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Anonymous No. 16181190

Post math/science "facts" that make you mad when you hear them. I'll start.

>The Universe is infinite, so an infinite number of different versions of me must exist

Anonymous No. 16181194

you just made that one up. No one ever said such a stupid thing.

Anonymous No. 16181207

The most enraging pseudo "factoid" is the claim that "complex numbers" were numbers and a reasonable basis for geometry.

Anonymous No. 16181235

>There's nothing special about AI, it's just matrix multiplication.

Anonymous No. 16181243

thank God for making you retarded

Anonymous No. 16181245

>"complex number" ideologist has no argument
>has to post insult instead
Every time

Anonymous No. 16181395

>>The Universe is infinite
[citation needed]

This but unironically

Anonymous No. 16181399

Did your picrel chud divide by zero?

Anonymous No. 16181404

They can be, depending on your definition of "number" and "complex."
In my view, the following are numbers: naturals, integers, finite fields, rationals, complex rationals...
The following are not numbers: "reals" and any other uncomputable or uncountably infinite set.
(By the way, computer floats are a finite subset of rationals, they have nothing to do with "reals")

Anonymous No. 16181407

It turns out that linear algebra was everything we needed.

Anonymous No. 16181424

I've only ever heard joe rogan say that.

Anonymous No. 16181777

that 0.999... = 1

that gravity is caused by spacetime curvature

Anonymous No. 16181835

look up "Max Tegmark's four levels of multiverses", specifically level 1. it's in wikipedia.

Anonymous No. 16181845

I mean if reality is infinite and beyond our understanding why could that not be theoretically true? There could be an infinite amount of universe beyond our own for all we know.

Anonymous No. 16182024

It could be true, but some people say it's necessarily true - that if something is infinite, it must hold an infinite number of permutations of every possible thing. But then you can have infinite sequences like 1,2,1,1,1,1,1.... where there is only one 2 and no 3's. And, for example, if you had an infinite number of chairs you would need an infinitely spacious room to hold them, but that room wouldn't necessarily contain a table.

Anonymous No. 16182052

If our universe were actually infinite and its properties were consistent all the way around, then it’s pretty hard to argue that there are NOT infinite planets with water, infinite planets with water that have life, infinite planets with water and intelligent life etc. etc. and even infinite planets where you made this exact post. We don’t really understand infinity because we’ve never experienced it or interacted with it, so we can’t really talk about it

Anonymous No. 16182116

Not reading that shit. But the title already gives it away: The claim that multiverses existed accompanied by the argument that this must mean several versions of 'one self' existed is something entirely different than claiming the (1) universe being infinite would lead to the conclusion of there being infinite versions of one self.
So: No one ever said that shit. Before OP here.

Anonymous No. 16182170

>According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly.

Anonymous No. 16182333

so not only are you a faggot, but you are also an illiterate faggot.
how horrifying

Anonymous No. 16183336

that which isn't even wrong deserves nothing but derision