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๐Ÿงต Male feminists have a higher rate of erectile dysfunction

Anonymous No. 16182159

Why do male feminists have a higher rate of erectile dysfunction?

>Men's Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Anonymous No. 16182162

Because they have bigger penises, and additionally do not get a heightened heart rate when seeing a woman naked on account of all the sex they have.
Rightoids can boast of neither.

Anonymous No. 16182683

Retarded premise for two reasons:
There is a whole spectrum of ideologies to your left and you are conflating them all. There is a whole sea of milquetoast centrist corporate bootlicking meritocrats before you even get to vaguely anti-corporate sentiment.
Secondly, even if you dislike corporations in general you can approve of something they do in particular. To say "I hate big corporations therefore I must hate everything big corporations do at all times" is to hand big corporations power over you and a powerful tool to use against you. Because now all they have to do is hang up a rainbow flag in June and you're obliged to hate the gays, see? It's folly. At the same time, of course, you're not obliged to like a corporation just because they pretend to do something nice for a change, which is also a concept rightoids seem to struggle with.

As for your article; could just be that male feminists are less embarrassed about picking up dick pills.
Also regarding the implication that "patreon = capitalism"; no one should be obliged to devest themselves from the system entirely in order to be allowed to criticise it.

Anonymous No. 16183062

Erectile dysfunction correlates with insulin resistance.
ie they are goyslop consumers.

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Anonymous No. 16183236


Anonymous No. 16183286

Harry Potter is onions now? I thought basedboys hate Rowling for being a chuddy transphobe.

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Anonymous No. 16183295

>no one should be obliged to devest themselves from the system entirely in order to be allowed to criticise it.

Anonymous No. 16183300

>file name
lol you took that comic from a reddit thread pointing out whow dumb it is

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16183331


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Anonymous No. 16183346


Anonymous No. 16183357

So? Point still stands. Don't participate in the systems you condemn others for participating in unless you want to be labelled hypocrite.

Anonymous No. 16183372

Do you think that if the slave had spoken up instead of the slaveholder, your point would still stand?

Anonymous No. 16183378

Yes. They were complicit.

Anonymous No. 16184166

seems like a pretty good theory

Anonymous No. 16184269

You have either not red, or sadly not understood what you've posted.
>even after controlling for [...] erection difficulties
The point made in this survey is not that mem who identify as 'feminist' suffer higher rates of ED, the point is that they are significantly more likely to use those drugs.

Anonymous No. 16184325

Because they suffer from higher hates of ED...

Anonymous No. 16184392

>Feminist-identified men were substantially more likely to report EDM use than non-feminist men, even after controlling for alcohol use before sex, erection difficulties, sexual arousal, sexual health, mental health, and physical health. One explanation is that feminist men may use EDM to bolster their masculinity when it is otherwise threatened by their identification as feminist. Another is that non-feminist men may be less likely to use prescription EDM because they view accessing healthcare services as a threat to their masculinity. It is also possible that feminist men are more likely to use EDM because they wish to maintain an erection to better please their partner. Lastly, feminist men may be more honest about EDM use than non-feminist men, even though rates are similar.
so it's possible the non-feminist men are lying about EDM use. but it's not possible that feminist men are lying about their sexual health? either authors are retarded or they failed to report a conflict of interest.

Anonymous No. 16184395

kek reminds me of a champagne socialist i know. he said he hated capitalism, but was good at it and extorted people.

Anonymous No. 16184399

>The point made in this survey is not that mem who identify as 'feminist' suffer higher rates of ED, the point is that they are significantly more likely to use those drugs.
the rates of erection difficulties are self reported, just like use of EDM. yet the authors believe it's possible the non-feminist men lied about EDM use, but not possible that feminist men lied about erection difficulties. and as we all know, self-identified feminist men have a track record of pure honesty, right?

Anonymous No. 16184423


Anonymous No. 16184428


Anonymous No. 16184445

>higher rate of erectyle disfunction

Anonymous No. 16184449

self-reported higher rates. i suspect you don't even know what it is you're trying to argue, let alone rebut. you need a lobotomy

Anonymous No. 16184528

>trying to get hard looking at an old, used up 300lb cow.

Anonymous No. 16184552

>vaxxies get ED
Oh no no no, Pfizer bros

Anonymous No. 16184608

You have to find yourself in the presence of a woman for ED to register as a problem so it's no wonder that incels report low incidences of it

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Anonymous No. 16184774

My brothers in /sci/. Is this appropriate sampling?

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Anonymous No. 16184812

only the truly based will survive and breed
copium overdose

Anonymous No. 16185613

Higher than normal level of estrogen can also lead to ED. Male feminists tend to be the type to dismiss the potential estrogenic effects of their choice of food and drink. It could also be genetic, with higher estrogen correlating with higher incidence of feminism in a male.

Anonymous No. 16186801

hence the soiboy meme

Anonymous No. 16186808

>so it's possible the non-feminist men are lying about EDM use
low testosterone correlates with deceitful behhaviour

Anonymous No. 16186857

why oreos?