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Anonymous No. 16181893

>take a jar filled with water and pour some dirt into it
>stir until mixed
>come back later and it's neatly separated into layers
It takes a simple school experiment to disprove so-called "Second Law of Thermodynamics". Why do scientists still insist on calling it a "law" when it's clearly false?

Anonymous No. 16182426

based and separate pilled

Anonymous No. 16182432

The Jar is radiating infra-red in all directions. So no, it isn't disproving the second law of thermodynamics.

Anonymous No. 16182729

Sediment jars are cool as fuck. I still use them as an adult to determine soil texture and rockiness. I suppose it would be more poetic to say that rocky soil is gravid and that I'm measuring the gravidity of the soil.

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Anonymous No. 16182765

Except it still follows thermodynamic laws by settling into the most preferred energetically stable position, now delete your thread, fuck off, and don't post on sci again unless you've actually taken the time to educate yourself on whatever you're trying to argue about.

Anonymous No. 16182843

Best post

Anonymous No. 16182876


Cult of Passion No. 16182894

>take a jar filled with water and pour some dirt into it

Anonymous No. 16182949

>y settling into the most preferred energetically stable position,
That isnt what the second law of thermodynamics says. It says that all microstates are equally possible, and states of highly mixed and disordered sediments are much more abundant so most likely. Ordered layers should be nearly impossibly

Anonymous No. 16182954

this is also, btw, the reason why its highly unlikely to ever dry clothes in a clothes drier and open it and find everything neatly neatly folded already, even though it would not be physically impossible

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sage No. 16182959

>That isnt what the second law of thermodynamics says. It says that all microstates are equally possible
No, no it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16182966

The second law of thermodynamics doesnt say anything about "preferred energy state", which is a meaningless expression.
It only says that entropy must never decrease in a closed system. Bottom line, that disorder must increase.

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sage No. 16182982

Entropy is not disorder, entropy is the state of thermodynamic equilibrium in a system, the second law states that things in a system prefer to go from a more energetic, unstable state (low entropy) to a less energetic, stable configuration (high entropy), it says absolutely nothing about order or disorder, which is a completely relative term, when you shake the jar of dirt it's in a lower entropic state than when everything settles down and stops moving around, achieving thermodynamic equilibrium in the system.

Anonymous No. 16182998

Why are you saying it is in thermal dynamic equilibrium? Do you think that jar will still just be as it is in a trillion years?

sage No. 16183015

It is in relative thermodynamic equilibrium, yes, could it be in a higher entropy state, maybe, that doesn't mean it's going to be any more "disordered", entropy is all about equal forces in a system, nothing about order or disorder, a solid steel bar is in a high entropy state, despite being perfectly ordered, while metal vapour is in a low entropy state, despite being disordered, but the same vapour can also be in a high entropy state when all the atoms stop flying about and settle down into a preferred state of thermodynamic equilibrium.

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perfect machine.png

Anonymous No. 16183034

Both radiators emit same power of light. Light concentrator intensifies the 112kW of light beam from the low temp radiator with an area of 1m^2, down to an area of 0.0625m^2. Light from the high temp radiator makes the return trip (reversable paths), going from 0.0625m^2 diluted over 1m^2. The light concentrator ensures both radiators are in equilibrium:

112kW is emited from both radiators, there is 224kW flux of light passing through the light tube. Both radiators emit and receive 112kW to and from their partner. There can be no change in either radiators temperature.

The key element of this set up is the "light concentration. Assume briefly such a thing could be made, would the rest of it work?

Anonymous No. 16183058

>entropy is the state of thermodynamic equilibrium in a system, t
Another meaningless statement. You just love to toss these bozzwords around "equilibrium" "preferred" like they are magic. For you, nature just do what you think it has to do because "preference and equilibrium". You dont know any physics, you only know buzzwords which could be used equally to support literally any statement.

sage No. 16183143

>Another meaningless statement
Balance of forces, can't make it simpler than that
>You just love to toss these bozzwords around "equilibrium" "preferred" like they are magic
"preferred" as in when two particles interact they impart kinetic energy upon one another, the forces need to balance out, or be in "equilibrium", because the fast particle is trying to speed up the slow one and vice versa, when particles are packed tightly enough and move slow enough, they have nowhere to go unless you impart some force on them, thus they are in thermodynamic equilibrium

Anonymous No. 16183155

>It says that all microstates are equally possible
it doesn't. that's just an assumption for a particular case. and in this case not all states are equally probable because of gravity.

