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🧵 Terrence Howard Genius?

Anonymous No. 16182396

sometimes around the 30 minute mark he starts going on about straight lines, and empty space between bubbles and how that relates to elements and all sorts of shit, is there a lick of sense in there? its impressive how far he seems to go with his completely own train of reasoning, and lol wtf with his claim of 97 patents and original symmetrical systems, im guessing its not hard to get a patent on useless loosely provable looselinformation

Anonynous No. 16182398

4chan on the phone makes YouTube clicks obnoxious bc there is a referral link before i get to the yt video and copy pasting to newpipe is annoying.
I dont wanna click. Is this the 1 x 1 can't equal 1 nigger who has an hour long video or whatever?

Anonymous No. 16182400

yes it is him, i thought it was funny before but now hes dedicated himself to the shit for 10 years and thats what really blows my mind, borderline schizophrenic but also in control in ways most schizos are not

Anonynous No. 16182404

>i thought it was funny before but now hes dedicated himself to the shit for 10 years and thats what really blows my mind, borderline schizophrenic but also in control in ways most schizos are not
Its an act. Like a child who says a dumb thing that got him attention once and makes it his whole quirky personality.
My guess? He's not THAT retarded. He knows exactly how this looks.

Then i didn't make it more than 5 minutes into the video before being shocked and appalled that a mild smirk worthy joke was expected to hold my attention for a whole fucking hour.

Anonymous No. 16182408

>Terrence Howard Genius?
No, he's a fucking moron and so are you.

Anonymous No. 16182410

>is there a lick of sense in there?


>John Ernst Worrell Keely
>Walter Russell
>Viktor Schauberger

are the sources he cites as influence, these people wanted to tap into the ether and extract infinite energy from it, typically using water.

he probably should've opened with something like
>I propose that everything we think of as matter, reality, spacetime, the universe is just vibrations, from which emerge things like irrational numbers, the universal constants, the period table of elements, and all of the fundamental forces

then you can throw the rest of his stuff away, it's just string theory for idiots.

Anonymous No. 16182412

right after the hour mark he explains why the vaxx is killing people

learn to understand sarcasm

if it was a joke he'd be one hell of a dedicated comedian and the dude was just a half assed actor before

Anonymous No. 16182425

>it's just string theory for idiots.
But string theory IS for idiots. It's bullshit purposely created by academics to create another source of government grants they can eternally sponge off of without consequence much like quantum computing.

>learn to understand sarcasm
You weren't sarcastic, you even said this -
>is there a lick of sense in there?
As if there is something of value there.

Anonymous No. 16182431

theres a lot he talks about and some of it is in reference to actual scientists and theories, thats where I wonder how he is making sense of this shit cause he clearly possesses some kind of knowledge

Anonymous No. 16182433

He's definitely a genius by /sci/ and Joe rogan watcher standards (the retards and schizos on /sci/ will think this is a good thing)

Anonymous No. 16182439

Well for a start I apologize for calling you a moron, that is uncalled for.
Secondly, no. He doesn't possess any knowledge. You're just going to waste a huge amount of time trying to make sense of his randomisms.
For example, I could talk about the Druids and mention Thoth, Lao Tzu, quarks and Abraham despite those things having absolutely nothing to do with the druids. That isn't knowledge. That's schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16182456

>sometimes around the 30 minute mark he starts going on about straight lines, and empty space between bubbles

Oh yeah, he even gave the classic "I remember being born" bullshit statement to say "Wow, everyone! I'm a genius!!!".
Most transparent lie ever.
The vast majority of people's earliest memories go back to when they were around 4 years old and in the rare instance sometimes 2 years old. At birth though? Your brain isn't even developed enough to form long term memories as a baby. I highly doubt humans are even consciously aware of anything at birth.

Anonymous No. 16182457

None of it makes any sense whatsoever. But I think the bet he is playing with Mephisto is that at least some puppets will start being moved by it.

