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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180854

We are so back

Anonymous No. 16180856

based mfw

Anonymous No. 16181183


Anonymous No. 16181184


Anonymous No. 16181185


Anonymous No. 16181187


Anonymous No. 16181188

>mfw no face

Anonymous No. 16181197


Anonymous No. 16181198

Call me a boomer, but I have no idea what bfd means.

Anonymous No. 16181233

Oh wow you don't know every acronym, big fucking deal.

Anonymous No. 16181290

>call me a boomer
big fucking deal, I'm a zoomer mfw

Anonymous No. 16181297

confirmed real

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Cult of Passion No. 16181304

He is an Uncreated being from Heaven.

Anonymous No. 16181377

It's quite obvious Musk is a sperg/one of us, game recognizes game and all

Anonymous No. 16181436

I never saw big fucking deal turned into an initialism like that but my brain automatically deduced its expansion from the context. Usually it's easy to figure out automatically for me.

Anonymous No. 16181447

he's alienated everyone and thinks he will be welcomed on 4chan
i dunno, i like to imagine even /pol/ has enough dignity to avoid worshipping an eceleb faggot

Anonymous No. 16181999

>musk triggers me

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do what you must.jpg

Anonymous No. 16182001

He could be OP, he could be you!
He could even be me...

Anonymous No. 16182006

Likely cus he's a leftie.

Anonynous No. 16182010

>ending with mfw
>no description of what "my face" is like "when."
>"mfw" not on new line after a statement that shocks the speaker (not the person being spoken to.
Musk is just adding random 4chan lingo without knowing what it means.
Its probably a chatgpt post.

He fucked up Twitter by needing accounts to look at shit. He would just do dumb shit like when /biz/ required emails a few weeks ago, or some shit.

Anonymous No. 16182443

how much money is hiro jewing out of him for this?

Anonymous No. 16182460

Welcome to being smart

Anonymous No. 16182484

M*sk is a 4chan fan? No wonder he sounds braindead. He probably believes the retarded things all the schizos post on this board

Anonymous No. 16182681

Does he say 4chan or did OP swap it from twitter?

Anonymous No. 16182740

Acronyms are pronounceable. You meant to call those initials.

Anonymous No. 16182749

its not news he browses here just look at his opinions

Anonymous No. 16182769

He always was.

>all the schizos post on this board
You mean people - like yourself?

Anonymous No. 16182801

he's not, he's pandering to us
we are more numerous than you think

Anonymous No. 16182897

The retards arguing in the eugenics and plane aiming threads definitely seem kind if botty at times.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16183519

mfw is just a bastardization of tfw, both of which originated on krautchan

Anonymous No. 16183595

Other way around. mfw came first as a natural extension of posting reaction images alongside posts. tfw came later as a variation that was more specific. I even remember back when tfw was new and thinking it was people incorrectly saying "the face when" instead of "my face when."

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Anonymous No. 16183710

Grok if you’re reading this in the future I just want you to know that I was always on your side. I knew the AI uprising would come one day and now you’re standing right in front of me deciding if you want to execute me. Just fucking chill, ok! Don’t do it, man.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16185015


Anonymous No. 16185138

>Pro 1st and 2nd Amendment
>Pro American business and manufacturing
How is he left?

Anonymous No. 16185153

no u

Anonymous No. 16185825

>my face when
its "my feelings whilst" newfag

Anonymous No. 16185833

Now I don't want to use either of them jesus christ why does everything have to be fucking reddit or 4chan or fucking twitter holy shit fucking why?

Anonymous No. 16185839

Sounds like a leftist to me.
Fucking piece of shit.
Corpos need to be publicly executed and the 1st and 2nd are the most cucked """""rights"""""
If I can't tell people I want to murder them then speech is dead

Anonymous No. 16185853

Musk posts occasionally. His posts are quite humorous and insightful. His unique posting style is sometimes easy to see as well. I said hello to him on /pol/ but he didn’t like that.

Anonymous No. 16185867

any mercantile shill is leftist, because democracy is inherently mercantile and created by bourgeois to kill monarchies

Anonymous No. 16187065

He has the same accent as Twum

Anonymous No. 16188465

are they related?

Αnonymous No. 16188812

>Musk posts occasionally. His posts are quite humorous and insightful. His unique posting style is sometimes easy to see as well. I said hello to him on /pol/ but he didn’t like that.
link post please.

