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Anonymous No. 16181430

Alright /b/ I'm going to need some Adderall to finish my PhD. How would you get it in the US without a prescription these days?

Anonymous No. 16181448


Anonymous No. 16181464

as if (you) had difficulties getting that prescription

Anonymous No. 16181487

What does Adderall do, in simple terms? Is it like caffeine?

Anonymous No. 16181494

Its crazy. I got it once in my life from a friend who was a real aspi, ADHD and the whole lot basically. Then went to math tutoring. My usual bored, unfocused and easily distracted self was replaced with a math problem crunching addicted machine. Took 10 minutes for the tutor to ask wether I'm on something. 'Yes !' *continues to race through calculations*

Anonymous No. 16181570

Wow, that's crazy. I'll keep it in mind if I ever need a boost like that.

Anonymous No. 16181682

where did you get it from?

Anonymous No. 16181730

>reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 16181747

He needs Adderall to read things longer than 2 words.

Anonymous No. 16181750

A person with real ADD (or non-hyperactive ADHD) here.
How would it be a problem to fake it? The psychiatrist will not give you a fucking brain scan.
Say you
>get bored easily by everything and don't have a lot going for you, but don't feel depressed
>react emotionally to irrelevant stuff, like some anon trolling you on 4chan
>are forgetful
>stop listening while people talk directly to you
>jump to task B as soon as you think about it, without finishing task A
>to spice it up say you've had some OCD behavior, but it was under control and very mild
>funny meme question marks, wrong numeration and profit

Anonymous No. 16181780

I did do this earlier and got a ADHD diagnosis from a psychiatrist, however they said they won't prescribe stimulants like adderall so I'm back to square 1

Anonymous No. 16181791

It's practically guaranteed you'll be recognized as drug seeking if you try to do this. Maybe not if it were 20 years ago before every retard on the internet started looking up "how to get doc to prescribe drugs that get me high".

Anonymous No. 16181834

well what if someone IS drug seeking BECAUSE they're ADHD

then what do we do

Anonymous No. 16182000

>*apply your stratagem*
>*no records of ADHD symptoms from your childhood*
>get blacklisted for life
Great method, Albert Einstein.

Anonymous No. 16182021

I was diagnosed at 35 and stimulants obviously helped a wide range of symptoms, some I would not associate with ADHD. There is a ton of individuals diagnosed very late in life, especially lately. People find out they have it in their fifties.
I was a perfectly calm child, just biting my nails, not investing time into any interests and thinking about random shit a lot.

I think any psychiatrist an inch above an absolute fucking semi-retarded, hack fraud level of competence understands ADHD can be missed in childhood. So OP can successfully lie about it.

Anonymous No. 16182089

It's easy enough to just make

Anonymous No. 16182098

You can buy it on the darkweb but it's expensive as hell, you're better off buying speed and micro-dosing it.

Anonymous No. 16182103

what is the point of any of this?
>be in this room
>know this person

Anonymous No. 16182111

>hack fraud level of competence understands ADHD can be missed in childhood.
Not shit, Sherlock (this is the fiction character you are this time around).
I was only diagnosed with ADHD as an adult as well. I was speaking of their being ADHD *symptoms*, not a diagnosis.

>I only bit my nails & daydreamed :))))))
No, you didn't, fag. First of all just because this is the limit of your introspective ability top self-diagnose doesn't mean it's the limit of a psychiatrist's spective ability as well. There are vectors you probably aren't even cognizant of are thing. For example, did you often submit your worksheets with bent corners? How often did you doodle on them?

During the appointment, were you kinda uncomfortable on the chair? Like, instead of shifting your body mass once the entire 1 hour appointment, did you shift it thrice?

There are also null results which are significant because they just never apply to you. Did you earn many proverbial gold stars for conscientious work?

The doc went by shit like this. Not your shallow-ass self-reporting.

Anonymous No. 16182203

Ask the tired cashier in your local retail shop. They know the society around (You) better than any local politician ever would.

Anonymous No. 16182529

Well, perhaps you are right, not a hill I'm willing to die on.
The psychiatrist did not inquire about the swastikas, cocks and pentagrams I drew on the back of my notebooks.

Anonymous No. 16182533

Isaac Newton didn't need Adderall. You're just coping.

Anonymous No. 16182619

If he had a chance to try it out, he would rule the waves

Anonymous No. 16182650

>so we've determined that you are, in-fact, suffering from a mental/learning disability. however, we will not be prescribing you the proper pharmaceutical treatment you need in order to feel human teeheehee nothing personal.
What the fuck lol, couldn't you solicit a different drug dealer MD instead

Anonymous No. 16182653

They just have to start you on something else first to try a non stimulant. They usually suggest Wellbutrin or Straterra, you do that for a month (or just fake it) then say it didn’t help and you want to try something else

Anonymous No. 16182686

It's fucking awful that an adult with a problem is treated like a junky in your "land of freedom".
My psychiatrist prescribed me a 3 month stock of methylphenidate here in Poland on a single visit.
Street amphetamine is literally 5 times less expensive and a 35yo nerd like me could score some in 10 minutes.
Non-stimulating drugs might work, but the fact that people with ADHD are impatient and compulsive should matter.
Also I've tried these. First time I've felt truly suicidal in my life.

Anonymous No. 16182861

If Isaac Newton had INTENSE headaches we know nothing about, but he took some magic tincture during his time that completely eliminated his headache of which we nothing about, do you think the following would be true?:
You would say "Isaac Newton didn't need headache-busting magic tincture to invent calculus"
But do you also find it plausible that if asked, Newton would actually say:
>why chap, of course I needed my tincture to get stuff done! I can't work with that constant headache!

And would it also be possible that in an alternate timeline where Newton didn't have the magic tincture, that he didn't invent calculus due to constant severe headache?

Anonymous No. 16183056

For a hypothetical to work it has to show something new. Imagine a world where lobotomy is the punishment for boredom. Nothing really changes: the intention and results are the same as the chemical method. The patient becomes domesticated.

Anonymous No. 16183065

Cope druggie.

Anonymous No. 16183138

Yeah she said she wanted to only prescribe non-stimulants. I set up a follow up appointment tomorrow and I'm basically going to press for a simulant . Any more advice?

Anonymous No. 16183141

They actually put me on both of these - tried them both, no tangible results.

Anonymous No. 16183142

Have you considered that you may be suffering from Gender Dysphoria? We're going to start you on a course of hormone replacement therapies, and see how it goes from there.

Anonymous No. 16183164

were you ever prescribed stimulant adhd therapy in the past and found them effective? if not, your demand for stimulants is going to be interpreted as drug seeking.

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Anonymous No. 16183173


Anonymous No. 16183212

I snort acetone cleaned speed paste sometimes (eurofag), so it's probably more levoamph and caffeine
Concentration does increase and I can speed read like 500+ wpm with 80%+ retention and crunch code for sometime before the euphoria hits, then I'm more in a mood for a forestpsy rave. God forbid I have some weed laying around, the combination hits like MDMA
I prolly overdo it with the dosage, cause I don't know the purity, but I don't have ADHD, I have the opposite

Anonymous No. 16183269

Advice is take the non-stimulant prescription. If it works, great. If not, then use up what you were given, complain that it wasn't working particularly well, keep progressing.
Or again just find someone else