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Anonymous No. 16182011

Is it genetic?

Anonymous No. 16182027

I would say it is more cultural than genetic, the "hood mentality" almost idolizes that behavior due to the lack of a strong paternal influence in their lives.(Single mother epidemic of black communities). Then, they find a paternal influence on the street in which violent and authority hating traits are encouraged and instilled. It is recursive and correlates to literacy rates.

I used to be totally convinced it was a genetic disparity , but its not - its learned through poor upbringing with no direction. This is truly why racism and prejudiced exists, why should other races be content with just highlighting its a "culture problem". One is totally justified to hate said culture and hate the people promoting it aswell. Why shouldn't they hate it ? It is the only logical response

Anonymous No. 16182029

>I would say it is more cultural than genetic
It's both, you have culture-gene reinforcement.

Anonymous No. 16182036

It's possibly partially genetic, but the murder rates among black individuals who have good upbringing and are surrounded by well-mannered peers is so much lower, that it's genuinely not worth getting into the genetic aspect of it, because it would upset the social fabric and generate more violence overall.
The "wokeness" around ass has many incredibly stupid elements to it, but we have to recognize the elements of long-term social strategy of it.
If there is a very slightly higher chance that a black individual coming from a 2 parent household will commit a violent crime, and 100% chance that saying racist shit too much will cause a racial conflict, we should say what the youtube libertarians are saying and provide the black community with a road to redemption.

There is that and the fact that while I do believe in cognitive differences between ethnic groups, I am not an asshole to other humans.

Anonymous No. 16182038


A discussion one can have with culture-gene reinforcement in this situation would be in terms of selectively breeding certain social traits. So, intentionally having kids with the more aggressive thuggish and violent men would perhaps generate more aggressive and thuggish offspring. With the expected outliers of (white acting) blacks such as Ben Carson etc.

For instance, if a culture highly values certain skills or behaviors, individuals with genetic traits that make them more adept at these skills are more likely to succeed and reproduce, passing those traits on.

I feel as if these genetic hyper specialization within a racial group occur on terms of hundreds and hundreds of years ? I just dont think it is as big of a reason then say the upbringing of blacks in todays society. I think its still more so due to cultural impressions and poverty

Anonymous No. 16182042

100% genetic.
They are cursed, they are demons.
Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16182047

Blacks have the highest dysgenic selection against iq of any race in the us

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Anonymous No. 16182050

It's more genetic than cultural. Culture plays a part, but it can't eliminate the differences entirely.

Anonymous No. 16182051

Well , to be fair - you dont have to me "smart" in order to thrive in the black thug community. In fact the few actually not sub 100 IQ blacks control the rest of them and almost direct them to act out and sell drugs for the gang leaders.

One thing that is interesting, however, is the most ardent thugs can read a room instantly with very impressively high EQ. Their ability to stay calm under pressure while performing , albeit , retarded acts is also a decent trait. Those traits for sure are survival behaviors that any racial group that lives in abject poverty would hone for said basic survival

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Anonymous No. 16182055

Besides, culture is downstream of genetics. Handwaving it as purely 'socio-economic' is a cowardly cop out.

Anonymous No. 16182073

If the white murder rate were as strong as the black murder rate, the minorities problem would have long since been solved. Nobody except negroes live in negro neighborhoods because the negores murder anyone who tries to move into their territory.

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Anonymous No. 16182239

>This is truly why racism and prejudiced exists
The situation is what it is because of racism/white supremacy, not the other way around.
The post-depression New Deal programs of the US were earmarked for those classified as white.
For example, when my grandfather came back from World War 2, his GI bill was only good in the ghettos of the various towns he tried to move to. The realtors were blackballed from selling a nigger a house in a white community. Even if the realtors weren't white supremacists, they still couldn't, because federal housing appraisal guidelines proscribed that all neighborhood housing values fall if a nigger moves in.

Anonymous No. 16182283

Looks like you are mixing a number of things together here. The Indian claims are ineffective if you are discussing blacks. The rewards 150 years ago to some people are completely irrelevant to people growing up in the same region, same schools, same jobs, and yet crime propensity is much higher.
Don't be assblasted that banks, companies, and individuals were making decisions based on statistical likelihood of people not paying their mortgages, rent, and other knock-on effects. Such disdain for obvious forward thinking is exactly why such people are unlikely to succeed.
Why isn't there any quantitative data listed on here?

Anonymous No. 16182287

No, its both. Culture isn't magic from thin air. It comes from genetics that influence parental behaviors, relational behaviors, etc.

It manifests in the way puberty works too. Bigger brain usually takes longer to mature, hence Asians are few years later in puberty than whites. And whites are few years later than blacks.

