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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16182924

This guy has early symptoms of schizophrenia. Why tf would anyone think he's genius and intellectual.

Anonymous No. 16182925

> Why tf would anyone think he's genius and intellectual.
No one does. Everyone is laughing at him, not with him.

Anonymous No. 16182932

At least he's not telling the viewers that they should be drinking bleach and popping ivermectin in order to cure covid, like some of the guests that have been on the show. In that respect, he's a lot smarter than most of the schizos Rogan usually has on.

sage No. 16182935

>another joe rogan thread
saged and reported

Anonymous No. 16182947

>early symptoms
>of schizophrenia
>age: 55

i don't think so tim

Anonymous No. 16182952

This. Rogan routinely has on antivaxxers, conspiratards, and Russia shills. This guy might be a bit goofy but he's nowhere near as dangerous as some of Rogans guests.

Anonymous No. 16182960

>Why tf would anyone think he's genius and intellectual.
Does anybody?

Anonymous No. 16182995

stop whining about rules being broken when you're also breaking them

Anonymous No. 16183005


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Anonymous No. 16183008

>early symptoms

Anonymous No. 16183322

This nigger pretends to be smart by memorising square root of 2 lol

Anonymous No. 16183782


Hi glowie

Anonymous No. 16185009

he's a retarded lolcow and has some DSD