres concepts where wet fences can provide evaporative cooling, humidification, shading and limit windspeed. You' then probably want to include more and more increasingly complex and demanding plants that will provide additional shading and locking of moisture, prevent erosion, fix nitrogen, form deeper roots and so on.
Unless the climate naturally isn't arid anymore you'll have to keep providing water artificially but it will become less through your efforts and you'll probably have to keep providing nutrients that arent available, some even after top soil has formed. But the point is that maintenance goes down as fauna gets a foothold.

Anonymous No. 16180460

The saudis may have money, but they are so utterly devoid of talent its unreal

Anonymous No. 16180486

Holup. If they retain water, wouldn't their underground oil be mixed with water doe

Anonymous No. 16180704

Its underground because of the impenetrable layers of bedrock isolating it from anything above.

Anonymous No. 16180718

Purely it's problem easy for engineers solve, but our physicists are still too stupid to solve the energy problem.

Anonymous No. 16180729

you have no idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 16181256

Saudis dont have that much money. They are just hyped. Their oil exports bring them about 100 billion dollars, compare with Italy that exports 700 billion dollars. They just seem rich for nigger standards, plus the saudis one is likely to meet will be the rich ones.
UAE is unironically richer but its because of foreign investment. They have maxxed on PR and hobnobbing with the powerful

Anonymous No. 16181258

sure bud.

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Anonymous No. 16181321

Saudi arabia has a mountainous region near yemen that gets plenty of rain

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16181333

Asir mountains in Saudi Arabia

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Anonymous No. 16181337

Asir mountains in Saudi Arabia. All natural, this is not some govt project

Anonymous No. 16182331

probably not even necessary; I vaguely recall a documentary on the Arabian peninsula being a massive grassland a few millennia ago. it's got something to do with certain regional weather patterns created by all the different bodies of water around it; these patterns ebb and flow but basically puts the region between wet cycles and dry cycles.

don't recall the details

Anonymous No. 16182416

Wonder if it was the same change that created the Sahara. The good thing about these areas that were green in human history is that the soil is full of organic matter, so if you can solve the water issue, you could convert it into forest, grasslands, or something similar. Contrast that with most of the desert in Australia where the soil is almost completely devoid of organics and all adding a bunch of water would do is make it muddy.