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๐Ÿงต how can i become a mad scientist

Anonymous No. 16180521

how do i become a mad scientist im dead serious

i currently at a university studying particle physics but i want a ridiculous set up at my place to do various autistic experiments.

over the years, i mostly collect old lab equipment from the university and people dont seem to mind since theyre usually updated quickly, since theres around 30 people in my major. There's also a store by me that sells old lab equipment from private labs that closed or updated. I also get equipment from my richer friends who gave up on physics, or from the high school i work at who updated their labs.

Right now I have function generators, oscilloscopes, power supplies, a bunch of electronics components, LCR meters, a couple multimeters, gas lasers, microcontrollers, standard chem equipment, radio crystals, microscopes, distillers, high voltage transformers, industrial batteries, a logic analyzer, a server, vaccuum tubes, scintillators, detectors, a 3D printer and tons of old books.

what equipment or tools do i need to expand? I was thinking mainly a high voltage power supply since the main thing I'd like to do is make a mini linac, but id like other suggestions.

high voltage power supply
semiconductor setup
network analyzers
vaccuum coaters

also should i redecorate or dress different or is that too much?

Anonymous No. 16180555

you're going to need a serious hypothesis to put these tools to use

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Anonymous No. 16180560

You become a mad scientist easy.
1. Be an educated scientist with accolades
2. Go bonkers

You are neither.

Anonymous No. 16180561

Mad scientist doing what? Since you study particle physics you must have a goal in mind. Sadly even if you build linac and don't die by the high voltage/injecting electron beam to yourself, modern particle physics experiment requires a lot more heavy device. Realistically you want to be better than that to match the spirit of mad scientist

Anonymous No. 16180580

i just do whatever. i mostly for now collect equipment until something happens, then i have the equipment on standby. the only physics i can do in a lab that size is semi-conductor stuff which is fine. i can pump out papers putting whatever i want between a moire pattern and say if its superconducting or not.

im more looking for equipment to do crazy stuff with, even if its invented already. and just go crazy with it. if i wanted to build like one thing and call it a day id just be an engineer or something

Anonymous No. 16180583

in a garage do you use every tool at once for one problem ? its just inventory and im looking for more.

Anonymous No. 16180587

i use tools instead of collecting them pointlessly, yes. does that answer your question?

Anonymous No. 16180596

can you read ? (answer with yes/no)

Anonymous No. 16180601

Realistically he would need more than particle physics, or even more than physics, e.g advanced chemistry and other things to be able to merge those theories together, mad scientists is just a caricature of a polymath, you need more than being specialied in a single area of science.

Anonymous No. 16180608

Yeah I was thinking this. I've already taken 3 intro and modern chem courses but I'll probably do more, and work more with advanced quantum mechanics. the only reason i havent started is because some condensed matter phys papers literally make me bang me head into the wall with how theyre worded.

i also realized i need more advanced electronic engineering courses. i finally took a course not made for engineering freshmen and now i actually can work with new lab ideas

Anonymous No. 16180612

you can't.

Anonymous No. 16180707

Become a scientist first. You won't become a scientist once mad. That's the hard part.
Then try inducing psychosis via drug abuse.
If you're lucky it'll work out.

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Anonymous No. 16180711

Based fellow mad researcher. I want to go the machine pathway and do AI robots and shit, good luck

Anonymous No. 16180739

>dude omg i'm totally gooonnaa be a mad scientist!!!
>just like in the mooovies!!!!

Anonymous No. 16180853

This is the bare minimum to be a modern mad scientist.

Anonymous No. 16180915

you can become a mad scientist whenever you want, it is not hard. Just do any experiment without regard for safety and ethics, all with a touch of psychosis. Now, if you want to look cool like a stereotypical comic book mad scientist just learn from the closest cosplayer group.

Anonymous No. 16180968

Try to initiate false vacuum decay. Would be pretty epic.

Anonymous No. 16181072

The key is to start consuming heavy metals.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16181281

> >>>r/science
stupid soi

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Anonymous No. 16181348

Becomes a scientist first, then have a long and productive career, only later on in life should you start spouting incoherrent/unintelligible horseshit that no one can make sense of.

Anonymous No. 16181362

That's being a scientist. OP enquired about being mad scientist.

Anonymous No. 16181379

No, a lot of scientists have trouble with the last bit
t. knower

Anonymous No. 16181815

I'm going to be honest with you, the "madness" in a mad scientist, REALLY shouldn't be there, and while it may sometimes provide an edge for you to get over the hurdles of mundanety and repetitiveness, it should only be tapped into on occasion. You haven't seen what it can do... What it has done... However if you must know, firstly you must be a scientist, then, you must go mad. Other way works too, but very rarely succeeds.

Anonymous No. 16181818

This principle works for a lot of things in life: "When all hope is lost, a leap of faith becomes necessary."