Thats not to say you cant change culture, you need a strong external influence to change the direction of the current cultural state. Whether thats by taking over (White colonization of africa) or by regulatory framework done through state laws. Results we want to see in the society should ideally drive the laws we create, but in reality short sighted feelings drive laws and it has been a disastrous event unfolding

Anonymous No. 16182294

In Africa they eat each other but also Haiti. They don't do that here because of goyslop

Anonynous No. 16182298

What caused whites and Asians to go wild in 2000? Pre-9/11

Anonymous No. 16182299

No you fucking retard. It's because they've been oppressed for hundreds of years. Segregated & boxed into ghettos with terrible socio-economic conditions & prospects. No access to a real education with no guidance or understanding where to even go in life. All to join a society that doesn't even want you, full of entitled "race realist" retards. Who lack the intelligence to understand that human society & behaviours are entirely the result of sociological memetics as well as the material conditions of the time period.

Anonynous No. 16182310

>Who lack the intelligence to understand that human society & behaviours are entirely the result of sociological memetics as well as the material conditions of the time period.
How come Asians and Europeans invented the wheel, but Africans didn't?

The best thing you can say about Africa is that its mostly natural and mostly unmolested by industry, but if you wanted to live there without camping out, most of the buildings you could get a room in were made by white people.

Liberia is a nation founded by educated freed black slaves. Not much better than the rest of Africa.

A lot of great technology comes out of South Africa. Y'know the white country in Africa founded by dutch?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16182361

Yeah that is a retarded religion that far-leftists cling to. A denial of basic biology and creationist-tier bollocks designed to obscure the role of genetics and based on "blank slate" commie nonsense

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16182362

Crazy how anyone can believe this Marxist bullshit in 2024 when even leftist geneticists do not hold these retarded views anymore.

Anonymous No. 16182384

then why does it change over time?

Also, murder rate per age category would be more insightful. How do we know we aren't comparing asian boomers sitting in elderly homes to young black aspiring rappers who are discovering testosterone and are making youthful mistakes by murdering each other?

Now to be clear this would show how terrible black teens really are and how rotter their culture is and progressive policies that enable gang culture actually are.

Anonymous No. 16182395

>murder rates among black individuals who have good upbringing and are surrounded by well-mannered peers is so much lower,
Now compare those murder rates to Asians with the same upbringing. Really huge gap still remains.

Anonymous No. 16182397

>The post-depression New Deal programs of the US were earmarked for those classified as white.
The first federal housing project in the US was Techwood Homes in Atlanta. It initially was mostly white residents but within a few years was 100% black, which it remained until most of it was torn down for the 1996 Olympics. For most of its sixty years of existence, it was synonymous with violent crime, except for those first couple of years. Surely just another coincidence.

Anonymous No. 16182402

Maybe a methodology change. Until the last few years, the FBI was getting increasingly strict on cities and counties to report their crime numbers accurately as there used to be lots of misrepresenting of numbers to make local communities look safer than they were. This was especially true for murder, which often was coded by local police as death by accident or suicide when it was actually a murder. Unless they had a suspect they could charge, it was tempting to say those knife wounds were self inflicted to make the crime numbers look better.
After George Floyd, large cities started thumbing their noses at the FBI, daring them to do anything about them only reporting partial statistics or no statistics at all.

Anonynous No. 16182421

>Maybe a methodology change. Until the last few years, the FBI was getting increasingly strict on cities and counties to report their crime numbers accurately as there used to be lots of misrepresenting of numbers to make local communities look safer than they were.

bodhi No. 16182467

How come no other racial group in the United States suffers from the myhtical white supremacy? Why is it only black people? How does white supremacy make negroes kill people? You are fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 16183442

2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of the straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found his surprise that the people there all had "burnt skin" as he described it, which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships made landfall, Hanno eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burnt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

so yes, it is genetic

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Anonymous No. 16183456


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Anonymous No. 16183548

Anonymous No. 16183584

The US governments done a great deal to reinforce that culture by welfare and other dysgenic polices.

Anonymous No. 16184013

13% of Black Londoners commit 48% of crimes.
Black Londoners come from the Caribbean, parts of West, Central, and East Africa, and usually practice either Christianity or Islam. It's genetics.

Anonymous No. 16184016

What is the occupation of the top 1% of Black families? Rappers, entertainers, and athletes?

Anonymous No. 16184023

>educated freed black slaves
Only a handful could be called educated, most of the educated members of Liberia's founding population were likely to range from mulatto to quadroon. The mixed Blacks were more likely to voluntarily immigrate and have some education at the least, pure or mostly pure Blacks were brought there so they wouldn't become apart of the freed Black population.

Anonymous No. 16184036

>it's true

Anonymous No. 16184062

To be fair, I'd kill for 300 million.

Anonymous No. 16184867


Anonymous No. 16185399

athletes and rappers are entertainers

Anonymous No. 16185428

It's cultural and circumstantial. The only genetic component that significantly matters is your brains ability to empathize. But tons of psychopaths are nonviolent so the bottom line is if you're socialized in a shit culture, you likely adopt shitty behaviour. Simple as

Anonymous No. 16186771

So are zoo animals

Anonymous No. 16187358

How is melanin genes related to MAO genes?
MAO expression changes behavior, right?
I mean, MAO isn't a social construct, right?