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🧵 Food for Thought

Anonymous No. 16182371

What is the best diet to increase IQ?

Anonymous No. 16182372


Anonymous No. 16182374


Anonymous No. 16182375

I have a high IQ, and also eat a plant based diet. Therefore it's true.

Anonymous No. 16182381

You don't have a high IQ.

Anonymous No. 16182382

True. I have a very very high IQ.

Anonymous No. 16182385

>True. I have a very very high IQ.
Says every stupid pillow-humping dumbfuck autistic psychopath on 4chan...

Anonymous No. 16182386


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16182392

eat brains if you want brain nutrition.

Anonymous No. 16182405

>What is the best diet to increase IQ?
No such thing, you can maximize your genetic potential prior to around 25 and then after that a good diet simply maintains it rather than increasing it.
Also IQ originated a method of screening large populations for learning disabilities. It was never intended to measure above average intelligence. An IQ of 90 is far more meaningful than an IQ of 110. Especially since 100 is a non-stationary average. An IQ of 100 today is equivalent to an IQ of 90 or less 80 years ago.

Without listing the trace elements, vitamins and nutrients involved you need plenty of fish, red meat, diary, eggs, nuts, seeds and seaweed.

Anonymous No. 16182419

>What is the best diet to increase IQ?

The Ketogenic diet would be one to try.

"Ketogenic Diet (Keto Diet) for Epilepsy. The ketogenic diet is a way of treating patients with unmanaged epilepsy. The diet — high in fats and low in carbs — works by changing how the brain gets energy to function. Although not well understood, this diet has successfully reduced seizures in many patients."

Anonymous No. 16182462

Seething brainlet.

Anonymous No. 16182518

>Seething brainlet.
Calm down autistic retard psychopath anon.

Anonymous No. 16182522

Keto supposedly rises available dopamine levels, and by a lot (like 50%).
Captcha says KKKAK

Anonymous No. 16182536

"Exogenous ketosis increases circulating dopamine concentration and maintains mental alertness in ultra-endurance exercise"

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Anonymous No. 16182544

As a high IQ person my brain needs a lot of energy available as fast as possible. That's why every day I have to eat half a kilogram of chocolate. Unfortunately, eating so much chocolate causes me diarrhea.

Anonymous No. 16182627

Sardines. (Large fish contain more mercury, so smaller fish are best.)
Also eggs like >>16182386 said, and milk.
You can throw in some fresh vegetables and a starch of your choice to fill out the rest of your meals. Potatoes are good.

Anonymous No. 16182635

Yeah your brain goes into overdrive, but it also doesn’t stop, have fun with the insomnia unless you are running a 10k every morning to make sure you are tired in the evening

Anonymous No. 16182711

Salmon (canned stuff is cheap and just as good for omega3s), raw milk (grassfed), juicing (big glass of 1/2 fruit 1/2 veg, 2-3x day)

Anonymous No. 16182727

This but easy on the fruit, fructose is no bueno.

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Anonymous No. 16182909

Fresh vegetables (in particular, leafy greens such as spinach, chard, kale, arugula,
collard greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, turnip greens)
Whole berries (not juice)
Fish and seafood
Healthy fats (e.g., extra virgin olive oil, avocados, whole eggs)
Nuts and seeds
Beans and other legumes
Whole fruits (in addition to berries)
Low sugar, low-fat dairy (e.g., plain yogurt, cottage cheese)
Whole grains
Fried food
Pastries, sugary foods
Processed foods
Red meat (e.g., beef, lamb, pork, buffalo, duck)
Red meat products (e.g., bacon)
Whole-fat dairy high in saturated fat, such as cheese and butterI

Anonymous No. 16182911

>Salt is C tier
I think you got your knowledge from a retarded tranny.
higher salt intake = higher IQ