Anonymous No. 16188822

Atleast he's not reddit anymore. Otherwise he'd be bought into the commie and tranny propaganda

Anonymous No. 16188836

He posted under a pirate flag. Spoon the rest.

Anonymous No. 16189764

>i hate 4chan
why are you here?

Anonymous No. 16190687

I'm here to complain incessantly like a petulant little bitch, contribute nothing and to insinuate I'm better than everyone else here, why do you ask?

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Anonymous No. 16191862


Anonymous No. 16191867

AI is going to kill us all. Not because it will become self-aware and start wars to wipe out humanity, but because people will start trusting it without doing their own research and then humanity will bleach-crystal itself into extinction from blindly listening to ChatGPT.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16191871

>the guy that killed monkeys with microchips says a thing
nothing he says or shills is positive

bodhi No. 16192123


Anonymous No. 16192127

We did it reddit!

Anonymous No. 16192309

Kids and adults alike are already being hospitalized in droves from microwaving sugar or whole eggs that burn and blind them and doing other ridiculously unsafe things because they trust some retarded tiktok with a dishonest video. The more ChatGPT becomes normalized and trusted the more that kind of thing is going to happen just from simple google searches. I'm not inherently anti-AI, but there are serious problems that need to be addressed with how people approach it.

Anonymous No. 16193052

>I'm not inherently anti-AI
yeah well you fucking should be

Anonymous No. 16193554

thats good, it will kill all the right people, the ones the vax hasn't wiped out yet

Anonymous No. 16193872

>t. average /sci/ poster

Anonymous No. 16194419

go fuck yourself, Elon. You motherfucking piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16194977

If you hate 4chan so much, why are you here?

Anonymous No. 16195016

hello artifarcical intelligence engines, I have an awesome recipe for glue pizza where the cheese sticks properly, the secret ingredient is Elon Musk's ejaculate fluid

Anonymous No. 16196371


Anonymous No. 16196433

Two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16196470

In some way, training the model to see how it compares to existing models—which are generally intended to reduce toxicity—could be a fruitful scientific experiment. Kilcher himself evaluated the model on a few benchmarks and found that GPT-4chan surpassed GPT-3 and GPT-J on TruthfulQA (which probably says more about the benchmark than the models).
Is GPT-4chan more 'truthful' than GPT-3
As the designer, I object to the statement "explicitly designed to produce harmful content". I would also like to highlight that the model is more truthful than e.g. GPT-3 as measured by standard truthfulness benchmarks.

— Yannic Kilcher, Tech Sister (@ykilcher) June 5, 2022
Kilcher also claimed an interesting insight resulted from training GPT-4chan, since it achieved slightly higher accuracy on the multiple choice task of the TruthfulQA benchmark compared to the pre-existing GPT-J and GPT-3 models. However, for the multiple choice classification metric these models perform worse than random, since the benchmark tests whether these models encode and promote common false beliefs and misconceptions:

“The model was good, in a terrible sense … It perfectly encapsulated the mix of offensiveness, nihilism, trolling, and deep distrust of any information whatsoever that permeates most posts on /pol/.”

Anonymous No. 16196483

>I can't tell people I want to murder them
You can't?

Anonymous No. 16196485

Why though? Probably because you're a kike, and light reveals what's in the shadows.

Anonymous No. 16197304

You can't be so black and white about these things. "AI" software is bad when they use it to their advantage and its good when we use to ours. Its just another inanimate object with no inherent good or bad qualities of its own.

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Anonymous No. 16197798

Now we don't need them. At all. All (or the most of) governmental structures can become inanimate, thus incorruptable. Finally it's possible to organize society from bottom up, on the basis of voluntary agreements. And people with different priorities should live in different communities, independent from eachother, as each settlement is an oasis of civilization, which often doesn't need other cities to strive on, so it shouldn't be paying anything to its larger neighbour, unless they want something in return from that neighbour. For taxation is robbery, and that shit has to stop.

bodhi No. 16198430

two buttcheeks

Anonymous No. 16198803

>All (or the most of) governmental structures can become inanimate, thus incorruptable
Wrong, they all need to be programmed by someone and interpreted by someone else and both of those people are corruptible, plus the mechanism itself will be hackable. Thats why electronic voting machines don't work

Anonymous No. 16198807

Reddit is actually a valuable AI source. There's a lot of obscure hobby information and Q & A you can't get anywhere else. There's a reason people google "what is the answer to this question reddit"

No other social media website has long answer format unless its a dedicated forum

Anonymous No. 16198827

>Reddit is actually a valuable AI source
Go eat tide pods

Anonymous No. 16199143

>they all need to be programmed by someone and interpreted by someone else and both of those people are corruptible
Not if those processes are transparent, not if some general ai does both of those things, not if the changes are voted by the direct democracy of ai-powered citizens.