Anonymous No. 16183275

where is the entropy? I was under the impression that everything will be brown and lukewarm.

Anonymous No. 16183368

>Why do scientists still insist on calling it a "law" when it's clearly false?
why is someone this retarded making posts on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16183568

This is why vodka settles into layers of alcohol and water if you leave it long enough.

Anonymous No. 16183606

Yes it does. The ergodic hypothesis is the theoretical framework for the 2nd law.

Anonymous No. 16183630

We have fantasy threads like this every single day though, that's what /sci/ is all about.

Anonymous No. 16183722

It's called GRAVITY you fucktard.

Anonymous No. 16183728

the energy you used for aggitation caused a bigger loss of entropy than the ordination of theparticles, that's why retard.

Anonymous No. 16183729

about 80% of threads on /sci/ are retarded narcissists misunderstanding simple concepts (because they are retards) and insisting that they alone have it all figured out (because they are narcissists). thousands of years of collective human knowledge and research mean nothing to these invalids.

Anonymous No. 16183734

> entropy is the state of thermodynamic equilibrium

nigga, what???

Anonymous No. 16183737

>i am stupid, please use simple words

Anonymous No. 16183805

>Balance of forces, can't make it simpler than that
>"preferred" as in when two particles interact they impart kinetic energy upon one another, the forces need to balance
Doubling down? This is just empty arguments. You could just use this to support any statement
>Eh rocks angular momentum diffracts infrared wavefunctions because of balance of equilibrium and energetic preference
This is how you sound, dumb schizo.

Anonymous No. 16183808

>It's called GRAVITY you fucktard.
You dont even know the difference between entropy and force

Anonymous No. 16183870

You are a fucking retard and you should be euthanized

Anonymous No. 16183981

>if you wait long enough things become homogenous
Your hypothesis is useless if you can only prove it on timescales longer than the lifespan of the universe, not only that ordered structures are still homogenous

Anonymous No. 16183987

Sediment jars prove flat earth. Gravity isn't real, things which are more dense simply trend towards the bottom of the dome as the dome accelerates upwards, infinitely climbing towards heaven but never reaching such lofty heights.

Anonymous No. 16184031

ive proven that it actually happens in Python
the real universe can suck a dick, I have a fucking computer

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Anonymous No. 16184040

Sorry I only believe in things that can be demonstrated in reality

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Anonymous No. 16184098

No need to mix water and dirt. I did the experiment with my cum. Over the course of a few months I filled three empty bottles. You can clearly observe that the sperm cells precipitate, forming a sediment at the bottom of the bottle. The liquid phase on the other hand turns from a whitish to a yellow color. But maybe here my experiment is a little bit biased because I used former orange juice bottles and didn't properly clean them before starting the experiment.

Anonymous No. 16184839

>he doesn't know that his computer only works because of thermodynamics
>he believes his python script accurately represents reality

Anonymous No. 16184855


Anonymous No. 16185204

How is this science? It's clearly an example of engineering.

Anonymous No. 16185382

If you're filtered by such basic thermodynamic terms, you shouldn't even be in this thread. Literally go back to Khan Academy

Anonymous No. 16185786

>It says that all microstates are equally possible, and states of highly mixed and disordered sediments are much more abundant so most likely.
Yes, however certain microstates are significantly more likely to occur beyond this as they obey the maxwell-boltzmann distribution.

Anonymous No. 16185823

>OP existing violates thermodynamics in OPs mind.
OP stop trolling for real.

Anonymous No. 16185851

In the presence of gravity potential energy will become kinetic energy: the sediment will fall to the bottom. Kinetic energy will be dissipated as heat. Overall free energy is minimized so the second law of thermodynamics holds.