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Anonymous No. 16182941

chocolate milk in a wine glass is the only option

Anonymous No. 16183254


Anonymous No. 16183278

Strictly random diet, with tail-ends of the food your eating. By random, I mean exactly that: you eat whatever you want, whenever you want, with somedays with no food at all. By tail-end, I mean sticking with group of food for either a day or more, for example, a day where you eat nothing but cupcakes, then another day where you eat nothing but eggs, then another day with nothing at all. The human body was designed for randomness. My source? I dreamt of the answer, but unironically: I realized that stepping on concrete, barefoot, felt unnatural when stepping on sand or dirt. That's when I reasoned, from scratch, that the human body is designed for randomness. How does this increase IQ? Well, if you do what is natural for your own body, that means you go beyond diminish returns of a specific, boring diet: a man who does one thing forever because his body was built for it will nick away all nonsense forever when compared to a man who was told to do a prescribed answer, of which that man's own body finds unnatural.

Anonymous No. 16183288

raw foreskins

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Anonymous No. 16183337

>Keto diet
Not even the damn native Inuit people undergo ketosis! And nearly all they eat is animals!
The Keto diet is a memefied scam diet, created to get people to shill out more money at the grocery store. And rip your liver by the time you reach 45! Pharma and private hospitals thank you for your future patronage.

Anonymous No. 16183558

>Not even the damn native Inuit people undergo ketosis! And nearly all they eat is animals!
You won't go into Ketosis if your diet doesn't consist of at least 80% fat. Inuit people rarely eat that much fat but when they do they go into ketosis just like everyone else does on an 80% fat diet.
>The Keto diet is a memefied scam diet
It's true that almost all the diets labelled as keto these days are really just carnivore diets.
The only prerequisite is 80% fat. That can be plant or animal fat. Animal fat is usually used though because it is more nutritious.
>And rip your liver by the time you reach 45!
animal products don't magically destroy your liver.
Diabetes, veganism, alcoholism, dehydration and low exercise certainly do though.
>Pharma and private hospitals thank you for your future patronage.
? I think you're jumping the ship a bit mate.
Also Exxon like any other big corporations and governments will support anything that supports them.
Over the decades we've seen that happen with the pro global warming and anti global warming arguments as well as the earlier pro global cooling and anti global cooling arguments.
Hell, I even remember one cigarette company throwing shade on another cigarette company for not having microfiber filters in their cigarettes.
Companies and governments supporting things doesn't mean those things are automatically right or wrong.

Anonymous No. 16183571

>destroys liver
You're a complete retard.

Anonymous No. 16183604

>>destroys liver
>You're a complete retard.
I'm not. Chronic Low B complex vitamin intake increases your chances of cirrhosis.

"NAFLD patients as well as those with cirrhosis and signs of decompensation (EV or ascites) were more likely to have B12 deficiency preceding their liver disease. This held true for those with NAFLD – related cirrhosis and HCC as a complication. This correlation with B12 deficiency is important for providers to consider when managing NAFLD patients. B12 levels as well as other vitamin levels should be checked and replenished appropriately in these patients."

Anonymous No. 16183633

A bullet to reroll your genes

Anonymous No. 16183646

Haha, brutal. Love it!

Anonymous No. 16183663

A sizeable portion of the general population have a hard time absorbing B12 from natural sources, so fortified foods are commonplace.

Vegans should take algae oil to get certain Omega-3 acids, that is the harder deficiency to resolve.

Anonymous No. 16183687

>A sizeable portion of the general population have a hard time absorbing B12 from natural sources, so fortified foods are commonplace.
No, it isn't a sizeable proportion of the population. The vast majority of people aren't 70 years old, have bariatric surgeries or uncommon digestive/metabolic problems.
That's complete bullshit. It's simply a simple way of reducing down the line health costs by 2% or so.
Also it depends on what country and what food you're even talking about.
In my country Vitamin B was first added to bread in the 80's because homeless alcoholics here would purchase the cheapest food at the time (bread) and spend the rest on alcohol. So they were on a vegan diet and alcohol reduces the amount of B complex vitamins you absorb. So they developed Korsakoff syndrome.
The wealthy functional alcoholics never developed Korsakoff syndrome because they were eating a balanced diet full of vitamin B.
So the state decided to fortify all the bread to stop all these alcoholic dumbfucks from developing Korsakoff syndrome.
That was less than 0.25% of the population.