Anonymous No. 16182488

I have actually watched most of it and took a peek at the book
Unfortunately I'm not smart enough to understand his geometric arguments but the spinning reconstruction of venus was quite impressive
He does have some good points about the state of science education and astrophysics
But at some point he argues that 2^3/2 = sqrt(2) is unnatural, that's so retarded that it makes this whole podcast look like schizobabble
But he's 55 and looks 30 so props to him

Anonymous No. 16182524

>But he's 55 and looks 30 so props to him
Age isn't anywhere near as noticeable in ugly people. A win for blacks.

Anonymous No. 16182919

you tell me

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Anonymous No. 16182943

Go back to your containment board, incel.

Anonymous No. 16183009

>I highly doubt humans are even consciously aware of anything at birth.
Why don't you take a page out of this schizo's book, and invert it, and undersatnd that
>schizos highly doubt humans are even consciously aware of anything as adults

Anonymous No. 16183018

I remember diaper changes and walking for the first time, but I think I was triggered by a little spic nigger pushing my napping cradle over.

Anonymous No. 16183082

Copy and pasting into newpipe is annoying they should add a default app feature, I downloaded and converted a bit
>Venus and Mercury are future Earth's,
>Earth is a Furture Mars (martyr) and asteroid belt.
Maybe the moon becomes something like Mars, otherwise we'd have to go underground to survive like Howard says.
Or send a ocean-gate space ship to colonize Venus, or put rockets on Venus to move it out into the goldilocks zone. Our sun is in a goldilocks-zone of the milky way. The vortex Howard speaks of is real can be seen in the milky way formation simulation. Our star system like all others are a conveyor-belt of Doom or a slaughter-house this is lsd irl info be careful with it

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Anonymous No. 16183190

I am a pretty smart guy, who has been thinking about this stuff for a while, bought Ethereum at $7 (didn't buy enough of it though) because I was looking into R. Buckminster Fuller back then and one of the early guys writing about Ethereum was also a "fullerian" named Vinay Gupta. RBF had similar "closed-packing spheres" system called Synergetics, and getting away from orthogonal coordinate systems, where the negative space between spheres was being used for new geometrical system. It's all true, but the thing with Saturn is new and actually mindblowing if it is legit.
I was building something, might still, if Terrence Howard doesn't beat me to it lmao
what is this reality

Anonymous No. 16183224

this is his patent. Look what companies has cited it

Anonymous No. 16183228

i reworded the sentence and didn't change that

Anonymous No. 16183424

>I am a pretty smart guy
No smart person says they are a smart guy. Especially on 4chan of all places.
>bought Ethereum at $7
You definitely aren't a smart person then.
>Buckminster Fuller back then and one of the early guys writing about Ethereum was also a "fullerian" named Vinay Gupta. RBF had similar "closed-packing spheres" system called Synergetics, and getting away from orthogonal coordinate systems, where the negative space between spheres was being used for new geometrical system. It's all true, but the thing with Saturn is new and actually mindblowing if it is legit.
>I was building something, might still, if Terrence Howard doesn't beat me to it lmao
>what is this reality
Poor Buckminster Fuller attracted a shitload of crazy idiots just like you anon.

Anonymous No. 16183430

didnt say it to brag, said it to add weight to my claim of it being "legit"
also you sound butthurt
did you waste years of your life pretending particle physics was going anywhere?

Anonymous No. 16183434

oh also i bet you got the jab, probably boostered too
so yes im probably at least smarter than you jabbie

Anonymous No. 16183512

>oh also i bet you got the jab, probably boostered too
>so yes im probably at least smarter than you jabbie
You've never had a job or lived with another human. So you can do what ever the fuck you want. Not a sign of intelligence.
>didnt say it to brag
You did.
>also you sound butthurt
Said the guy that's actually butthurt.
>did you waste years of your life pretending particle physics was going anywhere?
Lol, wtf.

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Anonymous No. 16183538

"not a sign of intelligence" lmao
I knew you took it like a good little low-discernment goy. I recommend repenting to God in case you drop dead, you seem to have a lot of malice and very little virtue - there's only one place for souls like that

Also good job derailing the thread while contributing nothing of insight, any argument or even a rebuttal. Is that what intelligent people do? chime in with zero information and attack people actually contributing to the conversation?

