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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180656

If vaccines are so important and wonderful then how come nobody in the sciences complains when the government imports millions of unvaccinated third world immigrants?

Anonymous No. 16180801

>unvaccinated third world immigrants?
So /sci/ is in favor of them I see.

Anonymous No. 16180883

Thanks to the jews none of those numbers can be trusted at all. They have tainted everything with their corruption, stupidity and incompetence.

Anonymous No. 16180907

Scientists complain about people not being vaccinated all the fucking time, you fucking idiot. Get your fucking shots.
>But immigrants
Can and should also get their fucking shots. Fuck off and die.

Another thing scientists call for is vaccine programs for other countries and for trying to change our policies so vaccines that would otherwise simply expire get shipped abroad to be used. They don't want unvaccinated migrants either.

Anonymous No. 16180929

>Get your fucking shots.
>Fuck off and die.
I see our friend anon works for the caring pharmaceutical industry.

Anonymous No. 16181929

one strict set of rules for whites
a different lenient set of rules for shitskins

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16182393

ppl were actually gullible enough to fall for this tier of propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16182695

Because of this

Anonymous No. 16182958

venezuelans are vaccinated against measles, this is propaganda. The cases come from orthodox jews

Anonymous No. 16182963

They do, you're quoting them in fact

Anonymous No. 16183543

Whomever its coming from should be isolated in detention camps until they stop infecting the rest of the population. If that just happens to be jews then thats too bad for them.

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Anonymous No. 16183853

Anonymous No. 16185024

lol. libshits love to give away other people's resources, but are massive tightwads when it comes to their own.

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clucking chicken.png

Anonymous No. 16185792

screeching the f word online as if it adds importance to what you're saying is reddit af.
grow up. pic is what you look like

Anonymous No. 16185797

>the caring pharmaceutical industry
what makes you think pharma cares?
dead people don't get cancer or rare disease you can sell blockbuster drugs for

Anonymous No. 16185848

Yes, I enjoy to see society crumble. I would trust an unvaccinated immigrant more than my politicians anyways.

Anonymous No. 16185869

The one's the government imports do have to get vaccinated and take horse dewormers after they arrive.

Its the ones who come in illegally that bring most of the diseases.

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Anonymous No. 16186440

>the thing that got dismissed as "fearmongering" and a "racist conspiracy theory" ended up happening in real life
/pol/ is ahead of the curve yet again

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pol was right again.jpg

Anonymous No. 16187057

why does this keep on happening

Anonymous No. 16187199

>I see our friend anon works for the caring pharmaceutical industry.
Either reduces your risk to the population. I don't care which route you choose. Dealer's choice.

Anonymous No. 16187202

>as if it adds importance to what you're saying
Thinking cursing makes something sound important is fucking stupid. I don't curse in any conversation I give a fuck about. You people mean fucking nothing to me. Fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 16188491


Anonymous No. 16189154

Cause the soiyence faggots want to cash in by poisoning those unvaxed foreignigs with their vaxine cash machine