>Vegans should take algae oil to get certain Omega-3 acids, that is the harder deficiency to resolve.
Vegans shouldn't be vegans.
There's a long list of shit they're deficient in.
It just goes on and on.
Vegetarianism is still stupid, but manageable if they eat plenty of eggs, milk, cheese, nuts etc but Veganism is just a slow suicide.

Another Omega-3 source is Linseed oil but it isn't anywhere near as good as cod liver oil.

"Flaxseed oil comes from the seed of the flax plant. It contains 50 to 60% omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). That is more than is contained in fish oil. But the body is not very efficient at converting ALA into the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils.",acids%20found%20in%20fish%20oils.

Anonymous No. 16183692

>not very efficient at converting ALA into the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils.
Right, which is why I recommended algae oils since you get DHA+EPA.

>but Veganism is just a slow suicide.
Living is slow suicide by this dumb logic.

Eat whatever you like, but it's perfectly possible to thrive on a vegan diet, and doubting this makes you seem like a Dairy Lobby shill.

Anonymous No. 16183746

>Right, which is why I recommended algae oils since you get DHA+EPA.
They are also in Flaxseed oil though.
All plant based oils have the same issues of simply not being as bio-available to humans as animal based oils. You aren't fixing the problem.
>Living is slow suicide by this dumb logic.
No, that's actually your own dumb logic. You're contradicting yourself. That's why you said it.
>Eat whatever you like, but it's perfectly possible to thrive on a vegan diet
No, you can't thrive on a vegan diet and you will kill yourself on a raw ( no supplement ) vegan diet.
Diet isn't magic. We can't just eat anything.
>and doubting this makes you seem like a Dairy Lobby shill.
Actually, it just confirms that you're extraordinarily stupid by even reacting in this way.
Babies are killed by vegan diets, vegan children grow up to be shorter etc.

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Anonymous No. 16183752

Eat walnuts daily - lot of them. They will literally increase your brain volume. There's a reason they look like brain.

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Anonymous No. 16183765

Iodine increases intelligence.

Potassium Iodide/Iodine

Assessment of Japanese iodine intake based on seaweed consumption in Japan: A literature-based analysis

>By combining information from dietary records, food surveys, urine iodine analysis (both spot and 24-hour samples) and seaweed iodine content, we estimate that the Japanese iodine intake--largely from seaweeds--averages 1,000-3,000 μg/day (1-3 mg/day).


Optimox: Iodine Research

Abraham, G.E., The concept of orthoiodosupplementation and its clinical implications. The Original Internist, 11(2):29-38, 2004

Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It
Fifth Edition, 2014
David Brownstein, M.D.

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders : Iodine holistic program to treat Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's Disease, Graves' Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia
First Edition, 2002
David Brownstein, M.D.

The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know about Iodine Can Wreck Your Life
First Edition, 2013
Lynne Farrow
Forward By David Brownstein, M.D.


Lugol's iodine

Dropulator - iodine amount made easy

Anonymous No. 16183766

>uranus profile

Anonymous No. 16183791

what do I get for eating almonds?

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Anonymous No. 16183801

I also eat plant based meat.

Anonymous No. 16185047


Anonymous No. 16185066

>0 links to sources
Not reading any of that bullshit you wrote.

Anonymous No. 16185329

>>0 links to sources
>Not reading any of that bullshit you wrote.
Ask for a specific source and I will provide it anon.
It's not my job to magically read your mind and determine what issues you take with my writing.

Anonymous No. 16185338

>you can maximize your genetic potential prior to around 25
what the fuck does this even mean

Anonymous No. 16185440

short term: dextrose
longterm: maybe raw brains from smart people (my theory, untested)

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Anonymous No. 16185509


Anonymous No. 16185718

Define excessive in the milligrams. Anything can be bad in large enough amounts.

Anonymous No. 16186366

lol, you have to resort to name calling because you will never be as super IQ like me.

Anonymous No. 16187030

>do keto diet
>piss on test strips to confirm existence of ketones
>strip turns color indicating presence of ketones bodies
wow. so hard to prove