Anonymous No. 16183588

Lol, and you're also a Christ-tard.
Every bit of information you've given about yourself has proved how stupid you are.
Also, notice how I've never even mentioned my vaccination status?

Anonymous No. 16183605

>No smart person says they are a smart guy
people actually believe this ?

Anonymous No. 16183609

>people actually believe this ?
It's like a 7 foot five person at a social gathering telling you they're tall.
It never happens.

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Anonymous No. 16183943

you didn't mention it because you are a bottomwit who failed the greatest litmus test ever presented to humanity to separate the wheat from the chaff. Guess what you are right now? You had access to 4chan and the entire internet and were still unable to discern the truth about the most important medical decision of your life. Just like you are unable to discern that Christ is not only a real but necessary feature of reality, its origin and its end. You have no morals, no source of the Good, the Truth or the Beautiful from which to reason or make sound decisions, no intuition, and inferring by your tone no bitches or sex appeal. I'm sending this to you as an act of charity, Christ could raise up stones into Man if He wanted to, and turn even you into a virtuous person.
[Chad Ripperger]

Go to if you ever decide to seek wisdom and search for that author's name on bitchute or the alternative media outlet of your choice

this is an anonymous basket-weaving forum
there is no other way to verify that i am intelligent or that my opinion would be relevant and address OPs question
humility is simply a matter of stating the truth, which I did

Anonymous No. 16185177

>he makes the elective decision to not get a vaccine into a herculean struggle between good and evil
>most important medical decision of your life
nigga you don't know what an interleukin is
You weren't shot or put in a camp for making the adult decision to not get vaxxed. Nobody gives a shit anymore.

Anonymous No. 16185402

If he is a fraud why does he have a worldwide patent for AR/VR that is being used by Microsoft, Amazon, HP, Sony, Raytheon, etc.?

Anonymous No. 16185563

based true blood

Anonymous No. 16185568

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

Anonymous No. 16185570

Most of his arguments make no sense, but deep down I have a feeling *some* of the shit he says is actually in the right direction, I just can't pinpoint it. The lynchpin/frequency thing specially, as many other whistleblowers have also mentioned it and on a surface level it does seem to make some kind of sense

Anonymous No. 16185595

I remember being circumcised and being pretty mad about it at the time

Anonymous No. 16185621

Everything is Vibration doesn't mean anything other than everything has multiple states of excitation which isn't really all that profound.

Anonymous No. 16185715

There’s a pretty large difference between purely schizophrenic speech & the way Terrance Howard is speaking.

It assuredly sounds schizophrenic because he is speaking in an abnormal manner about a purely metaphysical pseudoscience, however he’s very obviously speaking in factors he seems to intimately know & have read upon.

So much of the science he’s looking into is by nature deeply entrenched in subconscious knowledge & tends to be repeated in fragmentation by people lost in their minds (a la schizophrenics).

Terrance has definitely read & spoken to enough people with actual backgrounds, that even if he has found himself deeply off base, it’s coming from real knowledge acquired from people who he seems to have cross referenced repeatedly. Red herrings being taught to an actor should come as no surprise, but the house of cards is not made from just red herrings. Moreso his theories seem to stem from asking very abstract questions to those who are autistically addicted to defining our world via mathematics. After asking enough of these questions on logic, anyone without a schizo mind frame, will be able to parse out who has the knowledge & who has the bullshit.

This is the first time his work has been shown to the masses, so it is likely this will change after being tapped in with people who have the means to prove his line of questions true or false.

His theories about energy & structure seem based in whispers we’ve heard from generations who initially discovered the systems of energy we use today. With the way Tesla had been unceremoniously removed from the face of the earth, he’s left a great deal of intrigue in the stolen hidden knowledge from his death. Terrance’s theories only tend to feed straight into those same theories that Tesla had hinted may be a problem for social structure.
If he’s right, whatever energy system this steps towards could break the mold in time for a Cyber Polygon style emp reset.

