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๐Ÿงต academia is now fake

Anonymous No. 16181814

you have to fake a few tests to be able to finish most of masters degrees in university

the tests can be accomplished by using ADHD medication (or real amphetamine but then you have to eventually deal with the police) or by being the shut in type who study all day all night and has no social life

guess which one all the students choose?
the drug way

because the drug users were able to get lowest scores on test that is still accepted as passed instead of having failed, they get their masters degreees

because they are super social drug users they also get the connections

it is only these people who get the jobs, the shut in type who actually knows shit about his field is not getting a job

therefore everyone who is now in his 30s-40s and has a masters degree in STEM and a relatively good job (not saying the pay is good but the job itself is) is actually a fraud they did not pass their tests fair

they arent intelligent enough to do the work they are now doing but they are the only ones doing it which is why everything falls apart in society scale

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Anonymous No. 16181817

So what is the point of all these shitposts?
modify the academic demography to include fewer 4chan users?

Anonymous No. 16181840

It's a bot

Anonymous No. 16181857

you are both frauds

"computer science" my ass
you cheated on maths, somehow, to graduate

Anonymous No. 16182265

I wonder what its like to have sex with a hot blond

Anonymous No. 16182278

wtf I love academia now?

Anonymous No. 16183467

[math]You can add italics like this].
Fun times.

Anonymous No. 16183470

>lol you loser
like [math]this[/math]