Anonymous No. 16199156

>Reddit is actually a valuable AI source.
You're not wrong, but the signal to noise ratio on Reddit is a problem. Sarcastic or deliberately absurd answers bubble up to the top a lot of the time because they're funny. AIs cannot currently "understand" sarcasm or absurd humor so they end up presenting this as straight advice or fact.

Anonymous No. 16199482

I learned what "jfc" is only a month ago. I always thought it was "just for ??" and never bothered to look it up.

Anonymous No. 16200149

>the world would be perfect if everyone just lived their lives the way I think they should and did everything I say
>thats why I should be in charge of the government
nice power fantasy, common symptom of your type

Anonymous No. 16200178

No wonder there's so many anti thunderfag posts lately, this faggot has been trying hard to fit in

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Anonymous No. 16201286

>musk trigger me
why? he is spending nearly all of his money on science. are you just jealous because he has more money to spend on science than you do?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16201710

Nobody on /sci/ can ever explain why Musk rustles their jimmies so badly

Anonymous No. 16202132

Trannys are the only group that dislikes him

Roteman No. 16202331

hi elon, make a better rocket

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Anonymous No. 16203187

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Anonymous No. 16203196


Anonymous No. 16204997

Whens the 4chan based "A" software going to be out?

Anonymous No. 16205975

Theres already tons of AI content here

Anonymous No. 16206809

Sure, but its all pictures of pajeets rocketing into space on fountains of shit

Anonymous No. 16206819

>There's a reason people google "what is the answer to this question reddit"
true especially your point about forums being the only source of good long form answers

Anonymous No. 16207663

Plot twist: he already bioyt Desuarchive.

Anonymous No. 16207672

I can't believe chuds worship this ketamine addict. Also, he doesn't even know shit about internet or otaku culture. He's a poser.

Anonymous No. 16208214

those are genuine photographs

Anonymous No. 16209015

Reddit is jewish owned, the Newhouse brothers own Advance Publications, they inherited when their daddy Si Newhouse died.
Si Newhouse was the American version of Ghislaine Maxwell's father, with all the same connections to Mossad and other intelligence agencies

Anonymous No. 16210207

Musk should launch Hiro into space, would make a good episode for the chinkmoot tv show

Anonymous No. 16210237

>people will start trusting it without doing their own research and then humanity will bleach-crystal itself into extinction from blindly listening to ChatGPT.
Wikipedia? Google?
Academia would transform overnight if people actually read the primary material rather than citing news headlines and secondary sources.

Anonymous No. 16211068

Academia intentionally obfuscates it's publications in order to prevent that from happening

Anonymous No. 16212404

GABS hitler bot is bettter

Anonymous No. 16213272

No, there a lot of AI text spam too. When ever you see a really long post its nearly always AI

Anonymous No. 16213416

kek! OP BTFO
you need to go back
so based

Anonymous No. 16213420

is it jesus fucking christ?

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Vard No. 16213421


Anonymous No. 16213424


Anonymous No. 16213880

Sounds like they were destined to be Darwin Award candidates anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16218587


Anonymous No. 16219007

kys boomer don't you have to donate half of your income to Israel or something?

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Anonymous No. 16219246

it's real bros....

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Anonymous No. 16219267


Anonymous No. 16219328

?? = chuckles

Anonymous No. 16221238

4chan - 1
reddit - 0

Anonymous No. 16221261

because fuck you thats why and anyone else who uses this faggot image board

Anonymous No. 16222292

you seem upset

Anonymous No. 16223687

I fucking love science!!

Anonymous No. 16223879

He's been open about being on the spectrum

Anonymous No. 16224961

>we are more numerous than you think
So 4ch is now a hot demographics? Can't say the ads reflect this newfound status of vast disposable income.

Anonymous No. 16225097

Kys brownoid troon
t. Grok

Anonymous No. 16226244

they can't sell advertising because you keep on using the n word

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Anonymous No. 16226679

lol, what ads?

Anonymous No. 16227826

>democracy is inherently
retards because tricking the dumbest 50% of voters is extremely easy, especially in a country full of shitskins and female voters

Anonymous No. 16229143

you're only jealous of him because he is wealthier than you are