Anonymous No. 16185770

>You have no morals, no source of the Good, the Truth or the Beautiful from which to reason or make sound decisions
Hammurabi's Code predates stories about Christ by thousands of years, dipshit.

Anonymous No. 16185776

>This is the first time his work has been shown to the masses
No, Terryology has been presented to the public since at least 2015 with university presentations as early as 2017.

Anonymous No. 16185998
This really does seem like a better design than conventional drones.

Anonymous No. 16186074

he said orthogAnal heh

Anonymous No. 16186080

so how come? can anybody explain this?
how do patent citations prove hes right?

that is fucking cool, was Terry really the first to think about this? I can't imagine this wasn't thought about 100 years ago

Anonymous No. 16186161

>In international law and business, patent trolling or patent hoarding is a categorical or pejorative term applied to a person or company that attempts to enforce patent rights against accused infringers far beyond the patent's actual value or contribution to the prior art,[1] often through hardball legal tactics (frivolous litigation, vexatious litigation, strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), chilling effects, etc.) Patent trolls often do not manufacture products or supply services based upon the patents in question.
Please wait a while before making a post
This reply did not bump this thread.

Anonymous No. 16186191

funniest thing i've read all week

Anonymous No. 16186394

Why do sociological groups form terms like patent troll? Such things don't accurately describe the situation because there is a set of legal rules which enable the behavior. Why is so much time wasted on memes when the course of action is clear - in this case, changing the rules.

Anonymous No. 16186636

I dont know how that is a better design than conventional drones, and thats why I joined this thread. If an aircraft takes flight via thrust, weight, lift and has to also overcome aerodynamic drag then it seems like a horrible drone. All those motors weigh something. All the props and arms weigh something. All of them add to aerodynamic drag. The limit is also still batteries on these drones. Im not an engineer, but this drone seems like it has very limited use cases. Their "patent" talks about having 6DoF and using it for surveilance, but cant you just do that with 360 cameras? Im a bit of a brainlet, but this seems like drool science.

Anonymous No. 16186638

The amount of hate Terrence Howard gets is fucking cathartic.

Anonymous No. 16186640

Terrence hasn't reached levels of schizo where he has to replace those fans and motors with gyroscopes and frictionless joints.
If Terrence had spent more time talking about Ernst Mach and Mach's Principle, maybe 0.1% of viewers would have been more sympathetic.

Anonymous No. 16186642


Why aren't microchips circles instead of squares?

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Vector circuit bo....png

Anonymous No. 16186649

Who cares why?
They can be if someone wanted them to be.
They could be more 3D than just a few stacked layers.
It's about ease of manufacture, which is to make things as cheaply as possible using minimal effort.
>Why aren't microchips circles instead of squares?
This is like asking "Why are dinner tables rectangles" and then you find a circular dinner table.
Nothing matters.

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Anonymous No. 16186652

Nothing matters.
Ask more questions.

Anonymous No. 16186958

But this is not really the same. He isn't suing anyone. He didn't even renew the patent and yet it's still getting citations.

Anonymous No. 16187044

Man, so I'm not the only one that thought of Ernst Mach when I heard him talking. Would his theories be more or less schizo if there were indeed rotating universe solutions to General Relativity that were in agreement with Mach's Theory of Inertia?

Anonymous No. 16187072

>solutions to General Relativity
I believe Terrence enough to believe that he believes that his new model of the universe will not necessarily involve the mathematical algorithm which is normally presented as the set of equations for GR.
I still don't intuitively understand how "external pressure" keeps a planet in homeostasis, and if I did, I would probably be paranoid that a large and strong enough electromagnetic wave could disintegrate this planet.
So, that part is probably wrong. Still more interesting than string theory.

Anonymous No. 16187101

So this is the latest polcel cope

Anonymous No. 16187179

because its considered good manners for your legal team to not let your ass be exposed to a legal gangbang

Anonymous No. 16187211

He has got good memory.