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Anonymous No. 16182962

Are Iq tests scams for low iq people?

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hawkings radiatin....jpg

Anonymous No. 16182967


Anonymous No. 16183011

Note that his quote says nothing about the accuracy of IQ tests, just that people who boast about their IQ are losers. Do you have the IQ required to understand the difference?

Anonymous No. 16183067

well i think youre a nigger

Anonymous No. 16183185

Took online mensa norway twice. First time it was 108, I wasn't focused and didn't know what to expect. The second test I got 116, which I think is more realistic. Is it legit if I took same test twice?

Anonymous No. 16183377

Technically it has to be proctored to be an official score. There’s a lot of culture fair tests like Mensa Norway, they are all similar, it’s ok to take it twice. Sounds like you are as intelligent as the average attorney.

Anonymous No. 16183488

For some reason I do really shitty on Mensa Norway with like 110 score but on Mensa Denmark I got 121. Math and logical thinking are pretty difficult for me my verbal is always 130 though whenever it's tested. So idk what my real IQ is.
Have you done mensa dk? Or openpsychometrics?

Anonymous No. 16183553

In a sense, yes. One can be extremely intelligent and inventive in their trade or practice, but when it comes to taking an actual IQ test, it's mostly questions which test cognitive ability and don't directly relate to that person's trade or practice, therefore rendering them "dumb" by their score alone.

Everyone has the ability to be remarkably intelligent in their own way (e.g. emotionally, verbally, etc). Just because you "lack" cognitive superiority in certain areas doesn't make you don't make up for that loss in other areas and use it to your advantage. Intelligence has many facets and IQ tests only focus on a small number of them.

People will usually take these tests and feel a need to use it as leverage against other people in arguments or other silly encounters, it's so stupid. Nobody cares that you're really good at finding the next number in a pattern, solving the Tower of Hanoi, or finding visual patterns on a sheet of paper. You can be good at all of that and still get yo ass whooped in a fight cause you did something unwise. IQ tests barely even begin to encompass the rigidity and dimensionality of human intelligence and it's silly to think that they do.

Anonymous No. 16183905

yes, it's binary. you pay, you fail.

Anonymous No. 16184881

imagine being the exact person the quote is about and failing to realize it, then trying to say someone else has low iq

Anonymous No. 16184903

Didn't take mensa dk, but will. Took some reddit variant that has 48 questios and you have 45 minutes to go through them, and the result was 136, which I know is not true.

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Anonymous No. 16185085

What's the point of iq tests? Lmao
Irl it's all the midwits that are socially active, do all sorts of things and even rule countries. High iq suffer and are mostly don't do very well in life.

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Anonymous No. 16185146


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16185148


Anonymous No. 16185360

I’m 70 iq and lazy as fuck and my life has been miserable so to say iq doesn’t matter is a cope it’s common for people to add magical copes to explain reality around them just because you don’t like a fact doesn’t mean it’s not true

Anonymous No. 16185384

So redditors can masturbate to themselves
Pschology is peak reddit faux soience.

Anonymous No. 16185490

Are you really 70 IQ? You don't seem like it

Anonymous No. 16185496

Mfw I took psych because I was too retarded to do anything else

Anonymous No. 16185507

Wow that's super embarrassing because that means you were too retarded to just not go to college.

Anonymous No. 16186599

I unecessary wasted time during the first try by going over the same question to double check, wasn't aware of how much time I would need for later questions. I think that's was I got lower result on the first try. The second try was 115, and the third 118.

Anonymous No. 16186614

Usually I score around a 125.
One time though, I didn't sleep for 2 days and was pretty out of it, so I tried a test and got around a 90. honestly given the state I was in that really scared me

Temporarily reducing your thinking ability with drugs and sleep deprivation can really open your eyes to what these differences mean

Anonymous No. 16186994

>ChatGPT, a chatbot trained on online texts, scored 155 on the Verbal IQ scale of the WAIS, a standardized intelligence test.

Anonymous No. 16187853

Not only that but the pattern recognition style from IQ tests can be practiced and learned. People who spent more time doing specific kinds of things, e.g. jigsaw puzzles or whatever, will have a subtle kind of practice which other people may not. Which is another step from IQ being some innate thing. Other people may notice different kinds of patterns which are arbitrarily deemed the 'wrong' answer. IQ tests are only really useful for finding people <90 who are incapable of certain kinds of cognitive reasoning. When it's used above that it's just all environmental conditions and noise

Anonymous No. 16187868

>but the pattern recognition style from IQ tests can be practiced and learned
You mean people can become cleverer if they practise using their brain? That's nuts haha

Anonymous No. 16187882

not really no, it just means that you are more practiced at answering those kinds of specific questions, it doesn't necessarily logically follow that you are now somehow more clever. It also speaks against the concept of IQ being something innate

Anonymous No. 16187930

This isn't wholly true. Practice is highly reflected in time based assessment.
Anyways, if what you are saying is true then you can point me to someone who has passed all of the extreme IQ tests as proof of their study for IQ methodology.

Anonymous No. 16187933

We're doing the silent Mona Lisa

Anonymous No. 16187943

>Practice is highly reflected in time based assessment.
>Anyways, if what you are saying is true then you can point me to someone who has passed all of the extreme IQ tests as proof of their study for IQ methodology.
Just look to this thread, there are multiple people saying that taking a test the 2nd time (having practiced more) their following score is higher. Even just try it yourself. If you accept this fairly self-evident premise then it follows that everyone goes into IQ tests with a complex history of practice on various areas which overlap with IQ test questions, therefore different IQ scores could simply be a reflection of the kind of life you've led and barely anything to do with innate intelligence (which is the whole point of IQ tests)

IQ tests are a fun novelty toy basically, not much more

Anonymous No. 16188053

Anon, someone with an IQ of 70 would have a difficult time with the captcha system. Most people here are going to be within 95-105 (I am probably one of the mire smoith brained people here) window. Not a shocking revelation I know.

Anonymous No. 16188056

Is Veritasium getting fat?

Anonymous No. 16188119

in the actual interviews, this line of his came out of nowhere. The interviewer asked him if he agreed with the rumours about him being the most intelligent person on Earth (no IQ mentioned), to which Hawkings responded this quote

Anonymous No. 16188226

>Anon, someone with an IQ of 70 would have a difficult time with the captcha system.
Why would they?

Anonymous No. 16188237

because they would be literally retarded

Anonymous No. 16188252

It's just copying some letters. Even if you think that IQ measures something meaningful, why would it make them blind?

Anonymous No. 16188290

it is not that they wouldnt know how to solve the captcha; they wouldnt know how to use internet in the first place